Chasing You (Love Wanted in Texas #5)

I blew out a sigh as I shook my head. “What do you think he said in his mother’s note?”

Meagan shrugged. “I’m not sure. Sometimes, I think it’s best for the families not to have a note. Guilt is a powerful thing and one wrong thing said can play havoc on your emotions.”

I nodded in agreement. “I can understand that.”

Her legs dropped down as she looked into my eyes. “I’m going to miss him so much, but I’m not going to let his death be in vain. I never want to see this happen again, Gray. Ever. I also want the kids at his school to hear at least one part of that letter.”

I placed my hand on the side of her face. “You know I will always be here and support you in whatever you do.”

Her hand moved over mine as her eyes softened. It was the first time in days I saw something other than sadness in them.

“Thank you for that. You’ll never know how much you being by my side through all of this has meant to me. I love you, Gray. So much.”

My hand moved to the back of her neck as I pulled her lips closer to mine. Our kiss was slow and soft. The love I felt between us never ceased to amaze me. As our kiss broke, our foreheads rested against each other.

“I love you too, baby.”

I stood and pulled her up with me as we stood there for a few minutes holding each other.

The door opened and Amanda peeked out. “Dinner’s ready y’all.”

Meagan gazed up at me one more time as she smiled before turning and heading toward her mother.

I started to walk in when something stopped me. Looking over my shoulder, I looked down at the courtyard my apartment faced.

Anger immediately built as I looked at Joshua Black sitting on a bench looking up at me.

I slammed the door to the office as I pushed my hands through my hair.

“Bennett, you need to calm down.”

I had been pacing when I stopped and looked at Derrick. “Calm down? This motherfucker is messing with my life. He showed up where I was having lunch with my soon to be father-in-law, and then I see him sitting on a bench looking up at my apartment? How do I know he’s not following Meagan around, waiting for her to be alone?”

Chief Decker stood up and walked around his desk where he proceeded to lean against it. “I can’t get coverage on Meagan unless he tries to do something.”

I waved my hand off in a bit of frustration. “If this guy is part of the murders and he is willing to fuck around with a cop, who in the hell knows what he’ll do.”

Derrick nodded his head. “Have you told Meagan?”

“No. With Mitchell’s suicide and everything she had been through with that the last few days, I didn’t want to worry her. I did inform her boss though of my concerns about Black. She said she would let the front desk girls know.”

Chief Decker pushed off his desk as he sighed. “First thing you need to do is tell her. She needs to be prepared if this guy tries to make contact with her. Then, the two of you need to figure out if this Joshua Black has played a role in these murders. The sooner the better.”

Derrick and I looked at each other. “All of our leads have lead to nowhere.”

“Keep digging. That’s why you’re detectives, goddamn it. This is your job.”

Derrick stood and nodded his head as I made my way toward the door. I knew the first thing I had to do, and I needed to do it as soon as possible.


THE KNOCK ON my office door pulled me from the file I was reading over. “Come in.”

Melissa opened my door and walked in. “Hey, Meg. How are you doing?”

With a smile, I motioned for her to sit down. “I’m doing good. If I could just get over this damn stomach bug, I’d be even better.”

Taking a seat, Melissa gave me a funny look before shaking it off. “So, the beef tenderloin?”

I fell back in my seat and started laughing. “I won.”

Her mouth dropped open as she said, “You’ve got to be kidding me!”

“Nope, I smoked him. Diana said it was the best beef tenderloin she’d ever tasted.”

Melissa leaned forward and wiggled her eyebrows. “So when is the big dance?”

My stomach jumped as I felt my face flush. No one could ever possibly have a boss as cool as mine. I had decided long ago I was never leaving my job. Ever.

“It’s tonight actually. The club is closed for three nights. Something about the back dressing rooms being remodeled.”

Melissa leaned forward and formed her fingers into a steeple as she looked like she was deep in thought.

“Before you ask, no. This is a private show.”

Her hands dropped as she huffed. “Damn.” With a shrug, she said, “Well you can’t blame a girl for trying.”

We both busted out laughing as the wave of nausea hit me and I immediately stopped laughing.

Oh shit!

Slamming my hand over my mouth, I jumped up and ran out to the bathroom.

Five minutes later, I walked back into my office and sat down.

“Ugh. This is the longest stomach flu I’ve ever had.”