Buried and Shadowed (Branded Packs #3)

Soren grinned then. “True enough.” He lifted his arm and inhaled. “Yeah, I smell like my feisty mate. Not a bad thing at all. But you? You surprise me.”

Gibson growled. “What of it? You have a problem with my choices.”

Soren held up his hands, palms out, the grin leaving his face quickly. “Not at all, Gibson. I’m happy for you, even though I don’t see a mating mark so it must be early in your dance. I’m only saying you surprise me because you’ve held yourself apart for so long, and now that you’re starting to come back to us, you’re going full tilt.” Soren smiled broadly. “I like it.”

Gibson shook his head. This damn wolf was like a cat sometimes. It made sense, considering the man had mated a Feline of his own. “Are you done poking at me now? Holden wanted to see me.”

Soren stepped out of the way. “Come on in. He summoned me, as well.”

“I don’t summon,” Holden bit out as Gibson and Soren made their way into the living room. “I ask.”

Ariel snorted and patted her mate’s chest. They stood in the center of the living room, her tiny form looking so fragile against Holden’s. Gibson wondered how the petite Mandy would look between him and Oliver, and had to quickly get that thought out of his mind before he did something stupid like get a hard-on in his Alpha’s home.

“You summon, baby, but it’s okay,” Ariel said with a wink. “It’s good to see you up and about, Gibson.”

Gibson opened his mouth to say something, but staggered back as a wave of intense emotion hit him like a wall. Excitement, fear, love, adoration, nervousness, and relief spread over him, and he hit the ground hard, his head slamming against the wooden floor.

Soren reached for him and put his hand on Gibson’s chest. “What is it?”

Gibson squeezed his eyes shut. “Too…much…” He gasped. He’d forgotten for a moment that he was the Omega. Apparently, whatever calming effect Mandy and Oliver had over him had worn off and now he could feel everything.

He couldn’t untangle the web made from the other three in the room, and their fear and worry overwhelmed him.

“Shit, he looked fine just a second ago,” Holden growled. “Soren, get Mandy and Oliver. I can scent them on him. If he was calm after leaving them, they might be able to help.”

“On it,” Soren said, his voice and scent fading as he left.

Ariel’s small hand touched Gibson’s forehead, and his body shook. “What can we do?” she asked, tears in her voice.

“I don’t know,” Holden bit out. “But you’re stronger than this, Gibson. You hear me? You’re going to get through this, and you’re going to be fucking amazing. Because I will not let you leave this world because of what we feel. You get me? You’re stuck with us.”

“Yes, Alpha,” Gibson grunted, trying to smile. He couldn’t though, his head hurt and his body felt heavy. He inhaled deeply, trying to catch his breath, and when he did that, a burst of new emotion slammed into him and he felt his body going lax. But even as it did, he found a new…tangle that forced his eyes open. “Congratulations,” he murmured.

Ariel’s eyes widened. “What?”

“I can feel…” his voice trailed off, his body unable to go much longer.

“Shit,” Holden cursed. “You’re feeling the new life within her, aren’t you? That’s why you’re doing this. Because you figured out she’s pregnant.”

“Oh, Gibson,” Ariel said softly. “I’m so sorry.”

Gibson was about to pass out, but he used the last of his energy to grip her hand. “No need,” he rasped. “I’ll get used to it. Congrats, Mom.”

She smiled at him, and that was the last he saw before he passed out, the intensity of the emotions too much for him.

He came to with his head cradled in a soft lap that smelled of sweetness and submissive wolf. The scent of bear and promise came from his side, and Gibson’s wolf immediately relaxed.

“Well, that settles it,” Holden said with a growl, and Gibson opened his eyes.

His head rested in Mandy’s lap as she ran her fingers slowly through his hair. Oliver sat on the hardwood floor next to him, his legs crossed. The bear frowned at him, though the relief in his eyes calmed Gibson a little.

Holden stood at Gibson’s feet, Ariel at his side. He could scent Soren in the room but he didn’t feel like turning to see the other man.

“What settles what?” Gibson croaked.

Oliver held out a mug of water. “Drink this.”

With the help of Oliver and Mandy, he gulped down the water greedily, his parched throat easing.

“What settles what?” he repeated, his voice less scratchy this time.

“They calm you,” Holden answered finally. “You stopped screaming and woke up as soon as they were near you.”

Oliver gripped Gibson’s free hand. “Don’t scare us like that again.”

“That’s rich coming from a man who passes out with every vision.”

“Stop it,” Mandy said softly, her eyes downcast. With so many dominants in the room, this had to be hard for her. “Please.”

He reached up and cupped her face above him. “I’m sorry, sweetness.”