Consolation Prize (Forbidden Men #9)

When I glanced back, the worry on her face had me turning to her fully. “Jesus, baby doll. Don’t worry. It’ll be okay.”

She gripped my wrists when I cupped her cheeks in my hands. “You didn’t believe him, did you? That I’m only with you because of him?”

“Of course I know that.” I pressed our foreheads together. “I didn’t believe him.” I sent her a smile, hoping she’d smile back. But she still looked worried. So I sighed and lamented, “I guess your crush on him is really over.”

Her lips trembled into a smile. “Baby, I’ve been over him since the moment you walked into the Forbidden Nightclub and flirted with me. I just didn’t realize it until you offered to be my consolation prize.”

“Damn.” My chest heaved with emotion. Hoping for something to be true was a hell of a lot different than hearing it said aloud straight from the source. I decided I liked hearing it straight from the source so much better.

My relief made Julianna squint. “You weren’t really worried about that, were you?”

I shrugged, not really able to lie. “There might have been some occasions where I thought I was the only one feeling it. I gotta admit, it’s not cool wondering if you’re falling hopelessly for a woman who might still be hung up on your brother.”

“Colton David Gamble.” She tsked and shook her head with reproach. “How in God’s name could you ever think I could ever focus on anyone else whenever you’re in the room?”

“I don’t know.” I shrugged. “I’m used to coming in second place.”

“Not with me you don’t,” she said seriously.

“God, I love you,” I admitted just before my mouth sank against hers.

She clutched two fistfuls of my hair and kissed me back. But I think she could taste the desperation and worry on my lips because she pulled away to say, “Okay, I know you want to chase after him. Go ahead. And tell him I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have shoved his traumatic experience in his face like that.”

“Okay,” I answered breathlessly. “Will do. And thank you for defending me, by the way. Hottest thing ever.” I touched her cheek one last time before flying out the door.

Brandt was long gone by the time I reached the parking lot. So I hurried to my truck and climbed behind the wheel. I drove to his place first. But Sarah, who answered the door, reported he wasn’t home. Curious as to what was going on because he’d blown out of there without telling her anything, she made me stick around long enough to explain what had happened.

“He went to your house,” she decided, knowing her husband’s mind better than anyone. “Probably trying to convince Noel to side with him.”

I rolled my eyes. That did sound about right. “Thanks, Sarah,” I started, only to pause and cock her a glance. “What’re your thoughts about the whole thing? Do you not like me being with Juli?”

“Oh, I think it’s great,” she exploded with a big grin. “I’ve always liked her. I just didn’t like her with Brandt. But if you and she click, then I’m more than happy for you.”

I kissed her on the forehead. “We click,” I said. We clicked perfectly if I did say so myself.

She swatted at my hip. “Then go convince my husband of that.”

I nodded and raced out the door.

Brandt’s truck sat at the curb when I reached home. The Tennings’ SUV sat right behind it. Great. Caroline’s crew was still here.

I rolled my eyes. Let the family drama begin.

Brandt was railing at Noel as soon as I stepped through the back door.

“I’m telling you, you need to put a stop to this. Those two don’t belong together.”

Noel gave an uneasy laugh and lifted his hands. “What exactly do you expect me to do? Ground him? He’s a legal adult now. Besides, why can’t he see whoever the fuck he wants?”

Brandt gurgled out an incredulous sound. “You sure as fuck didn’t feel that way when you found out Caroline and Ten were hooking up when she was eighteen.”

“He has a point,” Ten said, surprising me because I hadn’t seen him sitting on the kitchen counter with his feet swinging as he ate…what the fuck was he eating? String cheese?

Neither of my sisters or their children were present. At least it was just us guys I had to deal with.

Noel was slicing Ten a dry glance before he turned back to Brandt. “Well, I’d like to think I learned a lesson from that, just like you should have. If Colton and this girl are happy together and she treats him right, I don’t see a problem with it.”

“Thank you,” I told my older brother, which made Brandt spin around and nail me with a glare.

I eyed him levelly, not sure how to approach this. I wanted to apologize for unintentionally letting the cat out of the bag to Julianna about his past, but I wasn’t fucking backing down about seeing her. It was too late for that shit, even if I was desperate to do anything to get him to forgive me.

“I’m sorry you don’t approve of me being with Julianna,” I said slowly. “But I’m not going to stop. Not even for you.”