“Hey Jason,” I wave back with a smile.
“Do you know who that is?” Deena says, gawking at him.
“I think his name is Jason something, he’s in my English class. Why do you ask, do you think he’s hot? He seems friendly enough, in a frat boy kind of way,” I trail off.
“That’s Jason Bancroft,” is all she offers at first.
“Okay, so…am I supposed to know who he is?”
“Hello, heir to the Bancroft Fortune. Bancroft Publishing House publishes all of the fashion magazines we read, amongst other things,” she gushes.
“Hmm, I had no idea,” I say, shrugging my shoulders like it’s no big deal because it isn’t.
“He’s a big fish, if you could hook him you would be set for life girl,” Deena dreams on.
“Well, perhaps for a Close Encounter,” I tease her.
“No more than that, how about a ‘Relationship’?” Deena says in all seriousness.
“Listen to you. Aren’t you getting way ahead of yourself?” I chastise her.
“Hey, we need to find husbands eventually,” she says nonchalantly.
“I don’t believe my ears Deena. You’re the one who is corrupting us all with this Close Encounter challenge. You encourage no strings fun, which isn’t working too well for me by the way. My Saturday guy wants to see me again,” I confide in her, which could come back to bite me later.
“What are you going to do? Was he good, are you going back for more?” she giggles.
“You are so bad. Yes, it was earth shattering,” I admit, waggling my eyebrows.
“Well, you could go for seconds, but it may set you back on your goal to reach four encounters this month. It’s up to you girl. I gotta run to my next class now. See you back at the apartment later,” Deena chirps as she grabs her backpack and heads off. I have some time to kill until my next class and check my cell phone for any emails or text messages.
“Hey Clarissa,” I hear a male voice come up behind me. It’s Jason Bancroft again.
“Oh, hi Jason,” I say looking up at him. He pulls the chair out that Deena was sitting in and takes a seat. He rests his arms on the table, interlocks his hands and leans in towards me.
“What are you up to Thursday night?” he asks in a low, sexy voice.
“Nothing that I know of.” I told Grant I would go over tomorrow, Tuesday, I remind myself.
“Well, my fraternity is having a party. Why don’t you come by and bring your roommates?” he says with a captivating smile as his eyes crinkle at the corners.
“That sounds like fun. I’m sure a couple of them would be up for it,” I reply.
“Great, see you around,” he says as he gets up and walks away. He’s a little cocky, but I like a confident guy. This party will be perfect for the girls to find someone to start getting their tally marks. My cell phone bings, alerting me to a text. I glance down at it.
Grant: I will be expecting you tomorrow evening.
A smile spreads across my face. I do like him, a lot. More than I care to admit. But he is trouble with a capital “T”, in more ways than one.
When I get home from school everyone is home, which is unusual with our crazy class schedules.
“I got an invitation to a frat party this Thursday and we are all going,” I command over dinner.
“Who invited us?” Deena asks.
“None other than ‘THE’ Jason Bancroft himself,” I say teasingly.
“I’m so there,” Deena says, and she can barely contain her excitement.
“I knew you would be. What about you two?” I ask, looking at Kara and Lexi.
“I guess I will go,” Kara says unenthusiastically.
“I’ve never been to a frat party. Are they rowdy?” Lexi asks timidly. Oh brother, she will definitely be cleaning the apartment for the next three months!
“They can be, and you are going. We will protect you if you want protecting. This will be a great opportunity to find a guy for a Close Encounter,” I tease as Deena and I give each other a high five.
~~To Be Continued~~
~~In Close Encounters 2~~
Close Encounters 2
New Adult and College Romance Series
Book 2
C.C. Cartwright