Chasing You (Love Wanted in Texas #5)

I ran over to her and asked if she was okay.

Pain radiated through my entire head as Bob grabbed a handful of hair and pulled me across the room and over to a pole that was in the middle of the room.

“Please, stop! Please just let me go!” I called out as he slapped me across my face and yelled for me to shut up.

“Because of you I got sloppy. I fucking got sloppy, you damn bitch. You better be worth the fuck, that’s all I have to say.”

I searched his face as a panicked look appeared on my face. “W-what?”

“Your fucking phone! I figured your damn boyfriend would track it, so I tossed it out the window on the way up here.”

Hate filled my entire body as I squared my shoulders. “Well, if you threw it out the window how is that being sloppy? He can’t track me here now.”

Anger filled his eyes as he reached up and slapped me so hard it felt like my jaw came out of its socket. “I’m not stupid, you bitch. He can track down the fingerprints on there, which means soon he’ll piece together where you are. So, it looks like we need to move up the time for our party.”

Shaking my head, my eyes burned from the onslaught of tears. “Why are you doing this?” I asked between sobs.

His hand moved up my leg as I tried to pull as far away from him as I could. “Get undressed, Susan. Now!”

Oh God.

My eyes shot over to her quickly undressing before I looked back at Bob. He held up a pair of handcuffs in his hands and it was then I noticed he had on gloves. “Time for some fun, sweet girl.” His hand moved over my shirt as his fingers brushed over my nipple, causing me to pull as far away as I could.

My head thrashed back and forth as I tried to push him away. Another slap and I was stunned enough for him to grab my arms and pull them behind the pole where he handcuffed me.

Bile moved up to the back of my throat as his hands cupped my breasts and he moaned.

“I can’t wait to fuck you.”

Using what energy I had left, I lifted my legs and began kicking him away from me. “Stay away from me you asshole! Gray is going to kill you!” I screamed out as Bob stood up and laughed.

He grabbed onto my face as he moved his lips to my ear and whispered, “I don’t think so. At least not before I kill you.”

My chin trembled as I fought to find my voice to scream. Bob walked over toward Susan and began touching all over her body as I looked away.

“Watch us!” he yelled out as I shook my head.

Something hit behind my head as I screamed out and turned to look at him. He was holding my purse in his hand. My heartbeat raced, nearly exploding out of my chest as my eyes landed on my purse and then down to the floor where a few things had fallen out. One of them being the tracker.

Bob dropped the purse and turned to go back to Susan.

“Let’s give her a little preview of what she’s going to get from me.”

Susan began crying as she called out, “Bobby, she’s pregnant, you can’t do this to an innocent child.”

He slapped her face and pushed her down onto the bed. Susan whimpered as I fought against the handcuffs.

“Stop! Leave her alone, you fucker!” I screamed out as Bob started laughing.

“Susan! Don’t let him do this!”

“Shut up, bitch!”

The handcuffs started banging against the pole as I frantically began moving. Bob walked back over and my whole body went limp as he stepped on the lipstick tube.

“NO!” I screamed out as my eyes looked at the broken tracker lying on the floor. Looking back up at him, I knew I would fight with everything I had. He was not going to hurt my baby.

“I’ve had just about enough of you. It’s time to give you the punishment you deserve.”

With every ounce of anger inside of me, I began kicking and screaming. There was no way in hell this guy was going to even think of touching me.

“Shut up!” he shouted.

His hands tried to keep my legs from moving, but I used everything I had in me to keep fighting. The look in his eyes was turning from angry to evil, and I knew I only had about thirty seconds to fight him off before he did something again to make me stop.

Bob lifted his hand in a fist as I closed my eyes and got ready for him to hit me. As long as he hit me in the face and not in the stomach, I had to protect my baby. The loud pop caused Susan to scream as I heard a crashing noise.

My eyes snapped open as I watched the pained expression on his face. Before I knew what was happening, Bob was on the floor with blood beginning to pool around his head and Grayson was cupping my face.

“Meagan . . . baby, look at me. Don’t look at him. Look. At. Me.”

I screamed out again as I looked down at Bob’s lifeless body on the floor. I desperately tried to get as far away from him as I could when I felt someone’s hands on me.

“He’s gone, he’s not going to hurt you. Meg, baby look at me.”

My head jerked up and I was soon pinned with the bluest of blue eyes.

“Gray,” I whispered as his lips pressed against mine.