Consolation Prize (Forbidden Men #9)

I blew out a breath and turned away, pressing my hand to my abdomen. He was going to keep our secret. I wasn’t sure I liked him knowing it in the first place, but I was glad he wasn’t going to tattle on us.

“Evening, guys. We’re not late, are we?” a new voice asked from behind me, making me turn back to take in the new arrivals.

Two more joined the group, taking stools on either side of Pick and Ten. Both of them I’d seen at the bar before and knew their names.

Dr. Hamilton was tall and hulky and about the most gorgeous young surgeon on the face of the planet. And what was even more amazing about him, he was also the nicest, sweetest and shiest man I’d ever encountered.

On the other side of him, equal parts as hot and nice as Dr. Hamilton, but maybe not quite so shy, was Mason Lowe. He was related to Pick, or their wives were related to each other, or something. I wasn’t quite sure. He stopped by a lot and went straight to Pick’s office. It was kind of strange to see him stop at the bar for a drink, though.

Oddly enough, I’d come to learn he was also the brother to Brandt’s wife, Sarah.

So, while Brandt headed straight to greet him, I turned my grin to Dr. Melt Me.

“Hi, Dr. Hamilton,” I greeted, my voice maybe, possibly a tad bit breathless. “What can I get you?”

His smile made my insides melt a little (yeah, I’d definitely nicknamed him aptly) before he said, “I’ll take a—”

“No, hey…” Ten lifted a hand across Dr. Hamilton’s chest. “We are not overworking the lovely Rihanna tonight and making her serve us. Butthead can fetch your drink.”

“Rihanna?” Dr. Hamilton frowned in confusion. “I thought her name was Julianna.”

“No shit? Is it really?” Ten swung his gaze to me with surprise. “So the name I assigned you actually rhymes with your real name? That’s so awesome!” He held out his hand to fist bump with me.

I couldn’t help it, I laughed and fist bumped him back.

“Here you go,” he added, handing me another five dollars. “This one’s for having an awesome name.” Then he clapped his hands to get Brandt’s attention so he could serve Dr. Hamilton.

And thus the night continued. No one mentioned Colton again—much to my disappointment—or tried again to theorize who his new fuck buddy was—much to my relief—but I kind of stuck near the group anyway. It wasn’t busy in the place and there was just something very drawing about them. I liked them, but more…I liked knowing about their ties to my man.

I knew I probably shouldn’t be labeling Colton as mine. But he was. After hearing how our night together had affected him, he was most definitely mine. I just wasn’t sure yet how long I would get to keep him.

One thing was certain, I wasn’t ready to give him up anytime soon.


I was jumpy and nervous as I walked into philosophy the next morning. I still wasn’t sure what Colton was going to do.

I’d woken up to a text from him.

I hadn’t responded. I was too on edge, stressing about class. Would he sit by me, flirt with me, kiss me?

Of course he’d sit by me. Aside from that little glitch after the wedding where he’d been upset, he’d always come to me and flirted and talked whenever we were in the same room. But the kissing…I didn’t know. Did he do public displays of affection with the women he saw? Not that we were technically seeing each other, as in relationship-wise, but yeah, would he even touch me?

A part of me craved just that. After hearing last night how I’d rocked his world enough to make his brother-in-law notice the change, I was ready to grab his shirt, yank him close and molest his mouth senseless, while another part of me kind of dreaded it.

Was I really ready for this big of an announcement to the world yet? I was involved with a guy not of my own race. I had no idea why I didn’t stress about that issue as much when I’d been wanting to date Brandt. But now that something was actually happening between me and Colton, it was just…I didn’t even know. I was beginning to worry what everyone else would think, which I knew I shouldn’t, even as I did anyway.

My breath caught when he walked into the room, sipping from my mug, and suddenly I knew. Hell yes, I was ready to be seen in public with him.

My stomach fluttered as I straightened in my chair and glanced at the empty seat beside me. Thank God no one had sat there yet. I might’ve been forced to kick them out in order to make room for my man. But when I glanced toward Colton again, he was no longer in the doorway. Frowning, I searched the aisles until I spotted him falling into a seat clear on the other side of the room and behind me. My mouth fell open. He didn’t glance my way or even seem to notice I was present.

What the hell?