Chasing You (Love Wanted in Texas #5)

Grayson’s eyes swam with passion as he stared at me. “Hey. I woke up and you weren’t straddling me anymore.”

With a grin, I tilted my head. “You fell asleep.”

He took a step closer to me while my eyes roamed his perfect body. Those black cotton pants that hung just low enough to have a girl’s imagination going crazy.

“I’m awake now.”

I swallowed hard while his muscles flexed with each movement. I longed to let out a moan but suppressed it. “Yep. You are.”

Holy crap. Really, that’s all you’ve got Meagan?

Stopping in front of me, Grayson placed his finger on my chin and lifted my eyes to his and softly spoke. “Are you ready to fall?”

My heart slammed against my chest as Lauren’s words replayed in my head.

“Will you catch me, Gray?”

His hands cupped my face as his eyes stared intently into mine.

“Yes. Meg, I meant what I said. Spending today with you just made it all the more clear. I love you.”

My knees felt weak as my heart hammered. Closing my eyes, I followed Lauren’s advice. I was ready for the jump.

I opened my eyes and took in a shaky breath as I whispered, “I love you too.”

His smile caused me to smile as our lips pressed together. Grayson’s hands moved into my hair as he deepened the kiss. After a few minutes of nothing but kissing, he picked me up as he carried me to his bed and gently set me down, never once breaking apart from one another.

Slowly pulling his lips from mine, Gray’s eyes looked deeply into mine. “Let me show you how much I love you, baby.”


MY HEART HAD never felt like this before as I watched Meagan’s chest rise and fall as I slowly stood and undressed myself. Waking up alone, I searched for her as I made my way to my bedroom. When I heard her voice coming from my bathroom, I slowly opened the door and stood there frozen as I listened to her talking.

I thought I had dreamed I told her I loved her; truth be told, I’m glad I said it out loud. It needed to be said.

“You’re wearing my robe,” I said as I sat down on the bed and untied it.

The moment her tongue slid across her teeth, I knew I was fucked. I’d never be able to live without her. “I was going to take a um . . . take a shower.”

With a quick move of my hand, both sides of the robe fell open to reveal her beautiful body. Crawling onto the bed, I moved the robe out of the way as I lightly kissed her stomach. Meagan’s body trembled as I moved slowly over her body, pressing one light kiss after another until I reached her neck.

“You’re so beautiful, Meg. You take my breath away.”

I wanted to make her feel how much I cared for her. How much I loved her. With everything that had happened to her in the past, I needed her to know that what we had was real. “I’m going to make love to you all night long.”

Meagan lifted her eyebrow and flashed me a sexy as hell smile. “Or at least until you fall asleep again.”

With a chuckle, I peppered her face with kisses as I pushed my hard dick against her body. “I’ve gotten my seventh wind.”

“I see that,” Meagan said as her hands moved gently over my back. “Gray, my body is shaking I want you so much.”

With a smile, I rubbed my nose against hers as I whispered, “We have our whole lives to get lost in each other. I want to take my time with you tonight.”

Meagan’s hands moved to the back of my neck where she pulled me closer to her lips. Kissing her was what I imagined heaven must be like. I’d never in my life had a woman affect me the way Meagan did.

My hands slid between her body and the robe as I cupped her ass and pulled her hips closer to me, my cock teasing her entrance as Meagan moaned.

“Gray . . . condom.”

I pushed in a little more; the feel of her * on my bare cock was almost too much to stand. I’d never in my life had sex without a condom, and I had never in my life wanted to so badly. I pushed in more as I squeezed her ass harder.

“Gray,” Meagan whispered.

My lips brushed over hers as I said, “Meg, you’ve been my only partner in over two years.”

Her hands stopped moving and her body stilled. “W-what?”

I knew this was a conversation that needed all my attention, but her * was practically pulling me in. “Grayson, you’ve only been with me since we met?”

Stopping my motions, I pulled my hands out from under her and held myself above her as I gazed into her eyes. “Just because I was a stripper, doesn’t mean I was a manwhore. I broke up with my last girlfriend a few months before I saw you again in Austin. I always used a condom with her and everyone before that. I’ve never not used one.”

Meagan gnawed on her lip as her eyes searched mine. “What makes you not want to use one with me?”

With a smile, I kissed her lips softly. “That’s easy. Because I love you and I want to give my whole self to you and I want you to do the same.”