Can't Hardly Breathe (The Original Heartbreakers #4)

Heads would have rolled.

It had been one tragedy after another for this precious woman, one rejection after another, and yet she’d never waved the white flag. That was courage. She possessed a soul-deep strength and a purity of character few others did, both of which mattered far more than outward beauty ever would. Even an outward beauty as magnificent as hers.

“What was the worst thing about high school?” he asked, steering the conversation to address other hurts she carried. He couldn’t help her with Rose, but he could maybe, hopefully, help her with the others.

“Eating alone in the cafeteria. My only friends were being homeschooled, and I had no one to talk to.”

Daniel hated his teen self. This woman would never eat alone again. He would make sure of it.

“What was the best thing about high school?”

“When you told me I was perfect just the way I am.”

Gold star, teen self. “You are perfect. There is nothing about you I would change.”

In a hesitant voice she asked, “Do you want children? One day, I mean. Never mind,” she muttered a second later. “It doesn’t matter. We’re not going to last. Nothing does.”

“Nothing does,” he echoed, his voice suddenly as hollowed-out as his chest. With five words—we’re not going to last—she’d somehow hurt him on a level his mind didn’t yet understand, even if his heart did.

I think I lov—

Stop! This was an emotionally charged moment. Better to figure out his feelings later.

She needed a distraction, and so did he. “You know,” he said to lighten the mood, “before we start dating, I need to know—”

“Before we start dating?” she asked primly.

“Yeah. Before we can be classified as an official couple, I need to know who’s on your last-supper list.”

“One nipple twist, coming up,” she said with some of her usual spunk.

Spunk he’d never been so glad to see. “Pass. But you shouldn’t make threats you’re not going to see through, sweetheart. You love my nipples, and we both know it.”

“Hmph. Your nipples are passable at best.”

He grinned up at the ceiling. Damn, he lo—

Liked her.

“Now tell me about this last supper,” she said. “I know about the one our lord Jesus attended, but I’m drawing a blank about my own.”

“It’s simple. If you were going to die tomorrow, which twelve people would you invite to attend your last meal? And I’m not talking about the people you’d like to poison, so you keep that dream list to yourself.”

She snorted. “I don’t know who I’d invite. I’ve never thought about it. What about you?”

“I don’t know who you’d invite, either.”

Acting fast, she twisted his nipple. “Who would you invite?”

“Oh.” He pried her fingers off the vulnerable crest. “My number one choice would be you, of course.”

“Please. I’m your girlfriend—well, almost your girlfriend, apparently. You have to say that.”

“No. You’re my girlfriend, so I get to say that. There’s a huge difference. I’d also invite Jude and Brock and my dad. Both of the pups.”

“We can invite animals instead of people?”

“Now, don’t you go planning a barnyard dinner, Dorothea Mathis. You only get to invite two animals.”

“Why only two?”

“Because I only have two pets.”

“So you’re making up the rules as you go along. Got it.” She drummed her nails against his chest, her features no longer tight with strain. “Who else? You’ve got six more seats to fill.”

He wanted to shout with triumph. I cheered her up. Me. “Do I have to pick from the living or can I pick from the dead?”

“Why are you asking me? You’re the puppet master, remember.”

“Well, well. You finally admit I’m in charge.”

“The only thing I’m admitting is that I may not invite you to my dinner,” she retorted.

Loving—liking—this teasing side of her, he said, “Someone is just asking for a spanking, isn’t she?”

“What is it with the Porter men and spankings? Your dad told me your mom used to spank you when you sassed her. And he recommended I do the same. But he did warn me that you would spank me right back.”

“I guess you’ll have to spank me and find out. And, Thea? I really hope you spank me.” Daniel kissed her temple. “As for my last six guests, I’d have to go with my mom, Santa Claus—”

“Who isn’t real.”

“I make the rules, remember? I want to know why I never got that miniature racehorse I asked for.” He continued. “Also Betty Crocker, Winston Churchill, Moses and Jessie Kay would receive a coveted invite.”

“That’s a great list.” Smug, she said, “Too bad my dinner party will totally blow yours to smithereens.”

“Well, well. Look who fancies herself a bona fide party planner. Let’s hear your list, Mathis.”

“First, I have to know who’s picking up the tab for the dinner.”

“I will. If I’m invited.”

“Well, heck. I guess you have to be now. So. You, of course. Lyndie and Ryanne. I think I might even invite Harlow, Jessie Kay and Brook Lynn. Princess Diana for her grace and charm. Marilyn Monroe.”

“Why Miss Marilyn?” He noticed her mom and Holly hadn’t yet made the cut.

“I want to learn her tricks for enchanting everyone she ever met, as well as everyone else ever born.”

“Sweetheart, you don’t need any tricks. You’ve got it nailed.”

She gave him another hmph. “Jason Momoa. Because wow. Theo James for the same reason. Oh, and Veronica Corningstone and Ron Burgundy, because they are the best news anchors of any generation, ever.”

“Ha! Gotta say, that’s a whole lot of beefcake at your table.”

“But not enough. I’ll put Al Roker on the waiting list.”

Daniel pretended to think for a moment, then nodded. “All right. Even though you didn’t invite the pups—”

“They will be sitting on our laps, so I figured I didn’t have to count them.”

“—your list passes my test. You are now officially my girlfriend.”

She twisted his nipple a second time, not stopping until he yelped.

Laughing now, he pried open her fingers. He brought her knuckles to his mouth, kissed them one at a time, savoring the softness of her skin.

In response, she yawned, the trials of the day finally catching up to her.

“Try to get some sleep now, okay?” he said.

“You staying?”

“I am.”

“All night?”

“All night. There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.”


COCOONED IN WARMTH, Dorothea drifted in and out of a light doze, her mind racing. Love, she realized. Daniel had called her love before. And he’d done it more than once.

She knew she shouldn’t read too much into it, but her heart soared. What if he was falling for her?

Fantasizing about a future together, she lost track of time but managed to remain cognizant of her surroundings. The mattress springs bounced and squeaked as the dogs jumped down. There was a soft patter of paws, then equally soft sighs. One thump, then another. She was pretty sure the pair had just sprawled across the floor.

Daniel grunted.