Chasing You (Love Wanted in Texas #5)

Meagan’s eyes glistened with a mist as she grinned. “I’ve never had sex without a condom and you’re the only guy I’ve been with in over three years . . . if not longer.”

My heart slammed against my chest as I positioned myself and slowly pushed the head of my cock through her wetness. “And I’m going to be the last guy you’re ever with, Meg.”

Passion filled her eyes as she lifted her hips and wrapped her legs around my body, pulling me further into her as we both moaned.

Slow was something Meagan and I had never really done before. Sex with her had always been hot . . . really fucking hot . . . and passionate. The moment she was around me all I could think of was burying myself inside of her and hearing her call out my name.

This was different. Tonight was different. Nothing would ever be the same after this.

I pushed as far into her as I could as Meagan wrapped her legs around me tighter.

“Oh God, Gray.” She spoke softly while her back arched up. Grabbing her hands, I laced my fingers with hers and took my time pulling out and pushing in. As slow as we were taking this, our bodies quickly were covered in a sheen of sweat. I wasn’t sure how long I would be able to keep this up. The urge to grab onto her hips and fuck her was overwhelming. The feel of her without a condom was mind blowing.

My lips found their way to Meagan’s as she whispered, “Feels so amazing, so perfect.”

I wanted this night to be perfect for her and if perfect meant going slow, then that was what I would do.

As I pushed in, I circled my hips, causing Meagan to moan. I repeated it and this time Meagan moved her hips up to allow me to go deeper. With another circle, Meagan called out my name as her entire body quivered with her orgasm.

With a smile, I buried my face into her neck while she softly repeated my name while grasping onto me tightly.

“Oh God, I’ve never . . . that was . . . Grayson.”

I loved that she was so overwhelmed by what we were sharing she couldn’t even talk. “Faster, Gray. I want it faster.”

My eyes about rolled to the back of my head as I pushed up and lifted her legs over my shoulders. Grabbing onto her hips, I moved faster, trying like hell not to go too fast.

Meagan’s hands grabbed onto the sheets as she hissed through her teeth, “Yes!”

“Fuck, Meg. I can’t hold out much longer, baby.”

Her eyes opened and captured mine. That was my undoing. I pulled out and slammed back into her, causing her to cry out. Then I lost all control and fucked her hard and fast. My body trembled as I felt my own build up starting.

“Grayson! I’m going to come again!” Meagan cried out as I pushed in hard and grunted, spilling my cum into her body. The feeling was unlike anything I had ever experienced.

Pulling out, I rolled over onto the bed and pulled in one deep breath after another.

“There is nothing I love more in this world than being inside of you, Meg.”

Fingers slowly moved across my chest as I felt my eyes grow heavy. With a smile on my face, I drifted off to sleep one happy and satisfied man.

The game played quietly on the television as I whisked the eggs and watched my favorite team, the Dallas Cowboys, run the ball in for a touchdown.

“Yes!” I said as I fist pumped and got back to making omelets. “I’m totally going to win this week.”

Meagan stood at the doorway of my bedroom, wearing nothing but one of my T-shirts as she yawned and slowly made her way into the kitchen. “Oh man. Mr. Bennett, you wore me out last night.”

With a chuckle, I kissed her fast on the lips and got back to cooking us a late breakfast. “I can’t believe it’s almost noon,” Meagan said as she reached up and took down a coffee cup.

“Well, once you finally stopped seducing me in the middle of the night, we were able to fall asleep around what, three or so?”

Meagan giggled as she blew on the coffee and scrunched her nose and took a sip. “I seduced you? Really? Because the way I remember it you seduced me, then passed out cold, only to wake me up with your dick slipping back into my body.”

“The sergeant needed his Wonder Woman.”

Meagan rolled her eyes and sat down on the barstool. “Scrambled eggs?”

My mouth dropped open as I stared at her. “Fuck no. I’m making omelets.”

“Really? Huh.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

With a shrug of her shoulders, Meagan attempted to hide her smile. “I just never pictured you . . . cooking.”

Narrowing my eyes at her, I shook my head. “I’m a good cook.” Pointing at her with the spatula, I said, “Probably better than you.”

“Is that right?” Meagan asked with a serious expression.

“Damn straight it is. I’d cook circles around you, Ms. Atwood.”

Meagan stood up and took another sip of her coffee before setting it down on the island and walking over to me. Her hands landed on my chest as they slowly made their way up. Wrapping her arms around my neck, Meagan tilted her head and looked at me. “Want to make a wager?”

My dick jumped as I stared back at her. “What kind of a wager?”