Catching Summer (Second Chances, #6)

Brianna’s car was no match for the truck, which could easily run us right over. The guy was probably drunk. “When we get up close to the high school, pull over and let the fucker by,” I suggested. Unfortunately, that wasn’t going to happen, and there was no one around to help us. Out of nowhere, the truck slammed into us from behind and we jerked forward. “Holy shit!”

Brianna’s cries were all I could hear as everything moved in slow motion. Derek shouted at the person behind us while I pushed Bri to keep going. She was scared, and there was nothing I could do to save us. The truck proceeded to speed up and pull alongside us. I tried to look at the driver, but the window was dark. All I could tell was that it was a lifted metallic blue truck before it slammed into the side of us and we went barreling off the road. The impact tossed me out of the car. It was like I was out of my body watching as Derek and Bri met a different fate as the car rolled over and over. I held my breath as I hit the ground and the air was knocked out of my lungs. Every inch of my body was on fire, exploding with pain. For a split second, I lost all track of time and succumbed to the sound of my heartbeat thundering away in my ears.

The screeching of tires and the roaring of the truck pulled me out of my stupor. I wanted to chase after whoever it was and bash their heads into the cement. That was what my head felt like.

“Derek?” I called out, my voice raspy and weak. I could barely hear myself. After carefully turning on my side, I got a good look at the wreckage. Bri’s car was turned upside down and I could see her lifeless, crumpled body hanging by her seatbelt. “No, no, no. Brianna!”

As fast as I could, I clambered to my feet, and the world spun beneath me. I fell to the ground and tumbled the rest of the way to the mangled car. Brianna’s neck was turned awkwardly to the side, and by the look of her vacant eyes I knew she wasn’t in there. Blood oozed out of her ears and nose, dripping down onto the green grass below. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath and sat there, preparing myself for what lay on the other side of the twisted vehicle. I knew without a doubt that Derek would be dead as well. Stumbling around the car, I found him on the ground with his eyes closed. Blood flowed from a gash on his forehead, but none seemed to be coming from anywhere else.

“Derek,” I shouted, searching for a pulse. Nothing. There was no breath nor any shred of life. “Goddammit, no! I won’t let you fucking die this way!” Getting into position, I sat on my knees and concentrated on every step of the CPR training I had just gone through a few weeks ago. “Don’t you die on me, fucker,” I growled. I went through the motions of breaths and compressions, waiting for a tiny spark of life. “Come on, D! You can do this!”

Cars drove by on the road above, but no one could see us down in the ravine. I had no clue where the fuck my phone was to call for help. All I knew was that I couldn’t leave Derek, not while there was still a chance. There had to be a chance. Over and over I compressed his chest, refusing to give up. Tears blurred my vision, and I was never one to fucking cry. Brianna was gone, and all I could see was the terror in her face as we were run off the road. I wanted to erase the memory, but it was etched in my mind. What if it had been Summer and not Brianna? I would’ve wished I was fucking dead, too.

“Wake the fuck up!” I shouted. Finally, I heard the one sound I’d been dying to hear. Derek gasped for air and opened his eyes for a second before closing them again. “Thank fucking God,” I exclaimed, holding his face in my hands. “You’re gonna be all right, brother. Just hang on tight. I need to get us help.”

He was breathing on his own and his pulse was growing stronger. As quickly as I could, I rushed up the hill toward the road, intentionally keeping my gaze from straying down to Brianna still stuck in her car. Whoever was responsible for this was going to pay, and I wasn’t going to stop until I found them. A set of car lights shone in the distance, so I stumbled to the middle of the road, waving my hands in the air. A man and a woman got out of the car and rushed over to me, and all I could remember was falling to my knees and saying we needed help before everything turned black.

Chapter 22


Time dragged on and still no word from Evan. It was two in the morning, and he wasn’t answering his phone or text messages. He was with Derek and Brianna, so I knew I shouldn’t be worried about him. I trusted him. However, Evan wasn’t the type to say he was going to do something and then not do it. If he was going to be two hours late, he would’ve called me. I didn’t want to check up on him, but there was no way in hell I’d be able to sleep if I didn’t.

Picking up my phone, I called Lara. She was the only one I knew who had Luke’s number. When she answered, her voice was groggy with sleep. “Sis, you okay?”

“I don’t know. I can’t get in touch with Evan. Do you mind giving me Luke’s number? I know Evan was supposed to be with him tonight.”

She groaned. “Well, there’s your problem. He’s with Luke. Evan probably won’t stumble through the door until the sun comes up.”

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