Brooklyn & Beale

“Well, I see Greer hasn’t changed a bit.”

Chloe leaned around Greer, her stomach sinking when she spotted Reid and Jess standing in the doorway. Jess wore a wide smile and her eyes danced with mirth, but Reid looked as though he was contemplating murder. Their expressions couldn’t have been more different.

Still holding Chloe’s arm, Greer turned toward Jess and winked. “Does that mean you’re ready to dump that loser for me?”

Jess laughed. “It seems like you already have your hands full.”

“Literally,” Reid added, his voice flat, his gaze locked on where Greer held Chloe’s arm.

Chloe cleared her throat and tugged her arm free. “Hey, guys.”

“Hi, Chloe.” Jess smiled as she crossed the room. “Happy birthday!”

Chloe returned her smile. “Thanks.”

Jess grabbed a nearby chair and pulled it in front of Chloe before falling into it with a sigh. “Jet lag is a bitch.”

“I told you to stay at the hotel and get some rest,” Reid said, moving slowly toward the group.

“And miss your show? Are you kidding?” Jess’s eyes widened with mock outrage. Her tone was playful, but Chloe couldn’t help but notice the way her knuckles whitened from her grip on the chair.

“That’s the thing about being on tour. There’s show after show after show to look forward to.”

“Damn, bro. There’s goes my theory that getting laid would mellow you out. You’re still just as broody as ever. How do you put up with this guy?” Greer asked, his tone joking and lighthearted.

Chloe would have given anything to be somewhere else. She didn’t want to think about what Reid and Jess had done the night before. She didn’t want to see Jess’s pink cheeks or the sweet smile she wore when she peeked up at Reid. Most of all, she didn’t want to feel the pang of jealousy that burned like acid.

“Chloe, do you have plans for your birthday after the show?” Jess asked, obviously wanting to change the subject.

Chloe shook her head while Greer nodded. Chloe looked over at him, her brows pinched. “I have plans?”

“Yup. You sure do. You ditched us last night. It’s not happening again. We don’t have to do anything big, but we’re going out for a drink later. Inky won’t take no for an answer.”

Chloe rolled her eyes. “I didn’t ditch you last night. I’d been walking all afternoon and I was exhausted. And I’d love to go out after the show for a drink.” Chloe’s gaze flickered to Reid. His expression was blank, his eyes impassive. It made her feel ridiculous for her flash of jealousy earlier. Reid was just her friend. Steeling herself, Chloe turned to Jess.

“Do you guys want to come with us? I know you said you were tired, but the offer stands.”

“That’s the spirit,” Greer bellowed, his arm finding its way around Chloe’s shoulders once more. “We’ll all go, one big, happy family.” He reached over and tugged at the hat still on Chloe’s head.

“Oh my God,” she laughed, batting his hand away and pulling off the hat. “I’m not wearing this.” She waved the hat in Greer’s face, pulling it out of his reach when he made a grab for it.

“You’re no fun.”

“Are they always like this?” Jess giggled, hooking her finger in Reid’s pocket and pulling him closer.

“Yup.” Reid’s clipped tone and one-word answers made it clear that Greer’s antics were pushing his buttons. Chloe had no doubt that was the exact reaction Greer wanted. This time, however, Chloe wasn’t going to step in the middle.

“We’d love to come.” Jess looked up at Reid and tugged on his jeans to get his attention. “Is that okay with you?”

Reid looked down at Jess, his shoulders slumping at the sight of her hopeful expression. “If that’s what you want to do, then that’s what we’ll do.”

“Thanks,” Jess answered. “Can we go see Inky now? She has a couple of shirts from the opening band that she’s holding for me.”

Reid looked at Greer. “Hey, man. I need to talk to Chloe about a few things with the show. Will you walk with Jess to where Inky is setting up?”

Chloe tensed. She wasn’t sure why, but suddenly the thought of being alone with Reid made her nervous.

“No problem.” Greer smirked, his gaze locked on Reid. The knowing look in his eyes made Chloe fidget. “Just remember, when Jess falls madly in love with me, you have only yourself to blame.”

Reid laughed, but it sounded off. Hollow. “I’ll take my chances.”

Jess looked at Chloe. “These two must be loads of fun on the bus.”

Chloe smiled and swallowed hard. “One big, happy family.”

Olivia Evans's books