Chained (Caged #2)

“I don’t know,” I answered eventually.

“Where is she now?”

“I took her back to mine. She’s going nowhere for the time being.”

He shifted uncomfortably, looking at me curiously from the chair he sat in opposite me. “And Robert? What do you intend to do with him?”

That was a turn up. Kloe had perfectly deposited a bullet bang central in the cunt’s forehead. It was strange to think the girl I lived my life for now had terminated the life of my half-brother, the half-brother I didn’t know I had until a short while ago. I didn’t feel any connection with him. He wasn’t of any importance to me. Yet, when I’d seen him at Kloe’s I couldn’t resist sticking the knife in his gut and twisting. I’d seen the flicker of recognition in his eyes when he’d seen me standing over them both as he tried to bring Dave back to life – the dog he had not hours before wrapped a damn rope around its neck and squeezed every bit of life from. I could only think it had been part of their plan, to bring Kloe closer to him, to make her dependant on him. However, he hadn’t banked on my sudden appearance. And when I’d told him I was fucking Kloe, the rage that had boiled in his eyes had given me back an ounce of the pleasure he had taken from me.

Nevertheless, he was now out of the equation, even if I had wanted to be the one to suck his last breath from his lungs.

I wouldn’t have thought my little wolf had it in her. And when she’d shot at me, well… I knew she wouldn’t hurt me. The silly girl was in love with me.

And that was another thing that didn’t make sense to me. How could you fall in love with someone who was hell bent on destroying you?

Unless you prayed for destruction every single day. And your destroyer granted you everything you craved.

I could see the need for violence buried deep within Kloe’s eyes, the hunger for depravity begging me every time she looked at me. She yearned for something she could never understand. Her soul was so gentle, so compassionate, that I knew when I finally gave her exactly what she thought she craved it would extinguish everything good about her.

My dick hardened with that thought, and as if sensing my arousal, Robbie tipped his head. “You need it?”

“Nah.” I shook my head and stood, unapologetic about the hard-on that pushed against my trousers. “Although, I think it’s time we both gave Kloe exactly what she thinks she needs.”

His eyebrows lifted. “Now?”

“Tonight.” I snatched up my jacket and shrugged it on. “I have a fight. Afterwards.”

He nodded, watching me walk away. “Anderson.”

I didn’t verbally acknowledge him but paused at the door.

“Whatever happens, you need to think about what you really want. You know I’ll support whichever decision you make. But you need to accept that there’s two options now. You make one without giving the other the attention it deserves then you’ll regret it for the rest of your life.”

I nodded, allowing him his honesty. “I already have too many regrets, Rob. I’m not about to indulge in any more.”

It had all seemed so easy. Bring Kloe to my father and watch him fall to his knees as he witnessed the life drain from the only thing he had ever loved. To take from him what he had taken from me.

But now, to do that, would take from me the only thing I would ever love.

My own child. My salvation. My redemption. My atonement for every sin I had ever executed.

Life has a cruel way of mocking you. Of making you pay for your hopes in the cruellest way possible.

It was time to decide.

The nothing?

Or everything?

THE HOUSE HAD BEEN QUIET for way too long. I was starting to think I would go crazy. There was nothing to focus on but my thoughts and the admission of what was.


Once again that solitary word brought my hands to my belly, my heart stuttering to fit in the extra beat it now catered to. I held a child, an innocent living being that solely depended on me - my child. Anderson’s child.

Red shoved her nose into my hand, trying to gain my attention. She felt my joy. And she felt my hope. But what was one without the other? Without hope I couldn’t allow the joy. And the joy gave me nothing but hope.

I wanted nothing more than a child of my own. A baby that shared my soul and my essence. It was a gift. But would he/she be ripped from me? I had to have faith that Anderson would give in to the man I knew waited beneath the darkness that had taken his core hostage. I still saw the real Anderson beneath all the hatred and destruction, the gentle and broken man that wanted more from me than he would ever accept.

D.H. Sidebottom's books