Buy Me: The Complete Series (Mistress Auctions #1-3)

“Calm down, Charles. We want to know what the fuck is going on just as much as you do, but Stella is pregnant, and we can’t have you around her like this. It’s not safe for the baby,” Aaron says, holding up both hands in surrender.

“I came for Mandy. Once I get her, I’m out of here.” I try to push past them, not giving a fuck who sees this. They both hold their ground, not letting me by. “Get the fuck out of my way before I burn this goddamn place to the ground.”

Justin steps in front of me, but I can see hesitation in his eyes. “The only way you’re getting into our casino is if you calm down and come with us. We’ll let you talk to Mandy, but we will be there.”

I weigh my options and don’t see that I have many. I need to take her, and to do that I’ve got to get next to her. “Fine.” The word tastes like dirt on my tongue.

The brothers look at one another and they nod, turning to lead the way. I follow closely on their heels as they lead me inside the casino to a set of elevators. Once inside, I start to work out a plan, and when we hit the top floor, I take a breath to ready myself.

The doors open and we walk into their home. I step inside behind them, and immediately I see Mandy over their shoulders in the living room with her head down. Stella walks in from the kitchen with a glass of water in her hand. She sees the three of us standing there.

“Oh shit, that was fast,” she says, the shock clear on her face. I don’t know why she’s surprised. Like we wouldn’t find them.

I go to move around the brothers to get to Mandy when Aaron sticks his arm out to block my way. “This is far enough.”

Looking over his shoulder, Mandy makes eye contact with me just long enough for me to see her tears. Seeing her like this and not being able to get to her sends me into a rage. I need to go to her, but I look at the guys blocking my way and I know I need to be smart about it. They’re both as big as I am, and getting past them won’t be easy. But anger is on my side.

“Someone explain to me what the fuck happened in my casino and why my Mandy is upset.”

At my words, Mandy stands up and glares at me. “Our contract is up. We’re finished. You can go.”

I start to speak, but Justin turns and looks at Stella. “Lucky, explain what happened.” She looks nervous and won’t make eye contact with me, so Justin tries again. “Lucky, tell us what you told Mandy.”

“Nothing, just the truth. That Charles bid on me at the auction, and that he was holding something over your heads and using it to take you both down.”

“What?” Aaron and Justin say at the same time.

I don’t give a fuck what she told them or what her reasoning was. I won’t have Mandy taken from me.

“It was just what you guys were telling me earlier.” Stella looks between the brothers, suddenly not so sure.

Justin raises his hands and takes a step towards her. “Lucky, that’s not how it happened, and that’s not what we told you. Baby, I’m going to try and be gentle when I say this, but you’re in a cloud of pregnancy emotions. You scare the shit out of us half the time”

Aaron goes over to Stella and raises his hands in defense too. “We had that all sorted out with Charles weeks ago. We were just telling you about how we knew him.” Stella blushes, looking embarrassed as they walk over to make sure she’s okay.

It’s then I have my opening, and I take three long strides toward Mandy. I grab her and throw her over my shoulder.

Immediately, all hell breaks loose.

Aaron and Justin are on me, and Mandy is screaming for me to put her down. Aaron pushes me towards the couch and I’m able to toss Mandy on it as I go to the ground with the two guys.

I elbow Justin in the face and roll over, taking a punch from Aaron. I sit up and knock him back, giving him my left hook. Suddenly, Justin is up and tackles me to the floor, but I knee him in the ribs and he goes down.

I stand up and watch the two guys groaning on the ground. I look over at Mandy. She’s fallen off the couch in the scuffle and is on the floor, looking at me with wide eyes.

“You’re coming with me.” I can feel the blood from my split lip running down my chin as I say this, and I’m sure I look menacing.

She just sits on the floor, not moving, but I can see the indecision on her face. She knows me well enough to know that I won’t stop until she’s back in my bed. After another second of hesitation, I go over and pick her up, throwing her over my shoulder again.

When I turn around, the brothers have stood up and are standing in front of the elevator door.

I don’t have time for this bullshit so I get to the point. “Get out of my way.”

“You’re not taking her,” Aaron says, Justin nodding beside him.

“Get out of my way,” I growl again.

I start walking to the elevator, and I hear Stella behind me. “Charles!”

When I turn around, I see her standing there, holding her belly.

“Do you love her?”