Desire Me


It’s Monday night and Deena and I are getting ready for Monday night dinner at our respective Sororities. Every Monday night all the Sororities and Fraternities have a formal dinner at the house and break out into meetings afterwards. The pledge class has their own separate meeting. During dinner the Frat guys may pay us a visit to invite us to an exchange and tonight none other than THE Jason Bancroft is announced with a couple of his frat bad boys to invite us to an exchange. The girls sitting at my table perk up when Jason and his Posse walk into the dining room and I must say, they all are extremely hunk worthy.

“Can you say yum? I’ll take the hottie on the right.” I overhear Nicole, one of my pledge sisters say under her breath. Looking at the three, Jason is the one on the right. He does look pretty hot standing up there in all his handsome glory. I laugh at Nicole’s comment.

“What’s so funny Clarissa, wouldn’t you agree? He’s sex on a stick,” Nicole continues to salivate over him. I think it’s funny, I’m sorry. I try not to look at Jason that way, although it has been getting harder and harder to ignore his good looks and perfect male physique. Nicole is right, he is sex on a stick and I think he may just know it.

“He knows it too,” I mumble. After the tall one of the group invites us over for an exchange, which basically is the Sigma Chi house inviting our entire Sorority over to their house for a party, typically on a Thursday night, the frat boys file out. Jason sees me and offers a small smile in my direction.

“Do you know him? That’s Jason Bancroft,” Nicole tells me like I don’t know.

“Yeah I know, we’re friends. He’s in my English class,” I say as I continue to eat dinner.

“Really, what’s he like?”

“He’s nice,” is all I offer and Nicole looks frustrated by my response.

“Care to elaborate?”

“He’s a nice guy, what more is there to say?”

“I’ve seen you eating lunch with him,” Maci chimes in from across the table.

“You need to introduce us at the exchange okay?” Nicole says.

“Okay, remind me,” I say, knowing she won’t forget.



Grant wants me to come over Thursday night, but I can’t. I need to go to our exchange with Jason’s fraternity that night. All pledges are required to attend every exchange, they do a role call before the guys come to get us. At the appointed hour, the entire Sigma Chi Fraternity comes over and rings the doorbell. The whole Sorority crowds along the staircase and the foyer and then we open the door to greet the hot studs. They belt out their Fraternity song. After they finish serenading us, we sing out our Sorority song. It’s a little corny, but it is a tradition all the houses still follow.

The guys then walk us over to their house and we party. Some of us party harder than others. There are free flowing kegs of beer and usually a DJ is playing great tunes. Of course there are always random hook ups by the end of the night. That’s all part of the coming of age that goes on in college I suppose. Although I have never par taken in one of those. I’ve never been a one-night stand kind of girl. Grant was supposed to be the exception to the rule. I did go into that one thinking it would be my first one-night stand, but it has turned out to be way more than that, I think with a heavy heart.

I’m now in the backyard of the Sigma Chi house, with a drink in hand, and standing in a circle with a few of my pledge sisters. Nicole is standing next to me and gives me a nudge.

“There’s Bancroft, introduce us,” she whispers. I follow where her eyes are looking and see him by the keg filling his cup with beer and laughing with one of his frat brothers. He’s got on a snug fitting black v-neck t-shirt, dark snug jeans and his hair is gelled just so. He stands a little over six feet and has a perfect build, not too muscular but just right in my opinion. I look away before he catches me checking him out.

“He’s coming this way, catch his eye,” Nicole says. God, she is aggressive in an annoying way. She’s gorgeous though, she should have no problem hooking up with any one of these guys here tonight.

“Hi Ladies,” Jason comes and welcomes our group with his confident and drop-dead smile. His eyes stay on me longer than anyone else as he takes a drink out of his cup. Nicole elbows me.

“Jason, let me introduce my pledge sisters to you. This is Nicole, Maci and Bella. Girls this is Jason Bancroft.” As if he needed introducing. Each girl inflates her chest.

“It’s nice to meet you ladies,” Jason says.

Elle Boon, C.C. Cartwright, Catherine Coles, Mia Epsilon, Samantha Holt, J.W. Hunter, Allyson Lindt, Kathryn Kelly, Tracey Smith's books