Buy Me: The Complete Series (Mistress Auctions #1-3)

“Hair,” he says from behind me, reaching around me to give me a hair tie. I make a little huffing noise like I’m irritated, but he just nibbles and bites my earlobe softly, making me yelp out.

I’m used to my hair being up, and I mostly like it that way. At first I didn’t question why Charles would randomly ask me to pull up my hair. One day, when I finally asked, he told me he didn’t like others seeing it down. It was just for him. Enticing was the word he used. It was too enticing. How could I say no to that? That he was worried that someone would want to steal me from him because of my hair.

Pulling it up, I grab my phone off the table, but he grabs it from me, putting it back and dropping his next to it.

“No phones today. It’s just you and me.”

“Really?” I raise an eyebrow. He isn’t always on his phone, but he usually has it close.

“I’m going to show you what it would be like if you stayed here with me after the contract is over.”

I’d like to say “all you have to do is ask”, but I want to see what he has up his sleeve today. He looks so laid-back in a plain white shirt and board shorts. It clear we’re going somewhere with water, and if we’re leaving our phones behind, it has to be close.

“Where are we off to?” I ask as he pulls me out of our room and into the elevator. He hits button for the top floor, which also houses the VIP pool area.

When the doors slide open, the normally packed pool is completely empty.

“Where is everyone?”

He grabs my hand, pulling me forward to one of the cabanas.

“I closed it for the day.” He says it like it’s no big deal, and my eyes bug out in surprise.

“I can’t imagine the hell that’s being raised downstairs by some of the guests right now.”

“It’s not our problem. I don’t care—it’s my pool.” He pulls me in, kissing me sweetly. I had no idea this man was underneath all that hardness when I met him almost two months ago.

“Let me spoil you while we spend the day together.”

And he does. We spend the day making love, eating and playing in the pool. It’s utter perfection. I want to pout when the sun starts to set, the Vegas breeze adding a chill to the air.

“Don’t pout, kitten. We can do this any day you want to. Besides, I must have exhausted you by now,” he teases, pulling me up from where I’m lying and slipping my dress back on over my head.

“I think you’ve built up my endurance. I may soon surpass you, and what will you do then?”

“Let you ride me while I just lie back and take whatever you want to work out of me.”

“Yeah, right,” I laugh as he pulls me toward the elevators.

“I need to grab something from the front desk. You want to come with, or would you like me to stop on our floor?”

“I’ll come,” I say, nuzzling myself closer to him.

When we hit the bottom floor, the crowds part, moving out of his way just like normal. When everyone first started seeing us together they would openly stare, not used to seeing Charles with a woman. It was even startling to see him dote on one like he does me. He’d often pull me into his lap at company meetings or at one of the restaurants. I was a little uncomfortable with all the stares at first, but I’m thinking a company email went out or something because people seem to look the other way when we pass now.

When we reach the entryway, I see Stella arguing with one of the people at the front desk.

“Stella? Is everything okay?” I panic thinking something might be wrong. I’d left my phone in the room with no way for anyone to get in touch with me. I look around but don’t see Aaron or Justin anywhere, and they’re normally two feet behind her. I look over and see one of the security guards who works at the Cortez Casino standing a little ways back from her.

“Mandy! They wouldn’t tell me where you were.” She shoots a glare at the front desk clerk who looks to Charles for help. He just shrugs his shoulders.

I break away from Charles’s hand and I feel him tighten it a little before he finally lets go. I go over to Stella and give her a hug. “I’m here. Is everything okay? The baby? The guys?” She looks over at Charles, and I see a spark of something in her eyes.

“No, they’re fine. I just wanted to talk to you. I didn’t have your number so I knew I’d just have to come here.” She’s distressed, and I can tell something is wrong.

“You seem upset.” I squeeze her shoulders and try to show her some comfort.

“I am. I just want to talk to you for a minute. I kind of ran out on the guys when they told me something.”

“Let’s go over here and chat.” I point to an empty table that sits in front of one of the coffee shops.

She throws Charles a glare before making her way to the table. I start to follow her, but Charles grabs my arm, pulling me to look at him.

“Charles, I have to go. She’s my family.”

“I know, I just…” He runs his finger across the collar on my neck. “I’ll be right over here if you need me.”