Dirty Girl (Dirty Girl Duet #1)

“Shower and sleep?”

She covers her yawn with a hand and nods. “Yes, please. As long as I don’t fall asleep standing right here.”

“You go first. I’m going to check out the rest of the house and make sure it’s locked up.”

By the time I return to the bedroom, Greer is already out of the shower and sound asleep in bed. Naked.

My shower’s going to take a little longer . . . because now I’ve got a raging hard-on to take care of.

Waking up with a man wrapped around me and the sound of waves crashing against the shore is decadent. I blink my eyes open to be almost blinded by the bright light streaming in through the windows, sparkling off the surface of the water outside.

Heaven. I’ve died and woken up in heaven.

I squint against the brightness and arch into the hard, muscled body behind me. Holy shit, his morning wood is more like a morning tree trunk. I lick my lips, intrigued at the thought of waking him up with his cock in my mouth.

Paradise, I love you.

I’ve wondered for years what it would be like to fall asleep with Cav and wake up next to him, and while I don’t remember what it was like to fall asleep next to him, I can certainly make waking up a memorable experience for both of us.

Very carefully, I lift his arm from where it’s curled under my boobs and slide out from beneath it. I wait silently, hoping he stays asleep. Soundlessly, he rolls to his back and throws an arm up over his head.


Carefully, I slide the sheet down his torso, revealing the ridges of his abs and the dark trail of hair leading to my prize. I’ve never wanted a dick in my mouth this badly before. It’s an odd compulsion, but I can’t ignore the power I feel at the thought of having this powerful man at my mercy.

One more tug of the sheet reveals his thick, hard cock. Perfection. Squeezing my thighs together to stem the growing ache, I lower my mouth to trail my lips from the head and down the vein that runs along the shaft. Cav’s hips shift when I reach his balls, which are already drawing tighter from the single caress.

I did mention my mad dick-sucking skills, right? Because that’s one talent I mastered in my I’m a virgin, but we can still get each other off days.

Thank God for misguided teenage ideals.

I glance up at Cav and find his hooded hazel eyes on me. A flash of insecurity hits me. What if my skills are only impressive to guys with a million times less experience than Cav? I wasn’t the only girl to lust after him while I was in law school, and I’ve seen plenty of pictures on gossip sites and magazines with gorgeous actresses that I can in no way compare to.

Cav reaches down and slides his hand into the hair that’s falling over my shoulder. “Waking up with you makes it a hell of a good morning, baby girl. But waking up with your lips on my cock? Fucking incredible.”

My momentary hesitation evaporates with his husky words, and I wrap my hand around his shaft and angle it toward my mouth. “Then you’re going to love this, Hollywood.”

I take him as deep as I can on the first pass and don’t stop trying until he’s touching the back of my throat. Cav’s groans urge me on as I work him deeper and faster. Heat builds between my legs as his fingers tangle in my hair on both sides and his hips lift toward my face. Pulling back for a breath, I cup his balls with one hand and jack the shaft with the other. I’m pretty sure this is the universal girl move for blowjob break.

“Fuck, baby. You’re gonna take it from me, aren’t you?” Cav growls, his stare boring into me.

I bite my lip and nod, still jacking his cock with one hand. With each movement, his thick thighs flex and tighten.

“I’m going to swallow every drop,” I tell him slowly.

“Fuck yes, you are. Every drop is going down that pretty throat of yours. You’re going to have my cum in your mouth, your pussy, and your ass before we leave this place.”

Heat floods my center. Who knew dirty talk flipped the switch so damn quickly? And him talking about filling my ass . . . it scares me, but intrigues me just as much.

Pushing that thought away for another time, I lower my head to finish the job I started and blow Cav’s mind.

Minutes later, his groans are growing louder and his hips are bucking faster into my mouth. I’m letting him fuck my face while I suck and stroke and lick. And it’s phenomenal. A complete power trip.

“Baby,” he says, low and urgent, and I know he’s about to come.

His hand grips my hair and holds my head in place as he fucks my mouth and explodes.

Just like he ordered, I swallow every drop.