Can't Hardly Breathe (The Original Heartbreakers #4)

As Thea hurried to the bathroom, Daniel chased after her, hot on her heels. She made it past the door before he caught up with her, so he leaned against the wall just outside, waiting. Five minutes passed...ten. Two women entered and left the bathroom with no sign of Thea. If she’d climbed out the window...

He was about to leave his post to search outside when the door opened. She’d thrown water on her face, droplets clinging to tendrils of her hair. One slithered down her neck and caught in the heart-shaped collar of her shirt.

When she spotted him, she stomped her foot. “I told you to stop it, Daniel, and I meant it. I’m fixing to get angry.”

“Get angry, then. I can’t stop wanting you, sweetheart.”

“You only want me because I keep turning you down. I’m still a challenge for you, admit it.”

“We’ve had this conversation. You’re a challenge, but that isn’t why I want you.” He gave a violent shake of his head. “I don’t care how I get you, just as long as I get you.”

She rubbed her temples, wilting like a flower that hadn’t been watered in days. “You can’t do this to me, Daniel. I told you my hard limit. No secret relationship. It’s too demeaning for words, and contrary to public opinion—”

“I told my dad.”

“—I do have some self-respect. But here you are—Wait. What?”

“I told my dad I want to date you.” He took her by the waist and swung her around, then pressed her against the wall. “I want to tell everyone in town you belong to me.”

A thousand different emotions flittered over her features. The one he loved most? Hope. “I...I don’t understand. What changed?”

“I changed. I can’t promise forever, and marriage isn’t something I’m interested in—with anyone—but I don’t like my life without you in it.” He stroked the curve of her hip bone with his thumb. “Do you like your life without me in it?”

She only stared up at him with those wide shamrock eyes.

“I’m going to the inn, sweetheart, and I’m getting a room. Consider the slate between us wiped clean. You don’t owe me another date, or anything else. If you want to be with me of your own free will, you knock on the door. That’s all you have to do. I’ll take care of the rest.”


DOROTHEA COULD ONLY stand in place, rocked to the core, as Daniel walked away from her. He didn’t return to the table, didn’t say goodbye to his friends. He left the club, just as he’d promised. He was going to the inn, where he would be waiting for her.

If you want to be with me, you knock on the door.

He’d offered her a real relationship. They would be able to hold hands in public, and when someone asked him if he had a girlfriend, he would say yes. As if he was proud to date her.

He could change his mind tomorrow, after they’d had sex and the challenge was gone. With him, that would always be a risk. But...

He’d taken the first step, simply in an effort to please her. How could she not take the second one?


The word continued to echo inside her head. If Daniel’s spark for her died, she would want to die.

Great risk, great reward.

She trudged back to the table. Both Brock and Jude gave her a searching look. Lincoln West had arrived, and he was cuddled up to his wife. The two were lost in each other, and a deep pang of envy cut through Dorothea.

John frowned at her and squeezed her hand. “Everything okay?”

What to do, what to do? Risk everything, or play it safe?

Daniel hadn’t lasted with any of the other women he’d dated. How could Dorothea succeed where they had failed?

Oh, crap. She was doing it again. Thinking less of herself. Self-confidence wasn’t just a decision, she realized. It was a daily battle.

Well, fear wouldn’t rule her today. She wouldn’t let it.

I’m taking the risk!

“John,” she said, and sighed. “Will you take a walk with me? Outside?”

Everyone else at the table looked away, suddenly interested in something else. John released a sigh of his own but nodded; they left the dim, soulful atmosphere Ryanne’s voice had created and entered the coolness of the evening.

There were no clouds in sight, just mile after mile of twinkling stars.

Silent, they walked through the parking lot...headed toward his car? He already knew.

“You’re in love with Daniel Porter,” he said without fanfare.

“I am.” How strange, admitting the words aloud. Especially to someone other than Daniel. But John deserved the truth. “I didn’t want to love him. I hoped another man could help me get over him.”

“I understand. I really do. I’m kind of in love with him, too.” They shared a laugh, and he added, “To be honest, I’m still not over my ex, and I hoped the same thing. Just seeing you smile did more for me than...well. Anyway. Daniel is a lucky man. And an amazing one. I drooled on him, didn’t I?”

“You did, but don’t worry, you’re not the first.” She bumped him with her shoulder. “There’s something about him no one can resist.”

They reached John’s car, and he fished his keys out of his pocket. “Come on. I’ll give you a ride home.”

“No, thank you.” If she was going to do this thing with Daniel, she was going to do it all the way. That meant a clean break with John. Not that they’d ever been an item. It was just that she knew how she’d feel if Daniel accepted a ride from a woman he’d once been interested in dating. “I’ll catch a ride with Jude and Brock.”

He leaned down and kissed her cheek. “If things don’t work out...”

“I’m going to do everything in my power to ensure they do. I truly wish you all the best, John.”

He offered her a sad smile. “Right back at you.”

She backed away, and he climbed into the sedan. As he drove off, she made her way back inside the club. Jude and Brock were already halfway to the door. Planning to check on her?

“I need a ride,” she said.

“Where’s the date?” Jude asked. He looked stressed to the max, but she didn’t think it had anything to do with her or John. He’d looked that way the entire time he’d been in the bar.

“He’s on his way home.”

Brock cracked his knuckles like an evil supervillian. “Good. Saves me the trouble of...chatting with him.”

She wagged a finger in his face. “There will be no harming John. He’s a good guy.”

“Yeah, well, Daniel’s better.” Brock said the words, and Jude nodded emphatically.

“In some areas, yes,” she agreed.

Both men gaped at her.

“What? Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed his faults,” she said. “Anyway. He’s waiting for me at the inn.” She lifted an arm in the air and in her best superhero impersonation called, “To the car! We drive like the wind!”

Brock snorted. Jude shook his head, but his frown wasn’t as pronounced as before.

Along the way, Dorothea’s nerves pitched a bona fide hissy fit. Soon she would be with Daniel. In his room. Alone. They would have sex. He would want the lights on. She would insist the lights stayed out. Would they fight?

Other questions flooded her. Were they just going to jump each other at moment one or were they going to talk first, maybe settle a few details about their relationship?

“Do I need to pull over so you can vomit?” Brock asked, his tone dry.