Cherished (McKenzie Brothers, #5)

“I love you, Noah, and that’s a date.”

I smile, realizing that for the first time in a long time, I’m happy. Really, really, happy. “I love you, too.”



Sitting back on the sofa at my parents’ house, I watch Noah as he plays with Michael Jr. and Charlotte. They are getting so big now and Lily can’t turn her back or they’re climbing on something they’re shouldn’t be. Reminds me of my brothers and I. To this day, I’m not sure how my mom kept us all in order so we didn’t turn out bad. She did one hell of a job raising us.

Our new niece and nephew are around two weeks old and they are beautiful. I’ve never seen my brothers so tame before. Well, Michael I have when Lily gave birth to the twins, but Lucien, never. So this is fresh and one day I’m going to remind him how he was when Alexander was born. Something tells me that he won’t give a fuck about it though.

“My brother looks good over there.” Carla joins me on the sofa.

I place my arm over her shoulders and pull her against me. It won’t be long before Sebastian appears though.

“What have you been up to? I don’t see you anymore.”

She nudges me in the side. “Well, if you and my brother didn’t hole up all the time at your cabin—which we’ve all been warned to stay away from when you’re there—then you might get to see more of me. I’ve missed you both.”

In my selfishness to keep Noah to myself, I hadn’t realized how that would affect others, especially Carla, who holds a special place in my heart.

I kiss her on the forehead. “I’m sorry.” Then her comment about being warned to stay away registers. “What did you mean about staying away from the cabin?”

She chuckles. “Pippa warned us it might be best to stay away from the cabin when you’re both there.”

Groaning, I drop my head to the back of the sofa. “I can’t believe my mom…”

She grins, and interrupts, “Believe it, I think…Hmm, something about the hot tub keeps coming up…no pun intended.”

It takes a minute, but then I roar with laughter and feel Carla giggling beside me.

“Hey, what are you doing with your hands on my wife?” Sebastian asks, trying to keep his face straight but the twitch around his lips gives him away.

“I like having my hands on your wife.”

Carla chuckles as she gets to her feet to wrap her arm around Seb’s waist. “Don’t be a stranger, Ramon.”

“We won’t. I promise.”

All my family is here today, even Sylvia who Mom invited, much to Eric’s annoyance. They’ve been caught in very intense situations a couple of times now, but this is the first time I’ve seen Eric throw such dark looks toward Sylvia. Normally he finds it a struggle to hide his lust for her, but not today. Makes me wonder what’s going on.

With Carla’s words before, I realized that she isn’t the only one I haven’t kept up with. I told Sylvia I wanted to stay friends and that I valued her friendship, so where have I been? I know it goes both ways, but perhaps she’s had more going on in her life as well.

I seriously need to start catching up before everyone gives up on me.

Feeling eyes on me, I glance over at Noah and return his smile. His eyes keep dancing toward my parents, who are sitting on the loveseat by the window. It’s his signal to announce that we’re planning on getting married. Initially, I’d told him it was his job to make that announcement because I’d done the asking. He wouldn’t take me on, and pointed out that it’s my family, so it’s my announcement to make.

We could have gone back and forth on that subject but I’d conceded—besides, I was looking forward to shouting the news to the world.

Which is how I find myself moving to the center of the room with Noah joining me. He slips his hand into mine and squeezes for encouragement.

Michael is the first to realize something is going on and smiles when he thinks he knows what.

Clearing my throat, I get everyone’s attention and feel the nerves comeback tenfold when Dad focuses his attention on me. It doesn’t matter that everyone else is also looking at me. He’s my dad and, I guess no matter how old I’ll get, his is the opinion that always matters.

“You obviously have something to tell us, son, so get on with it, and you’ll feel better afterwards.”

Oh fuck!

“We’re getting married. Noah and I. Last night.” God, I clamp my mouth shut before anything else can come out.

“You got married last night?” Mom gasps.

Ugh, I guess that’s how it sounded.