Buy Me: The Complete Series (Mistress Auctions #1-3)

Once she is a few steps away, she stops dead in her tracks, probably because she sees two sets of shoes.

Her head snaps up and she looks me, her eyes wide with shock. “You,” she whispers accusingly, and then turns to look at my brother. “And you.” She brings her hands to her mouth, looking back and forth between us in shock.

I slowly reach out and take one hand away from her mouth, holding it gently in mine. “You wouldn’t go to dinner with us.”

Stella’s eyes are still as big as saucers. “So you paid ten million dollars to have sex with me?” Her shock is apparent in her voice, and I can’t help but smile.

Aaron reaches out and takes her other hand. “We consider it a deal. We’d have paid much, much more.”

I know he doesn’t want to scare her with the whole ‘we want you as our shared wife for the rest of our lives’ talk just this moment. So letting her think we paid to have sex with her is probably for the best right now.

“You both heard I’m a virgin, right?” A blush creeps across her cheeks, and she looks everywhere but at us.

I pull her hand to my mouth and kiss the palm, getting her attention, and making her look into my eyes. “We heard the good news, yes. We would have done this no matter what, but knowing we will be first is so much sweeter.” We’ll also be the last, but I don’t tell her that part.

She looks at both of us, and fear rises in her eyes once again. “The two of you at once?” She starts to take a step back, but we hold her hands tighter.

“Shh.” Aaron tries to calm her, attempting to stem her rising panic. “There’s plenty of time to discuss this, but not here.”

“But the contract…” She’s referring to the first coupling, but we plan on making other arrangements.

I go over to the hidden door and knock on it. After a second a security guard comes and I ask for Samantha. He looks in and checks to make sure everyone is okay, and then goes to get her.

After just a moment, Samantha comes into the room, shutting the door behind her.

“Gentlemen, is there a problem? You both seem more than excited to begin.” She discreetly nods to mine and Aaron's obscene erections, but there’s nothing we can do to hide them. At this point, people are just going to have to deal with it.

“We’d like to take Stella home. This is obviously a unique situation with there being two of us, and we’d appreciate a little more time before we jump into things.” I look over at Aaron, who’s still holding Stella’s hand, and he nods his confirmation.

Poor Stella looks like a baby deer in headlights, not sure what’s happening.

“This is highly unusual, and normally I would say no and enforce our policy, but I’ve been informed you know one another. Stella?”

She looks at Samantha and nods her head.

“If you don’t mind readjusting your contract and allowing Justin and Aaron to take you home first, then I’ll allow it. At a nominal fee, of course.”

“Of course,” I say, without hesitation.

Aaron and I look to Stella, and she looks unsure. She must think she’s weighing her options but Aaron and I know it’s happening no matter what. After a moment, she agrees. “Yes, I’ll go with them instead.”

“It’s settled then,” Samantha says, and exits the room, leaving us alone.



Holy shit. These two just paid ten million dollars to fuck me for thirty days. I don’t think I can wrap my mind around something like that. They’re most definitely more insane than I’d originally thought. On top of that, they want to share me. Why don’t they each get a mistress? They clearly have the money to do so. I wonder if they’ll take turns with me, or take me at the same time. What if they divide their time with me: one night spent with Aaron and another spent with Justin. For some reason, the idea of having them both at the same time excites something dark in me.

My traitorous body heats at the idea, but my brain can’t seem to catch up with everything else. Both of them stand there staring at me, making me wonder if I’m supposed to be doing something. I should’ve asked someone what the protocol is for something like this. I know I’m supposed to be polite, willing, and not ask questions. Almost as if I’m a toy they can play with when they want to, but Jesus, ten million is a lot for a toy.