Brooklyn & Beale

Reid kept quiet during the ride back to the hotel, and Chloe didn’t push to make conversation. She wasn’t sure what caused his drastic change in demeanor, but it was clear it wasn’t something he wanted to discuss. Once inside the hotel, he thanked her for breakfast and disappeared to his room.

Chloe didn’t want to spend her limited free time locked away in a hotel room, so she settled into a lobby chair and grabbed a newspaper. Flipping to the entertainment section, she scanned the articles until she found one about their show the night before. A smile broke across her face once she found it. Pride and relief swelled inside her chest as she read the article through blurry eyes. The journalist loved the show. He thought it was perfect. However, it wasn’t until she reached the part of the article commenting on the amazing addition of violinist Chloe Bennett and the electric onstage chemistry she shared with Reid that another emotion began to simmer.

Her stomach fluttered as warmth spread through her limbs. The heat caused her skin to tingle. It was a familiar feeling, one she’d felt many times over the years. It was excitement laced with lust. The possibility of a spark with someone she found attractive, interesting, unobtainable. That moment of thinking, “What if?”

“What has you grinning like the cat who caught the canary?” Greer asked, jolting Chloe from her less than innocent thoughts.

With an uncomfortable laugh, Chloe handed Greer the newspaper as he sat down next to her. “See for yourself.” The air seemed to thicken as Chloe watched Greer read the article. Although he recovered quickly, she didn’t miss the way his smile faltered.

“What’s wrong?”

Greer folded the paper and smiled. “Not a thing. That’s one hell of a review. And look at you getting mentioned by name. You really did steal the show.” He winked and nudged her foot, but for some reason, he seemed off.

“I’m sorry. It wasn’t my intention to have my name in the paper. I was caught in the moment. You guys deserve way more recognition,” Chloe rambled. She didn’t want to upset Greer or Drew, and she certainly didn’t want to steal the spotlight from Reid.

Greer barked out a laugh. “What the hell are you talking about?”

“What do you mean, what am I talking about? You sounded upset. I thought it was because my name was mentioned.”

“Shit, Chloe,” Greer chuckled, finally composing himself. “Unless your name is Flea, John Bonham, or Slash, the general public rarely knows anyone other than the lead singer.”

“That’s exactly my point,” Chloe argued. “You guys have been with Reid since the beginning. I’m just a hired hand for this tour. People like me are supposed to fade into the background. Be heard, but not seen. That’s just how it works.”

Greer nodded. “That’s how it’s supposed to be for anyone whose name isn’t Reid Ryder. We all know that. So why would you think I was upset?”

Chloe fidgeted, feeling self-conscious. “I don’t know. Maybe I’m being silly, but I think of me, you, and Drew as a team. The supporting cast in the shadows. It feels wrong to be mentioned by name without you guys getting the same attention.”

“Are you having one of those girlie moments? I’m not sure if I’m prepared to handle this without coffee, if so.”

Chloe giggled and kicked Greer’s foot. “Don’t be an asshole.”

“Then don’t be ridiculous,” Greer countered. “You’re front and center on stage next to Reid. You two really worked the crowd last night. The journalist was right about the onstage chemistry. It was off the charts.”

Chloe studied her hands, a shy smile crossing her face. Just as before, warmth fluttered under her skin. “You think so?”

“Absolutely. That’s what worries me.”

Confused by his words, Chloe looked up. “Why?”

“Because he and Jess haven’t been back together very long. She might get the wrong idea. I’m worried how it will affect Reid if that happens.”

Chloe’s stomach flipped. It wasn’t a warm and fluttery feeling like before; this was different, darker. Unwanted. “Jess?”

Greer’s eyes widened and a look of genuine shock crossed his face. “You’re joking, right?”

“Do I sound like I’m joking?” Chloe kept her eyes locked with Greer’s as his intense brown eyes searched her face. When his lips parted and his shoulders slumped, Chloe knew he believed her.

“Damn, Chloe.” Greer sighed. “I owe you an apology. I thought you knew about Jess.”

Olivia Evans's books