Chaos Bound (Sinner's Tribe Motorcycle Club #4)

Tank turned the laptop around and threw himself down in his seat. Jagger didn’t know T-Rex the way he did. Hell, none of them did. That was T-Rex at the gas station. And damned if Tank wasn’t going to find him.

Zane stared at him while Cade gave this treasurer’s report, gloomy as usual because of the war with the Jacks. Cade had even pulled his new old lady, Dawn, from club finance duties because he was worried about her and their kids. Tank couldn’t blame him for that.

But Jesus Fuck he wanted Zane to stop staring at him. The VP had mellowed since he’d hooked up with his old flame, Evie, and discovered he had a son, Ty. But mellow for Zane was one hundred degrees of intensity for a normal guy, and Tank felt like Zane’s eyes were burning into his soul, reading the betrayal Tank was only thinking about.

He tightened his fist under the table. Of all the Sinners, Zane should have been the one giving Tank his support. T-Rex had sacrificed his life to save Evie. Zane owed T-Rex a life debt, and if T-Rex was in need of saving, Zane should have been by Tank’s side.

“Something is up with the Jacks,” Jagger said. “Something big. Even our mother chapter is worried. Our man Mario, who we had inside Viper’s house for a couple of weeks, skipped town after he buried a knife in Viper’s back to save Evie, and National isn’t willing to risk any more lives or the resources.

“We should focus on offense. Not defense.” Shaggy stroked his beard. “What about Viper’s cabin up in the mountains where he held Ty and Evie? Now that we know the location—”

Jagger cut him off with a wave of his hand. “I sent Dax and Sparky up there to take a look. The place is deserted.”

“He had another dungeon in his basement,” Sparky said. “Never saw anything like it. He’s one sick bastard. The place was Dax’s fucking wet dream. It must have been where he kept T-Rex when we thought he was in the Black Jack dungeon.”

Dax snorted his derision. “Viper tortures for pleasure. I torture with purpose.”

“Don’t fucking pretend you don’t enjoy it,” Shaggy said. “The minute you hear we got someone downstairs you start drooling and get a fucking hard on that won’t quit.”

“That’s cause I’m twice the man you are.” Dax grabbed his crotch and jerked his hips in his chair. “I got five boys at home and a damned happy old lady. If that’s not a fucking show of virility I don’t know what is. How many kids you got? All these years and you’re still fucking sweet butts ‘cause none of them will have you permanent like.”

“Variety, my friend. That’s the way I live my life.” Shaggy’s thick, gray brows furrowed, hiding his eyes, and his voice dropped so low Tank had to lean in to hear him. “No old lady to tie me down or nag me about staying out late. No sprog to drain my bank account. I live free and I live large. Couldn’t ask for anything more.”

“If we’re done trading insults,” Jagger interrupted, “I want to know what the Jacks are doing up in the mountains. They’ve been lying low for the past few weeks, and suddenly they’re buzzing around tourist resorts. I got reports of them in Bolton, and now we know they’ve been up in Still Water.”


Tank cocked his head to the side. The couple on the flashy Harley were wearing Bolton shirts. But the place was a tourist town, and the shop owner said that he thought they were tourists. Was it a coincidence, or something more? He wanted to raise the issue again with Jagger, but now wasn’t the time.

“I say fuck National and plant another spy in the Jacks.” Gunner thumped his fist on the table. “We got the best intel we’ve ever had when we bribed Mario to go inside.”

“Send Gunner.” Shaggy gave him a sly look. “He needs to go into hiding. Every damn weekend some chick’s husband is hunting him down. He’s moved on from twins to married women, and his extra nine lives are the only reason he’s sittin’ here today.”

“You’re fuckin’ jealous ’cause your dick shriveled up twenty years ago.” Gunner folded his arms over his massive chest. “And yeah. Married women. That’s the way to go, man. They’re not looking to be tied down ’cause they already are. But they’re not getting any lovin’ at home so when I get them in my bed … Christ … they’re hot. And they’ll go all fucking night long ’cause they don’t know when they’ll get it so good again.”

“You didn’t go all night long last weekend.” Shaggy laughed. “Most fun I ever had, watching you running with your jeans undone, and your dick hanging out when that Skull Splitter MC dude drove into the parking lot behind Rider’s Bar and found you fucking his woman for information about the Jacks. Next time I’ll come along. Give you a hand.”

“Christ. We’re gonna fuck our way into winning the war,” Shaggy grumbled. “Never would have happened back in the day.”

Sarah Castille's books