Confessions of a Bad Boy

“Are you close?” she says, her sultry voice filling my ears like a command from God.

I look up and see the glint in her eyes, relishing the power she has over me right now, enjoying the fact that she’s created a storm inside of me that only she can calm now. Her hot, wet lips so close.

“Yes. Fuck…”

She presses her closed lips to the end of my cock, making them real tight, and sucking it through her lips like an ice pop. I throw my head back uncontrollably, giving every essence of my being up to her. Suddenly she’s working my cock so brilliantly it’s difficult to believe she’s doing it with just her mouth. It feels like there are multiple mouths there, numerous lashing tongues, each one connected to all my nerve centers, sending me through loops of sweet anticipation and hard-hitting satisfaction. I hold on like a man falling to earth as I begin to thrust into her mouth, groaning uncontrollably and struggling to savor each beautiful, passing moment of ecstasy as it whips past me.

Soon it becomes harder to hold back than to let go. When I come, I come hard. Like a punch in the gut that knocks me out, so drained that I feel like my body might float away. Jessie urges it out of me, sucking my juice ravenously, wrapping her tongue around my cock and swallowing it with lidded eyes and soft moans.

I lie back for a few moments, completely spent, remembering what it feels like to be human, somehow out of breath. Jessie rolls off to the side, and when I sit up I immediately notice the relaxed look on her face, the satisfied rise and fall of her breasts.

The urge to kiss her tenderly, to take her in my arms, passes as quickly as it comes. All the feelings of guilt, of Kyle, of what this might do to all of our relationships, start creeping back into my mind like dark clouds.

“Just while we’re here, at the retreat, right?” I say.

She opens her eyes and looks at me, a note of seriousness suddenly in the repose of her face.

“Right. Just while we’re here.”

After a big breakfast with some of the other couples, though I note that Dominique is conspicuously absent, I leave Jessie behind and agree to play a round of golf with a few of the ‘old boys.’ Normally I find golf about as boring as hitting tiny balls with a giant stick, but after spending so much time with Jessie, I’ll take any opportunity for both of us to get a break from each other. Maybe it’ll do us some good, because sticking together seems to be turning into a very bad idea.

The only problem is that as soon I get away from Jessie, I think about her even more.

Five of us drive out to the course, enough to keep the inside-jokes, backroom dealings, and masculine atmosphere going the whole time, but I’m on automatic throughout. My mouth makes sounds, my body plays the game, but inside I’m wrestling with questions and problems like a hormonal teenager with nosy parents.

The biggest problem, besides that it’s fundamentally wrong to fuck someone you grew up making mudpies with, is that Kyle would tear me apart like a chicken wing if he found out. He already hates Jessie’s boyfriends enough to the point that if he had any actual say, he’d sign her up for a nunnery until she was forty-five. But me? I’m supposed to be the guy he can trust, pretty much part of the family. I’m supposed to be the guy he comes to when Jessie stops listening to him.

It doesn’t help that Kyle knows exactly who I am: The ‘Bad Boy.’ The serial womanizer for whom a third date is a long-term relationship. The Romeo whose mother tongue is body language, and who’s worked through the Kama Sutra twice over. The guy who hates reliability, sticking around, and building a genuine emotional connection that lasts – precisely the things that Kyle wants for Jessie.

I get so terrified thinking of Kyle’s reaction that I over hit every drive well past the green. It’s not just the fact that Kyle would leave me scattered in several pieces all over L.A. if he found out, it’s the betrayal. Kyle’s been my best friend for as long as I can remember. And now that I’m an adult, he and Jessie are the only friends I’ve kept for that long. He was there when I needed a friend – which was pretty much my entire childhood…

If Kyle wasn’t so protective, so damned judgmental, things would be fine. Things will be fine. Jessie and I are on the same page now. What happens at the retreat, stays at the retreat. Once we leave Napa, we’ll just forget all of this happened – last night, this morning, whatever happens next…

Around the sixteenth hole I start thinking about what will happen next. Just thinking about how Jessie looked this morning, naked and hungry between my thighs, makes me shudder and tighten up with the prospect of a round two. Her ass in those jean-shorts, her lips in the pool, the sounds of her losing control when she comes.

J. D. Hawkins's books