Coup De Grace

“No, we won’t. We really won’t. I’ll never be able to forget how this feels. It’s like razor blades tearing through my uterus, and a pair of needle nose pliers trying to rip the spasming organ out through my cun…” Michael slapped his hand over my mouth as the elevator doors opened.

I’d been screaming, and apparently he didn’t want me to scream ‘cunt’ in general population.

Lennox had no problem laughing her ass off, consequently forgetting she was supposed to be pushing my wheelchair.

Michael, exasperated, took over the job and pushed me to the nurse’s station where they immediately gave us a room.

“What? Did you threaten them, too?” I asked with a narrowed eyed look over my shoulder.

Michael smiled. “You’ll never know.”

I rolled my eyes.

The man was incorrigible, and he couldn’t help himself sometimes.

“Are you going to let any of the nurses take care of me?” I asked dryly. “You’re horrible.”

Michael helped me into the bed once he’d locked the wheelchair’s wheels, and I sighed in relief to have my feet up.

“Yeah, as a matter of fact, he is!” Hannah crowed as she came into the room.

I rolled my eyes. “You know, it’s really, really weird to have your sister in law’s hands up your cooch.”

Hannah smiled. “We’re all adults here. If you can handle it, I can handle it.”

I just shook my head. “I haven’t seen you on this floor in a while. How perfect that you’re on shift today,” I said dryly.

Hannah grinned. “In reality, I wasn’t supposed to be on this floor today. But I’m scheduled on this floor for the time being until you’re back from maternity leave.”

She gave me a pointed look that said she’d known where I was today. Something I’d told her but not my husband.

I blushed.

I was supposed to be on maternity leave.

But when Jasmine had begged me to continue seeing her once I’d graduated school, I could do nothing less.

Even if it meant I had to deliver her kid while I was in labor with my own.

Something Michael hadn’t realized I’d done yet, since I’d left while he was at work and conveniently forgot to tell him.

“That’s cool,” I said, changing the subject.

“Alright, Hannah, check her out so we can see where we’re at,” Michael ordered.

Hannah shot him a disproving look. “I know how to do my job, boyo.”

His brows rose. “You’ve been talking to Peek.”

Hannah grinned and lifted up her shirt to reveal her belly to us.

She’d gotten a tattoo of Reggie’s name on her lower hipbone in bold, beautiful scripted letters.

“Wow, that’s awesome,” Lennox and I parroted at the same time.

Michael smiled. “It hurt, didn’t it. I told you not to go there with your first tattoo.”

Hannah shrugged. “Hurt like a motherfucker. But Peek gave me a shot of Jack Daniel’s to tide me over. And kept them coming until it was done. When I left I could barely stand. Had to call a cab to take me home.”

I gasped as another contraction tore through me, bringing everyone’s attention back to me.

“Alright, you know the drill,” Hannah picked up a gown and tossed it at Michael. “Help her in that, and we’ll step outside the curtains. Let us know when you’re done…and what the fuck happened to your face?”

I coughed to cover up my laugh.

She’d just now noticed that after being in the room with him for ten minutes?

Michael ignored her and swung the curtains closed himself before walking over to me.

“You ready for this?” He asked softly, his eyes taking in my every feature.

I nodded and started to strip my shirt over my head, followed by my sports bra.

Michael’s eyes flared as he caught sight of my swollen belly and big breasts, but managed to stand still as I stood and pushed my maternity yoga pants over my hips, followed closely by my panties.

I offered him my hands, and he slipped the gown on over my chest, covering my nakedness without one lewd touch or comment.

He must really be scared, I thought.

Which stood to reason.

I was scared to.

Really scared.

But the thing about Michael and me was that we’d both gone through hell together, and had come out the other side.

We had our scars.

Lani Lynn Vale's books