Consolation Prize (Forbidden Men #9)

He shook his head and sighed. “I haven’t even thought about that shit since the big reveal that won me Sarah. Well, aside from half an hour ago when Juli brought it up. I can’t believe you fucking told her.”

“I didn’t tell her,” I insisted, glancing toward Noel and Ten, who were watching us avidly. “I mean, I told her some things here and there. I had no idea I’d told her enough that she’d figure it out. I would never do that to you.”

“Jesus, you really are a dumbass.” Reaching out, Brandt clasped his hand around the back of my neck before tugging me forward until our foreheads pressed together. “I’m going to say this once, and one time only. Stop worrying about that. It’s over. I’m over it. The family’s over it. You should be over it. You were eight fucking years old. If I’d known you had seen what you saw, I wouldn’t have blamed you then, and I don’t blame you now. The only thing that pissed me off was when you finally did spill the beans to everyone, but that ended up better for me anyway because it landed me Sarah, so I’m over that too. You’re not the one who did anything wrong. She is. So get over it. Right now.”

I nodded but dropped my gaze, still feeling guilty.

A second later, I looked up. “Then why are you this bent out of shape about Juli?” I had thought he’d turn his nose up at our relationship and wonder what her ulterior motives were, then try to convince me of what they were, but I hadn’t imagined he’d be quite this gung ho against it. “You don’t still want her for yourself, do you?”

“What? No!” He smacked me on the side of my head. “Get that shit out of your head right now.”

I dodged my face away from him in case he swung again. “Then what’s your deal?” I demanded.

“I told you, you idiot. It’s suspicious. I don’t trust how she switched her attention from me to you like she did. I can’t trust it. And any time I think some woman might be screwing over my little brother, I’m going to try to stop it. Besides…” He shuddered. “I imagined what it’d be like to fuck her. Now, to learn that you have…it’s fucking strange.”

“Well,” I said slowly. “If you ever had any kind of faith in me, believe me now when I say I know she’s over you. She isn’t using me. I swear it on everything I’ve ever believed. She loves me.”

Brandt frowned at me a moment before giving me a reluctant nod and mumbling, “If you say so.”

I grinned and slapped his arm. “And hell…if it makes you feel any better, I’ve imagined what it’d be like to sex up Sarah.”

Brandt narrowed his eyes. “Don’t be an ass.”

“What?” I cried, shrugging. “It’s true.”

“I’ve always wondered about Shakespeare myself,” Ten announced, making Noel nail him with a sharp glare.

“What have you wondered about me?” Aspen said as she opened the back door. She entered the kitchen, lugging a baby carrier with Lucy Olivia nestled inside. And behind her filed Beau, Teagan and then Caroline.

Ten’s eyes flared wide as she sent him a pleasantly innocent yet curious glance. Together, he and Noel answered, “Nothing.”

“Must be about sex, then,” Caroline decided as she tossed an armful of shopping bags onto the table. Then she set her hands on her hips as she eyed her husband and three brothers. “Your eye is red,” she decided, focusing on Ten before she scrutinized the rest of us. “You got punched again. What happened?”

Noel, Ten, Brandt, and I exchanged a silent glance, not sure what to share with them.

Finally, Brandt sighed and announced, “Colton has a new girlfriend.”

And I knew he’d accept it despite whether he was okay with it or not.


I was pacing my living room and waiting for word back from Colton about how things had gone with his brother—who was not my favorite person at the moment—when Tyla blew into the apartment, crying hysterically.

She slammed the door behind her and started to storm toward the hallway but shrieked when she saw me lurking nearby.

“Oh my God, JuJu.” She pressed her hand to her heart. “You scared the shit out of me. What’re you doing here?”

“I live here,” I said slowly before reaching out to catch her arm. “Are you okay?”

“No,” she wailed, burying the heels of her palms into her eye sockets. “I did it. I broke up with him. I told him to go shove it where the sun didn’t shine. Oh my God, JuJu. What am I going to do?”

“Well, first you’re going to sit down,” I told her gently as I took her arm and led her toward the couch. “Then you’re going to drink the cup of hot tea I make you and you’ll tell me all about it.”

“Okay.” She bobbed her head and mopped at her eyes as she plopped onto the couch. “Okay.”

I petted her shoulder once and then hurried into the kitchen, texting Sasha as I went.

She wrote back moments later with: