Chasing You (Love Wanted in Texas #5)

The waitress set the drink in front of me as I picked it up and forced myself not to down the whole damn thing.

Brad leaned forward and gave me a long hard look as if he was giving me an assessment. “Wow, so tell me, Gray. How is it you were able to pretty much skip doing patrol like every other officer has to do and move right into a detective position? Who does your father know on the force?”

“Dad!” Meagan said with a stern look on her face.

I reached up and loosened my tie some as I let out an amused laugh. “Nothing like cutting to the chase, sir.”

“I’m just curious how you moved into a position like that so quickly. It’s also very clear to me that my daughter is pissed off at you as well, so we might as well get all the dirty shit out of the way while we’re at it.”

Meagan moaned and dropped back in her seat while folding her arms across her chest. “Dad, I can’t even right now.”

I quickly glanced over to Meagan and winked as I focused back on her father. “You’re right on almost everything you’ve said, Brad. Meg is angry with me and I don’t blame her. I overreacted with a situation earlier today, but that is something she and I will work out later . . . privately.”

Seeing Meagan from the corner of my eye, I could tell she was staring at me. “As far as my career with the Durango Police Department goes, I graduated with a masters in criminal justice and tested for the police department. I didn’t have to go through their program because of my high scores and I indeed started on the force patrolling just like everyone does. There was a major shortage of detectives, so I immediately applied for a position, took the test and passed with a perfect score. I’ve been with my partner, Derrick Winn for almost eight months now. I don’t profess to be the best at my job, but every day I’m learning more and more and my goal is to be the best damn detective Durango has ever had.”

Brad took a drink of his water as he nodded his head. Every now and then he’d steal a look over at Meagan, whom I was guessing was still sitting with her arms folded.

I continued to focus on Brad. The last thing I wanted him to think was that he could intimidate me like he did his own daughter. “As far as knowing anyone, that is where you’re wrong. My father left my mother when I was very young. I’ve earned my way in everything I do. My mother wouldn’t have it any other way and neither would I, sir. I work for everything I get and nothing in my life has ever come easy to me. Including your daughter’s love.”

Brad lifted an eyebrow and then cracked a smile. “Good to know. I’m sure your mother is very proud of you. That had to have been hard for her trying to raise a son on her own.”

“If it was, she never complained.”

Meagan cleared her throat and said, “Dad, I was thinking we might take a drive up to meet Gray’s mother. She’s an amazing woman and I can’t wait for Mom to meet her.”

My head snapped over as I looked at Meagan. Brad looked between the two of us as he barely said, “I’d love to meet Gray’s mom.”

The waitress came back over to take everyone’s orders as Meagan started talking about her job and how much she liked it.

“I’m glad you’re enjoying it so much, Meagan. When do you think you’ll be heading back to Texas? Your sister is graduating you know; it would be nice to have my girls close to home. I’m sure your sister would love to have you back in Texas. Set a good example for her on starting her own career.”

Oh hell. Here we go.

Meagan moved about nervously in her seat. “I like it here, Dad. I don’t have any plans on leaving anytime soon and why can’t I be an example to her here?”

Brad sighed. “Of course you can set an example for her, but, Meagan, there is nothing here for you. Your entire family is back home in Texas.”

Glancing down at my salad, it was my turn to move about in my seat nervously.

“Stop. Dad you have to stop doing this.”

“Doing what, Meagan? Wanting you to be home and near your family?”

Meagan tossed her napkin onto the table. “No. I’m not doing this anymore with you. My whole life you’ve told me what I can and can’t do. When all my friends went to A&M, you told me I had to go to Baylor. Set an example for Taylor by being your own person you said. When my grades would slip, you would ride my ass. By God I had to set an example for Taylor by getting stellar grades and being the perfect daughter who listened to everything you told me to do.”

“Meg,” I whispered when her voice grew louder.

Her head snapped over to me. “I’m sorry, Gray, but I can’t do this anymore.” Turning back to her father, I watched as a single tear rolled down her cheek. “For years I did nothing but chase after the person I wanted to be. I was stuck though, stuck in a world you painted for me. Stuck in a world I hated so much I did nothing but cried myself to sleep most nights.”