Chained (Caged #2)

“Kloe,” he whispered. “Little wolf.”

The ache in his voice made me lean forward and press my lips to his. He kissed me, but the previous times our lips had met, the kiss had been frantic, desperate and rough. Yet this time it was soft and gentle, so full of adoration that I couldn’t stop the swell of my heart crushing against my ribcage.

I moaned faintly when he slipped his hands through my hair and smoothed it through his long fingers.

My kisses left his mouth and I gently pressed them across his jaw, down his throat and over the hard plains of his chest. The faint dusting of hair tickled my chin the lower I got, and when I ran the flat of my tongue up the shaft of his cock, his grip in my hair tightened.

“You taste so good,” I murmured, as I teased the head of his cock with my tongue, collecting the gift he gave me.

He groaned when I sheathed my teeth behind my lips and plunged all the way down. Spit filled my mouth when my throat struggled to accommodate his length, and I gagged loudly when his hands jerked in my hair and he cupped the back of my head, pushing me down until I felt bile coat my mouth.

Pulling me away, his gaze hooked on the length of spit from my lips to his cock, the wicked gleam in his eyes making every part of me throb.

“Suck me until I come in your dirty little mouth.”

Excitement rippled through me and I instantly granted his request, plunging up and down on him until I wasn’t sure whether I should suck up or down. I greedily fed on him, on the bittersweet taste of each dribble of sperm that tempted me to go harder and faster. Water ran from my eyes as I forced him deeper and when I felt his cock swell in preparation for his release, I pushed my finger under his ass and sank it deep inside him.

He jerked, spewing his cum into my mouth as I gently stroked inside him. His head fell back and I watched in awe as his mouth fell open, his eyes squeezed closed and a silent cry broke from him.

“And you tell me you’re not a little wolf.” He chuckled when he caught his breath. His smile was blinding, the gratification that now ran through him making him relaxed and open.

I laughed. “You’re not going to drop that damn name, are you?”

He shook his head slowly, the mischievousness in his eyes twinkling at me. “Nope.”

“Well if I’m the little wolf, then what does that make you?”

His lips curved into the most lethal grin ever and a shiver raced through me. Dipping forwards, he tenderly placed a kiss to my forehead. “It makes me the big bad wolf, baby.”


Her sweet voice and the sorrow in her eyes angered me. I wasn’t quite sure why but I couldn’t dampen the heat of fury with her soft demand. My emotions were everywhere. I’d never had to think of anyone else, it had only ever been me, and now my life included Kloe – and my child – I was struggling to keep track of each conflicting thought and mood that washed over me.

“I don’t think you’re in any position to make demands, Kloe.”

She blinked, jointly hurt and stunned by the tone of my irritation, and most probably my severe mood swing. “You promised.”

“No.” I took her chin in my fingers and glared at her, tightening my grasp on her until I saw the wince of pain flash in her eyes. “I nodded. A nod isn’t confirmation of an oath.”

“What are you scared of?”

I laughed, shaking my head at her naivety. “Scared? Oh, I’m not scared, I’m just not sure how sharing tales between us will make a damn bit of difference.”

“It won’t make any difference, but I just want to share something, anything, with you. I want to learn, Anderson. I want to understand.”

“You think we have a connection, but we don’t. I’m me. And you’re you. Romance didn’t bring us together, Kloe, nor did fate. You have these stupid notions that there’s an explanation for everything.”

“There is,” she whispered. “It’s the only way I can explain anything to myself.”

“Then you’re a damn fool.”

“Possibly. Yes. But how do you explain what brought us together. Neither of us, to begin with, had any idea of the similarities…”

“Similarities?” I scoffed. “You mean that we were both fucked and fucked up as kids?”

She flinched. I hated that I was hurting her yet I couldn’t stop every vicious word that fell from me.

“That we were both pinned down and bled over cocks and pain.”

“Stop it!”

“That we were both whores to the very people who were supposed to nurture us?”


She tried to strike me but I grabbed her wrist and yanked her towards me, bringing her face to mine. “Accept it. You’re a whore, Kloe. You have proved that time and time again to me. So quick to spread your legs for me. So easy for my cock to slide inside you.”

“Why are you being like this?” she sobbed, the quick tears that ran down her face stabbing my heart and making me bleed for her pain. “I know you love me, Anderson. I know you do!”

D.H. Sidebottom's books