Crave Me (The Good Ol' Boys #4)

Am I wrong? Is this a mistake? Am I going to regret this?

I closed my eyes and pulled my tank top over my head, before either of us gave what I’d just said anymore thought. Tossing it aside, I felt a chill on my bare breasts. I reached for my cotton shorts and slid them down with my panties, flinging them both aside as well.

When I was fully undressed, I took a deep breath and opened my eyes. I would never forget the look on his face for as long as I lived. It was the first time anyone had ever looked at me like that.

“You’re beautiful,” he coaxed with hooded eyes and a sad smile.

I blushed, not used to the praise. I could sense his resolve as his eyes took me in. I could feel his thoughts raging a war in his mind, so I leaned in again before he could give it anymore thought. Taking away the need to feel anything other than what was wreaking havoc on my soul.

I leaned back against the bed, bringing him with me. My hands pressed against his chest when I felt his weight on top of me. I ignored the smell and taste of alcohol that radiated off his breath, knowing that it was impairing his decision between right and wrong.

I wanted this.

I needed this.

It was wrong, but it didn’t matter because in that moment it felt right, and that’s all that mattered to me.

We kissed and touched each other, getting lost in the moment, getting caught up in the way we were making each other feel. His hands were everywhere and all at once, like he couldn’t decide where he wanted to touch me the most. I sought comfort in the false illusion he was letting me have, and reality hit the second I felt his dick at my entrance. It all became clear that this was really happening.

And I welcomed it with open arms.

He leaned his forehead against mine and groaned, “Are you sure? This is what you want?”

I smiled against his lips, nodding. Kissing him hard once again. He thrust in slowly, and carefully, knowing that this was my first time. I held back the urge to whimper, not wanting him to stop but to keep going and make me feel the promises of what his hands already brought me.

When he was fully inside of me, he let out a deep, long breath. “Are you okay?” he murmured in between kissing me.

I nodded again, not being able to form the words for what I was thinking, let alone feeling. The sounds of our bodies coming together echoed in the room, filling the silent void. Once the stinging diminished, a new bubbling feeling crept into my lower abdomen.

I moaned and my head fell back, allowing him to kiss, lick, and suck.

His hand reached down between us to touch me and I swear I thought I was going to die.

Right then and there.

“Oh my God,” I panted.

I couldn’t take it anymore.

The way his thrusts devoured me, the way his fingers played with me, the way his kisses consumed me, was far too much for me to control. The room started to spin and my breathing faltered. I felt like I was coming apart and being ripped open all at the same time, barely being able to control my movements, let alone my breathing.

I made all sorts of noises that seemed foreign coming out of my mouth. The room caved in on me, as spasms consumed my body, taking me to the edge and all I wanted to do was fall.

I was almost there…

So close…

Just one more…


“YOU, MOTHERFUCKER!” Uncle roared, taking something else away from me.

I screamed, jolting out of my skin. Esteban was roughly ripped away from me and I saw his body being thrown across the room. His back hit the wall so hard it tore through the drywall. My uncle didn’t falter, he picked him up and slammed him up against the doorframe, and I heard a loud crack.

I was frozen in place with the sheet covering my naked body. I sat there watching my only friend, get ripped away from my life.

I couldn’t move.

I couldn’t speak.

I couldn’t tear my eyes off the brutal scene in front of me. As if I was watching a train wreck unfold and not being able to look away.

“YOU PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT! AFTER EVERYTHING I’VE DONE FOR YOU!” My uncle roared, picking him up off the ground again and punching him in the face repeatedly.

Esteban’s body lay lax against my uncle’s strong grip. He punched him in the stomach causing the beaten man to fall forward, crumbling to the ground. He bent down flipping him onto his back and straddled his waist, beating him to an inch of his life.

Because of me.

More blood on my hands.

“NO!” I screamed, loud enough to break glass. “PLEASE! STOP! PLEASE I’M BEGGING YOU! I’LL DO ANYTHING! ANYTHING!”

My uncle ignored me and continued his assault on Esteban’s face and body. When he finally stopped to stand, I breathed a sigh of relief, thinking I’d won. That I got through to him.

I didn’t.

He reached into the back of his slacks and pulled out his gun, aiming it right at Esteban’s head.

“NO!” I cried out.

M. Robinson's books