Buy Me: The Complete Series (Mistress Auctions #1-3)

“What’s wrong?” he asks, looking over at Aaron, and then back to me. Aaron looks just as confused.

“Nothing.” I pull back from his arms and drop to my knees in front of him, going for his belt. The look of shock on his face would be almost laughable if I wasn't so mad. I have no right to be, but he made me believe I could have something that I couldn't. I wouldn't be their little woman who stayed at home while the boys went out just being boys.

But I would give them their fucking thirty days. It might rip me apart trying to stay detached from them, but I would do it.

“What are you doing?” he demands, grabbing me by the wrist. My anger gets the best of me and I snap.

“I’m doing what you paid me to do. I’m sorry if I’m doing it wrong, but maybe next time don’t get yourself a virgin. At least then you’ll have someone who knows what they are doing. Wait…is that why you have Natasha? Because she knows how to suck you off how you like?”




When we pull in to the Cortez, there are paparazzi everywhere. “This place is turning into a zoo. Fuck, I can’t wait for this tournament to end.” I push past a few of them as security from the casino comes out and helps us through the crowd.

Once inside, we walk past the tournament tables, but before we clear them, I’m run over as Natasha jumps out in front of me.

“Justin, we need to talk.” She’s got her fake-ass camera smile pasted on, so they must be close by. After hearing about what happened that night at Snake Eyes, it’s all I can do not to grab her by the arms and throw her ass out of our casino.

I don’t feel Aaron beside me, and I look over to see him walking towards the elevators. He’s walking up behind a brunette in a blue dress, and I realize it’s Stella.

I’m anxious to get to her, so I grab Natasha’s arm, lean in, and tell her exactly what’s going to happen.

“You are going to go back to your table, cash out your chips, and get the fuck out of my casino. Now.”

She leans back, laughing like I just made a joke.

“I’ve got a video of the night you drugged me and had one of your friends carry me to your hotel room. It’s enough evidence to press charges, and you better believe that’s exactly what I’m doing. I’m giving you the opportunity to get your shit and get out of here, because I don’t want any more of your reality TV filth dirtying up the place. But know that I’m filing a report today, so if I were you, I’d take this time to enjoy your freedom. I plan on using every dime I have sending you to jail for as long as possible.”

Her eyes are wide with shock, and her practiced smile has slipped.

“Be sure to wave to the cameras on your way out, Natasha. Wouldn’t want to disappoint your fans.”

I drop her arm and watch her walk back to her table to gather her chips. I move to the private elevator and see Mandy coming in my direction, her phone in her hand.

“Something wrong?” I ask as I swipe my card and wait for the doors to open.

“No, just another hang up. Oh well. How did everything go at the Snake Eyes? How was your meeting with Mr. Townsend?”

I struggle to find the words, knowing that we need to tell her, but wanting to wait. As I open my mouth to say something, the elevator doors open, and Aaron is standing there smiling. He grabs me by the jacket, hauls me in the elevator, and nods goodbye to Mandy. The doors close as he shouts to her. “Clear our schedule until tomorrow.” They seal shut.

‘What’s gotten into you?” I ask. I haven't seen him this giddy in…I can’t even remember, because ‘giddy’ is a word I would have never in a million years used to describe Aaron.

“Lucky is ready.”

“Really?” I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

“Goddamn, yes. I ate that sweet pussy right here on the way up to the penthouse, and once we got inside, I knew I needed to come get you. Fuck, I’m so hard, I’ve gotta get inside her. Just smelling her on my face is killing me.”

“Hell yeah, brother. It’s about time.” I feel my cheeks hurt from smiling as the doors open. I walk out, grabbing her body and pulling her against me. I press my lips happily to hers, but as I kiss her, something feels off. She’s opening to me, but she isn’t kissing me back. There’s none of the passion we’ve shared before.

I pull away and look into her eyes, trying to figure out what I’m doing wrong. She looks so perfect after getting pampered all day. “You look beautiful, baby.”

“Thank you.” Her words are clipped and cold.

“What’s wrong?”

I look at Aaron and he looks at Stella, with an equally perplexed look. We are thoroughly confused. I’m not seeing what Aaron was saying. She doesn't seem ready at all. Now she looks like we’ve taken a few steps back.
