Chained (Caged #2)

Blood filled my heart, making the next beat painful. I knew I loved her. I knew without a single doubt that she was the only thing that allowed my heart to beat. Yet my soul wouldn’t allow it. Even now.

She sucked in a breath, her eyes closing in ecstasy as I drew the tip of the blade between her breasts, slicing her with such delicacy that even the rush of blood to the surface was lazy and serene. “This….” I ran the blade over more skin, observing the fog of pleasure roll across her pretty face. “…This is all I can give you, Kloe.”

My cock slid between her closed thighs and I used the friction to give me the stimulation I needed. She swung in the harness and I lifted her legs around my waist, steadying her to me. Her huge belly pressed against mine, the trickle of blood smearing between our touching skin, but that only added to my excitement.

Kloe was mine in every way. And what she carried in her was mine. For the first time in thirty years, something belonged to me.

“You know I’ll never let you go, don’t you?” I breathed into the softness of her neck, nipping her skin with my teeth until the familiar taste of copper tingled on my tongue.

Her head fell to the side and she huffed. “And you know I’ll never let go. Never.”

She cried out, her eyes snapping open when I drove my cock inside her. Her walls gripped me like a vice, an act to verify her promise, as her legs tightened around my body. “Never,” she repeated as I started to plunge in and out of her with a fury I couldn’t keep up with.

Only when I was inside her, in the very depths of my wife, did I ever feel complete. Her love, her passion - they soaked me from the inside out, and electrified every one of my senses with feelings.

“Harder,” she cried. “Hate me, Anderson. Hate me!”

“Never!” I hissed through the clench of my jaw, my teeth catching the edge of my tongue and making me shudder.

“Yes,” she cried as she bucked her body against me greedily. “I need it. Please.”

Darkness bubbled in her eyes when I crushed her windpipe under my fingers, the frolic of her pulse beneath my palm making my balls jerk in delight.

“Yes!” she spat through the restriction on her voice box. “YES!”

Driving harder into her, a single tear seeped from the corner of her eye.

“My little wolf,” I growled as I slammed harder, shaking her in the ropes.

She winced and wrenched forwards, her face contorting in pain. She loved pain; it brought her to life, fed the need in her for retribution. Helped her to bury her past.

But this was different.

A shock of agony made her jaw drop and her eyes squeezed closed.


Her eyes rolled and I pulled out of her, quickly cutting the ropes. She fell into me, a fierce groan turning into a scream of pain as she doubled over. She dropped to her knees, her arms covering her fat belly as another horrific wail broke from her.



Blood. It was everywhere. Pooling over the concrete and spreading like a river around her, seeping over the pale grey floor and turning the basement into the epitome of hell it had always been.


“I…” she choked out as vomit hurled from her, spraying me with the sickly stench. “Please…”

He’d won.

As I looked down at my wife losing consciousness in my arms and my son losing his life before me. I knew. I knew he’d won. After everything.

He’d won.

Even in death.

The door opened and Robbie rushed in. He was out of breath, his face puce with exertion. “How is she?”

I shook my head, once again glancing at the clock on the wall that never seemed to tick forward. “Nothing yet.”

“How long as she been in surgery?” Rob asked as he took the chair beside me and took a drink from my bottle of water.

“Three fucking hours.”

“Surely there should be some word by now! What happened?”

“I don’t know. We were fucking. We’ve fucked a thousand times, Rob…”

“Hey.” He squeezed my hand. “This isn’t your fault.”

“Isn’t it? I was pretty rough with her.”

“You’re always rough with her.” He smiled. “Sex isn’t at fault and neither are you. The doctors will no doubt verify that, Anderson.”

“They already did,” I grumbled. “They asked me what happened and a nurse assured me it wasn’t anything we had done, although she did look at me like I’m a fucking leper when she asked about the various cuts on Kloe’s skin. I have no doubt that when she wakes they’ll be fucking questioning her about it. Either that, or she won’t wake up and the fucking coppers will be the next to fucking question me!”

“Calm down,” Rob urged. “She’s going to be fine. She’s tough. It’s Kloe. She needs to be tough to be married to you.”

D.H. Sidebottom's books