Chasing You (Love Wanted in Texas #5)

Brad’s face dropped as he stared at his daughter.

“Newsflash for you, Dad. I didn’t have a perfect life, I hated college, I hate Texas and I never want to move back there. I’m not that perfect daughter you strived so damn hard for me to be. I’m the daughter who made mistakes, has regrets and was so beaten down by your expectations that I let myself be miserable in college because I couldn’t stand up to you or the people who made my life a living hell. Well not anymore. Everything I need and want is right here. Matter of fact—”

Meagan reached into her purse and pulled her engagement ring out and slipped it on her finger. “I love Gray and when he asked me to marry him, I finally felt like I was happy and safe. For the first time in a long time, I felt like I was exactly where I belonged.”

Meagan stood and looked down at her father. “I’m not perfect, Dad, so please stop trying to make me be. And by the way, I like my hair brown and have no intentions of ever going back to red!”

Meagan grabbed her coat and her purse. “If you’ll excuse me, I’ve lost my appetite and will be sitting at the bar drinking a very strong drink and I don’t give two shits if you approve or not.”

Both Brad and I watched as Meagan retreated over to the bar.

After a few minutes of silence, Brad shook his head. “My God. She is her mother’s daughter.”

I couldn’t help but smile as I watched the love of my life stomp over toward the bar and sit her sexy ass down on the bar stool.

“Gray, I have to ask you something.”

Turning, I looked directly into his eyes. “Anything.”

“Will you please allow me to spend some time alone with my daughter this evening? I not only need to process what she just hit me with, but I also need to process she is engaged and right now all I want to do is hit you.”

With a grin, I pulled out my wallet and placed money on the table. “Of course. I’ll go let Meagan know I’m heading home and I certainly don’t want to have to arrest you for assaulting an officer.”

With a smile and a nod of his head, Brad said, “Thank you, son. That means a lot to me.”


WHEN THE BARTENDER set the drink down in front of me, I raised my hand to grab it. My hand was shaking so bad I had to make a fist. Could my life get any crazier?

I felt him before I saw him. “Hey,” Grayson whispered as he leaned down and kissed my cheek. “I’m so damn proud of you, baby.”

My eyes burned as I fought to hold in the tears I wanted so desperately to let out. “I just told my father everything I’ve been wanting to say for years and I’m scared shitless he’s going to hate you.”

“As long as you’re not mad at me anymore.”

Turning, I gave Grayson a bemused smile. “I’m a little mad at you still.”

“How can I make it up to you?”

With a lift of my eyebrow, I let the naughty thoughts I was having invade my mind. “I need to relax before I talk to my father. How are you going to make that happen?”

Grayson’s eyes turned dark as he swallowed hard. “Your father just asked me to leave so he could spend some time with you.”

“You better think fast then, Mr. Bennett; time is running out.”

An evil smile spread over Grayson’s face. “You naughty girl.”

“You bring it out in me.”

“Excuse yourself to use the restroom; I’ll take care of it from there.”

My cheeks burned as my body hummed with anticipation.

With a quick kiss on my lips, Grayson walked away as I sat there, horny as all get out and pissed beyond belief.

Motioning toward the bartender, I asked, “Will you please add this to the bill for that table?” I asked as I pointed at my father.

“Yes, of course.”

I picked up my jacket and purse and then grabbed the vodka and cranberry juice and made my way back to my father.

“Meagan, please sit back down and let’s talk.”

With a dramatic sigh, I set my drink, jacket, and purse down. “I need a few moments to calm down, Dad.”

My father nodded his head. “You’re not angry I asked Gray to leave, are you?”

A part of me was angry he asked my fiancé to leave. But that was a battle I wasn’t ready to fight. “I’m not happy about that, but I understand. If you’ll give me a few minutes, I’ll be right back.”

My father stood and said, “Of course, sweetheart. Your meal should be coming out soon, though.”

It was then I realized Grayson had paid for the meal and left without eating. The idea of him rushing over here to be with me only to be asked to leave had me longing to see him even more and say how sorry I was for earlier today. My emotions were all over the place lately.

Ugh. I need a girls’ weekend.

Turning on my heels, I quickly made my way to the restrooms. Right as I was about to walk into the ladies’ restroom, Grayson grabbed me and pulled me down the hall and through the kitchen.