Chasing You (Love Wanted in Texas #5)

“Holy shit. Is Meg blushing? Seriously, am I seeing this with my own eyes? Meagan Atwood has been bitten by the love bug and it makes her blush.”

My eyes shot behind Grayson as I pinned Luke with a pissed off stare. “Fuck off, Luke.”

With a wink, Luke gave me a head pop. “And there she is, always buried deep down inside waiting to come out.”

Grayson laughed as he slid his arm around my waist and led me to the door. “We need to get going.”

Peeking over to Libby, I gave her a thumbs-up as we headed out the door while Libby yelled out, “Don’t mess up her hair! I can only imagine the kind of sex you two have!”

Grayson opened the door to our rental car and shook his head. “Why does everyone think we have hot sex?”

With a shrug, I gave him a sexy grin. “Because I tell them about our sex.”

“Oh. So you think we have hot sex?”

“Let’s just say, staying with my parents the last two weeks has really caused me to have a build up and I’m pretty sure I’m going to need a release soon. Very soon. And all I can think about is our hot sex.”

“My god,” Grayson whispered as he shut the door, pulled out his phone and typed away. When he got in, I looked at him and asked, “Who were you texting?”

“Noah. I asked him to book us a room in Fredericksburg for tonight.”

I chuckled at first then shook my head. “No way. My parents will know what we’re doing.”

Grayson drove down the driveway and laughed. “Um, Meg, we’re engaged to be married and we’re having a baby. I think the idea of us having sex is pretty solid now.”

Wringing my hands together, I cleared my throat. It was now or never. “Gray, I was wondering if we might talk about something.”

His hand came across and grabbed mine as butterflies danced about in my stomach. “Of course we can.”

Damn it all to hell. How do I say this? Where do I start? What if Grayson wants one thing and I want something else? After all, I’m changing the way the game is played in the middle of the damn game.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

I tried to work it all out in my head as Grayson continued to drive. I wasn’t sure how long he had driven for before I realized he was not heading toward Fredericksburg.

“Ah . . . where are you going?”

“I want to show you something, but what was it you wanted to talk about? You got super quiet.”

“Well . . . these last two weeks home have been pretty amazing. I mean, I know all the stress of what happened and everything. But I um . . .”

“You’ve been enjoying being home with everyone.”

Swallowing hard, I nodded my head. “I have enjoyed it. Have you?”

His smile was so big I couldn’t help but smile back. “I’ve really enjoyed myself. But then I’ve always loved coming to visit here in Texas.”

Ugh. He said visit.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

I dropped my head back against the seat and wondered how in the hell I could sit here and ask him to give up his career to move to the middle of fucking Texas!

My eyes opened when I felt him turning and driving down a gravel driveway.

“Where are we going?”

Grayson stopped the car and handed me a handkerchief. “Turn away from me, baby, and let me put this on. Where we are going is a surprise.”

My stomach jumped. Surprise?

“What kind of surprise?”

With a low rumble coming from his chest, Grayson leaned his lips close to my ear and said, “One I have a feeling you’re going to love.”

I still needed to talk to him about the confusion I was feeling, but it could wait. I was dying to see what he was going to show me.

We drove for a good five minutes before the car parked and Grayson said, “Hold on and I’ll come around and get you.”

The excitement in Grayson’s voice had me feeling giddy as I held onto his hand as he led me to wherever we were going.

With a giggle, I asked, “Are we there yet?”


Coming to a stop, I waited patiently for Grayson to take off the blindfold so I could see where we were. The only thing I knew for sure was we were outside.


With a nod of my head, I laughed and said, “Yes! I want to see where we are.”

He was standing behind me as he placed one hand on my hip while pulling the blindfold off with the other. It took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust but when they did, I took in a breath of air. “Oh my, Grayson that is a beautiful view.”

“Yes it is.”

I slowly shook my head as tears built in my eyes. It was in that moment that it really hit me. I loved Texas. I wanted to be in Texas, near my family and friends. But I wanted Grayson more than anything and Colorado was his home.

“Meagan?” Grayson whispered against my neck.

“Yeah?” I managed to say without letting out the sobs I was desperately holding back.

“Turn around.”

I didn’t want to pull my eyes from the view. The Llano River meandered below us as a slight wind blew my curls around. The blue sky touching the green valley was almost more beautiful than the snow-covered Rocky Mountains.