Chasing You (Love Wanted in Texas #5)

I hit End and turned to Derrick. “I’ve got an APB out on Susan Powell’s car. Looks like she hasn’t shown up for work in the last three days. No one has heard from her or seen her at her job.”

“Her plates?”

“I’ve got Mandy running it through now. If she’s been through any intersections we will find out soon.”

My hands slammed against my face as I scrubbed them up and down. “Not soon enough.”

“Derrick, if Black’s suspicions are true, and this guy is our rapist murderer, he has Meagan. He has my girl.”

“We’ll find her.”

I turned and looked out the window and I prayed I’d find her in time.


I STOOD AT the window and watched the snow silently fall to the ground. Susan had been back in once to bring me something to eat. I could see another light in the distance and wondered if that was where Susan was staying.

I’d thought about breaking a window and trying to run, but I had no jacket, no shoes and was only wearing a pair of dress pants and a dress shirt. I’d freeze to death before I made it a few miles.

Closing my eyes, I wondered where my cell phone had gone. Or my purse. I’d give anything to have something to put on my dry cracked lips.

The door wiggled and I turned to stare at it. When it opened and saw the same man I had seen in the hallway, I instantly walked away from him.

He walked slowly into the room and shut the door as he stared at me. “You’re so much prettier than the others.”

“The o-others?” I asked as I pinned myself up against the wall.

His eyes looked my body over. “Yeah. The other’s. None of them were like you though. The moment I first saw you I knew I had to have you. Then you had to go off and start fucking around with that cop.”

“Gray,” I whispered.

The look in his eyes turned and anger quickly washed over his face. “Do not say his name. You’re mine now and I’m going to take my time with you for a little while.”

My body shook as I looked over his shoulder to see Susan standing there.

“She’s pregnant.”

The guy stopped dead in his tracks as I silently cursed her for telling him. How could she let slip that I was pregnant?

Balling up his fists, he walked faster and stopped right in front of me as my chest rose and fell with each breath I took. “You let him get you pregnant?”

Tears streamed down my face as I turned my head away from him. His cold fingers grabbed my face and forced me to look back at him. The smile that moved over his face made me so sick, bile moved up in my throat as a whimper escaped from my lips.

“I can fix that.”

“No, please don’t. I’ll do whatever you want me to do, just please don’t hurt my baby.”

His head tilted as he looked at me. As quickly as he grabbed my face he let me go and took a step back. I could hear Susan let out a relieved sigh when it looked like he was going to turn and leave. I relaxed my body some so when he turned I wasn’t expecting him to punch me in the stomach.

Screaming, I fell to the floor and wrapped my arms around my stomach as I heard Susan call out his name. “Bob! No!”

I lay on the floor and watched him grab Susan by the hair and yank her over to the bed as she kicked and screamed. Pushing her down, he quickly undid his pants as he pushed her dress up and ripped her panties off.

“No please, Bob don’t do this! Don’t do this!”

The pain in my stomach now matched the pain in my head as I cried. I made a vow that if this man did anything to hurt my child I was going to kill him.

Through my tears all I could see was him push Susan’s legs apart as he slammed himself into her body while she screamed out. Closing my eyes, I slammed my hands over my ears to drown out her cries.

Before I knew it, I felt a sharp pain in my back followed by an excruciating pain in my head. Bob had kicked my back and then grabbed a handful of hair as he dragged me across the room. Susan was lying on the bed crying as he dropped down and held my chin with his hand.

“Next time it will be you, sweet girl. I’ve been wanting to feel you for a long time now.” His hot breath on my neck caused me to jerk my head from his hand as he laughed.

I couldn’t even feel my body anymore. I was either in too much pain, or too scared to feel anything. Susan turned and looked into my eyes. I could see her fear and it did something to me. It gave me a strange energy and willpower that for one moment I thought I had lost.

Pushing my body away from him, Bob let go of me and grabbed onto Susan’s arm and pulled her off the bed and out the door.

I wasn’t sure how long I sat on the floor just staring out the window. My tears had long since stopped and the only thing I knew to do now was pray that Grayson would find me or I found a way out of there before it was too late.

The door opened and I flew out of the bed. It had been freezing in the cabin and I had used the pillowcases to put over my feet in an attempt to keep them warm. Susan walked in and set a tray of food on the bed.

“Are you okay?” I asked.