Buy Me: The Complete Series (Mistress Auctions #1-3)

Maybe I’m completely wrong. Ten million probably means nothing to them. Hell, this could be something they do every month—hopping from one mistress to the next. Did they have a mistress the whole time they kept trying to get me to go on a date with them? Samantha said some of the men keep a mistress and also date other women, but that wasn't our business. We don’t ask the men where they spend their time when they aren’t with us. The men are free to come and go as they please, but we are to remain available to them at all times. They pay for a service, and they can use it how they see fit.

The idea of them using me like that makes a weight settle on my chest. It was the very reason I turned them down time and time again. These two could break my heart, and I just didn’t have room or time for something like that in my life. And they most definitely would leave me in pieces while they moved on to their next conquest. My heart still hasn’t fully recovered from losing my mother, who seems to have taken my father with her.

I don’t understand why they hadn’t already moved on to someone else since I turned them down. Maybe that’s part of the problem; I said no. Something I’m sure neither is used to hearing. Not when you own one of the top casinos in Vegas. One I’m still not sure how my father got through the front door of. I’m sure no one tells them no, and maybe me doing that only fueled their pursuit.

I must look like a joke to them right now, turning them down over and over, and then running into them here. I’m dressed in practically nothing, selling myself to the highest bidder. I inwardly groan at myself. Maybe that’s why they bought me, to prove a point. I wish I could have seen their faces when the black curtain was pulled back and I was standing there, nearly naked. Where they shocked? Or did they think it was the perfect opportunity to show me no one says no to them?

Why do they have to be so goddamn handsome? They’re eerily similar in looks; both have dirty brown hair, dark brown eyes, and have the same tall muscular build. I heard someone mention that they were foster brothers, but it’s funny how they still favor each other. They both have runners’ builds, or maybe they’re more like quarterbacks. Justin looks like he might have an inch over Aaron. That’s saying a lot because Aaron is easily over six feet tall. The both have that constant two-day stubble I want to rub against, and I hate how my body reacts to it.

It’s then I realize we are all still just staring at each other. Wake up, Stella! This is your job for the next thirty days. Am I supposed to service them sexually whenever? Or do I wait for them to tell me to do something? They said they didn’t want to have sex here, so maybe they want something else. A blow job?

At the thought, my eyes drop down to their crotches, and I’m sure my eyes bulge out even more. They look…huge. Their erections strain their pants. Both are in suits. Justin’s is nicely put together while Aaron’s has a more laid-back feel with some of buttons undone and his sleeves rolled up.

I slowly reach my hand out towards Justin’s erection because he’s the closest. I don’t know what makes me so bold, but I’m guessing it’s knowing that this is why they bought me. Hell, they even know I’m a virgin, so it should be pretty obvious I’m not totally sure what I’m doing. The only time I’ve ever messed around with a boy was with that one who worked on our farm for a little while, and it never went passed kissing and heavy petting against the side of the barn. We did it whenever we could sneak away, but we were just kids fooling around. With Justin and Aaron, I’d already been pretty much naked in front of them. I want to laugh at the thought, because I was just pretty much naked in front of a whole room of men.

When my hand makes contact with his clothes-covered erection, a moan fills the room. Justin pushes himself further into my hand, and I can actually feel his cock jerk against my fingers.

“Fuck,” he growls, grabbing my wrist. “We have to get out of here. Now.”

Before I know what’s happening, Aaron has me cradled in his arms, pulling me close to his body. We exit the room, and I’m sure my ass is on show to anyone who passes by.

“I can’t believe I almost came in my pants, like a thirteen-year-old boy who saw a naked woman for the first time,” I hear Justin say behind us, and it makes Aaron laugh. His whole chest vibrates with it as we make our way down the long black hallway, scattered with red doors with numbers on them.

“It’s been too long,” Aaron responds, looking down at me as if I know what that means. His voice is filled with longing, but I don’t understand. What’s been too long? Since the last time they got laid? I can’t image it would take much for the two of them to get lucky. I’m sure they could walk across their own casino floor and have women just throw themselves at them. I know the feeling, because I’d wanted to throw myself at them too, but the fear of being hurt always held me back. I didn’t want to be just another notch on someone’s belt. One of hundreds, I’m sure. Plus I wouldn’t know what to do with men like them. We are in different leagues. I’m a farm girl who's more comfortable in boots, and they’re suits-and-champagne kind of guys.

“Way too long,” Justin agrees, shaking me from my thoughts.