Catching Summer (Second Chances, #6)

“No, it’s okay. I think I need the fresh air. Hospitals bring back way too many memories for me.”

She smiled sadly. “I understand. Cooper and I are going to the stadium to talk to the team, but we’ll be back up here later.”

I nodded. “I’ll see you guys then.”

Before leaving the cafeteria, I guzzled down the rest of my coffee and threw the cup away. I could already feel the effects of the caffeine swirling through my body. I needed that jolt. Once I made it back to Evan’s floor, I walked by the waiting room, only to be tackled by Lara as she threw her arms around me.

“It’s about damn time I get to see you. I was here a while ago, but when I looked in on you and Evan, you were on the bed with him. I didn’t want to bother you.” She let me go and her eyes watered.

“He’s okay, thank God. But I’m assuming you heard about Brianna and Derek?”

“I did. I can’t believe this shit is happening. It’s already all over the news.”

“What are they saying?” I asked, wide-eyed.

“Nothing much just yet—only that it’s under investigation and they’re considering foul play. It’s too soon, I guess.”

“Where’s Grayson? Is he handling the restaurant?”

She nodded. “He said he’ll do whatever it takes. We both know you want to be with Evan.”

Holding on to her arm, I pulled her with me to Evan’s room. “At least until he’s out of here. Do you want to come with me to fetch him some clean clothes?”

“Sure. I’ll do whatever you want.”

Evan was already awake, flipping through TV stations that were all covering the accident. “I wonder how long it’s going to take for the media to come here. We need to make sure Derek doesn’t see this shit before I get a chance to tell him.”

“Last I heard, he hasn’t awoken yet, but we’ll make sure he can’t turn on the TV,” I told him.

He shut the television off and slammed the remote on the table. “I’m ready to get the fuck out of here. Do you know when they’re letting me out?” He tried to run his hands through his hair, but winced when he touched the bandage. I walked over to him and grabbed his hands.

“I don’t know, but it’ll be soon. I’m going to run by the house and pick up some clean clothes for you. Is there anything else you need?”

Sighing, he pulled me closer and kissed me. “Only you. Just hurry back.”

“I won’t be gone long. Besides, I think the police are coming to talk to you. You’ll be busy with that for a while. Then tonight we can watch the game together.”

“The team’s still playing tonight?”

I nodded. “They wanted to do it for you, Derek, and Bri.” I kissed him again. “I’ll be back soon. Try to get some rest so you can go home.”

“I’m trying, sunshine.”

Lara and I stepped out and started down the hall toward the elevator. “You sure you’re okay?” she asked.

The elevator doors closed and carried us down. I was okay for the moment, but I could feel my resistance wearing thin. “I’m fine,” I lied. “I’m just ready for this all to be over.”

We got to Evan’s house, and I packed an entire bag for him with clothes and toiletries. “I want to stop by the café and get him some apple fritters before we go back,” I called out to Lara.

“I swear, you two are so cute it’s sickening. Why weren’t you like that with Austin?”

Grabbing one of Evan’s shirts, I brought it to my face and breathed in his scent. I loved Austin and always would, but what I had with Evan was different. It was stronger. “I don’t know,” I admitted honestly. “My relationship with Evan runs deeper than I’d ever imagined.”

“Do you think maybe it’s because you were meant to be with Evan and not Austin?”

“Could be, but they are complete opposites. My life stopped with Austin and then picked back up with Evan. He healed me.” Lara blew out a heavy sigh and sat down at the kitchen table. She fumbled with her phone and let it drop on the table. “Why are you asking me these questions?” I asked. “Is there something on your mind? Or perhaps someone?” Before she could reply, a knock sounded on the door. “I wonder who that could be.”

She followed me to the door. When I opened it, I wasn’t prepared to see Luke there with Jason beside him. His eyes immediately caught Lara’s and he froze.

“Hi,” I greeted them. “I wasn’t expecting you just yet.”

Jason glanced back and forth at us all and stepped forward when he realized Luke was going to stand there in a stupor. “I’m sorry to barge in on you, but we tried to call. We went to the hospital and Kate said you were here.”

Opening the door wider, I waved them in. “No, it’s fine. My phone must be dead. It hasn’t been charged in a while.” Jason stepped forward and so did Luke. Unfortunately, Lara backed away and disappeared down the hallway, slamming the door in her wake. “It’s been an emotional day,” I said, giving her an excuse. Then I turned to Luke. “Just give her some time.”

His jaw clenched. “More time for her to run back to Grayson? Yeah, that’s exactly what I want.”

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