
Only the mainstream media, with the collusion of dishonest anti-Trump conservatives, could have the gall to portray me as a pedophilia apologist. It’s true, I made light of my personal experiences, and used (and will continue to use) flippant language when discussing them, but that’s just one way I deal with the darkness in my youth. The other way is by taking ruthless vengeance on the people who actually harm children.

The media is not interested in fighting pedophilia. If you think CNN’s Jake Tapper was angrily tweeting about me on behalf of his anonymous victim prone friend, and not on behalf of his own inclination for grandstanding, then you haven’t been paying attention. How did Tapper, who calls himself a journalist, spend so much time talking about me and pedophilia, without once mentioning my role in outing Nicholas Nyberg (aka Sarah Nyberg, aka Sarah Butts), a male-to-female tranny, self-confessed pedophile, and white nationalist apologist?1 In the thousands of op-eds written about me, was there a single mention of Luke Bozier, a former business associate of the rabidly anti-Trump Louise Mensch, who was arrested on suspicion of viewing indecent images of children after I reported on him?2 And did any news site that accused me of pandering to pedophiles acknowledge my reporting on Chris Leydon, a London tech journalist who was found guilty of making indecent images of children,3 and is now facing a rape trial?4 They ignored all of this, every single one of them did, which proves that they were never really interested in combating pedophilia, just in bringing me down – and they failed at that too.

Dozens of big-name progressives, including former NFL punter Chris Kluwe, Daily Beast columnist Arthur Chu, and British comedian Graham Linehan ignored or openly supported the self-confessed pedophile Nicholas/Sarah Nyberg after I outted him.5

Right around the same time, Salon published the writings of Todd Nickerson, a so-called “virtuous pedophile,” who alleges he has never harmed children and never will, yet also said, behind the cover of an internet pseudonym, that his goal was to “protect children from harm, not sex.”6 Salon later deleted his articles out of shame, yet VICE, another leftist rag, still carries a glowing profile of Nickerson.7

While leftist journalists attack me as a “pedophile advocate” for rationalizing my own childhood experience of abuse, they’re also trying to normalize attitudes that would lead to more children being abused. For God’s sake, I wrote an article on Breitbart in 2015 called “Here’s Why The Progressive Left Keeps Sticking Up For Pedophiles.”8 These people deserve to be consigned to the gutter of history.

The most surprising publication to defend Nickerson was National Review, home of anti-Trump establishment conservativism, where one of the publication’s top writers called on society to “think twice” before condemning Nickerson.9 This is the very same publication whose writers and editors were at the forefront of efforts to disinvite me from CPAC.

I’m no hypocrite. I tell the truth, always. That’s my whole fucking problem. For the fake news to imply otherwise, when the facts were right in front of their face, is exactly why President Trump has (correctly) labeled them “the enemy of the people.”

But that’s the mainstream media’s entire game. They have no problem telling the public that black is white, up is down, two plus two equals five. Trying to paint a bitter opponent of pedophilia as an advocate for the crime is just another day at the office for them. Malcolm X said, “If you’re not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.” He was right then and he’s right now. Only the prevailing narratives have changed. Every single thing President Trump has said about the press is 100% accurate. I know, I experienced it firsthand.

To the victims of child abuse: we will fight against Salon, VICE, National Review, and anyone else who seeks to normalize pedophiles – “virtuous” or otherwise. To the real victims of rape: we will restore due process, call out the liars, and end the feminist hysteria that makes you less likely to be believed. To the real marginalized voices on college campuses: the Dangerous Faggot is on his way, and, like him, you need to get out of the closet and be fabulous. To the victims of homophobia, patriarchy, street harassment and intolerance: don’t worry, we’ll put a lid on Muslim immigration.

There are real victims out there, and together, you and I are going to fight for them. We’re going to do so without self-pity, without a cult of victimhood, and certainly without safe spaces. As self-centered as I am, this really isn’t about me. It’s about you. They can call me any name they want, as they have, and as they will continue to do. But they won’t stop me from fighting for your right to speak freely, honestly, and rudely, no matter who doesn’t like it.

America isn’t about where you’re from. It’s about how grateful you are to be in the greatest country on earth. I love America, and I love what it stands for. For most of 2016 I traveled across America on my Dangerous Faggot college speaking tour. My college tour was the most talked about of the year. I was also the most disinvited speaker of the year. And maybe of all time.

I wasn’t just speaking on my tour, however, I was listening. I’m like the raptors in Jurassic Park, testing their electrified fences to find weaknesses. I saw some weaknesses, and they were strikingly similar to what I saw in England, right before we opened our borders to the world. But in England, we don’t have that wonderful First Amendment that America does.

I’m here in America with a warning from England. I know I push buttons. I don’t fucking care. If you don’t understand what I’m talking about…well, consider this book your red pill.

Let’s get started.


“If Muslims are primarily the people that are blowing up planes, then I would like them to be searching Muslims before I get on a plane.”

–Chelsea Handler

“I used to date Hispanic guys, but now I prefer consensual.”

–Amy Schumer

“Behind ever successful Rap Billionaire is a double as rich Jewish man.”

–Trevor Noah

“The Nazis did have flaws, but they did look fucking fantastic while they were killing people on the basis of their religion and sexuality.”

–Russell Brand

“What kind of world do we live in where a totally cute white girl can’t say chink on network television?”

–Sarah Silverman

“The Left is filled with hypocrites who choose their targets of outrage based solely on their politics.”


My name is Milo, and this book will tell you how I became what America now knows as “the most fabulous supervillain on the internet,” and, “the dangerous faggot.”

Milo Yiannopoulos's books