Brooklyn & Beale

“Okay, Padawan, time to wrap things up. You need your beauty rest,” Chloe said, thankfully interrupting one of the more aggressive fans.

Reid laughed and gave the fan an apologetic smile. “Sorry. That’s all for tonight, guys. Thanks for coming out.”

Groans of protest echoed around the room, but the security team quickly cleared the area. “Did you just Yoda me again?” Reid asked with a smile as they walked toward the tour bus.

Chloe shrugged. “You looked uncomfortable. I thought I could lend a hand since the security team couldn’t seem to be bothered.”

“I don’t know what the hell those guys were doing, but if they want to keep their jobs, it better not happen again.”

“Don’t worry, I’m pretty sure I saw Tom letting the head guy have it. With any luck, tomorrow will be different. I bet you won’t be able to breathe without smelling the security guy next to you.”

Reid’s face twisted with disgust. “Thanks for the visual.”

“Happy to help,” Chloe laughed as they filed onto the tour bus.

Hushed conversations filled the space as they drove to the hotel. Reid hadn’t planned to seclude himself, but once Greer settled in next to Chloe, he had the sudden urge to be alone. Falling onto the bed in the small bedroom on the bus, he pulled out his phone. Tiny folded pieces of paper dropped onto the bed, but that’s not what made Reid’s pulse suddenly quicken. Frozen, he stared at a plastic bag filled with white powder lying among the pile of phone numbers. He reached for it slowly, a phantom numbness sliding down his throat as he swallowed. With shaking hands, he lifted it from the bed, and without thought, brought it to his nose and pulled in a deep, burning breath. He wanted it; he wanted it more than he could have possibly anticipated. Like an old pro, he twisted and tugged the knot loose until there was no barrier between him and sweet oblivion.

Reid struggled to pull away, to fight the temptation, but he felt helpless against the weight of need. He shifted his hand and dipped his pinkie into the center of the powder, only hesitating a second before parting his lips and rubbing the bitter substance over his teeth and gums. The image that followed caused his knees to buckle and acid to hit the back of his throat.

Vacant green eyes. Pale skin stained in crimson.

Reid heaved and staggered to his feet. Blindly, he moved to the tiny bathroom and flushed the bag down the toilet. Ashamed and sick, he slumped against the wall and pulled his knees to his chest. With each breath, he felt the weight of his weakness press into his shoulders until he could hardly breathe. He needed to be the man he used to be before all the fame. The man he used to be with Jess, if that guy even existed anymore. She made him stronger and gave him hope.

There was nothing he wanted more than to see her face, hear her voice. Climbing to his feet, he walked to the bedroom and fell on the bed. It was the first day of the tour and his will was already being tested. He hoped it wasn’t a sign of things to come. Typing out a text to Jess, he dropped his phone to his side and closed his eyes. Today was almost over. Tomorrow, he would have a clean slate. Tomorrow, he would do better.

The following morning, Reid sat hidden in the corner of the hotel restaurant. With coffee in hand, he scrolled through websites on his phone, looking for reviews of the show. The search had been mostly unsuccessful, but it helped distract him from his guilt over what he’d almost done the night before.

Reid looked up when the elevator bell dinged. A few seconds later, Chloe stepped out. Looking around, Reid let out a low whistle to get her attention and waved her over. “Can’t sleep either?”

“Are you kidding? I could have slept all day, but there’s no way I’m going to miss grabbing breakfast at Queen of Tarts.”

“Queen of Tarts?”

“Yes. I know we have food catered in, but you haven’t lived until you’ve had their scones.”

Reid’s brows shot up at the mention of scones. “Is that a fact?”

“I would never lie about scones, especially considering your love for pastries. Would you like me to bring you something back?”

Reid looked over her shoulder and realized she was alone. “Is anyone going with you?”

“Do you really think anyone else would get up this early for scones?”

Reid laughed, and a bit of the weight he felt lifted. “How about I join you? Otherwise, I’m just going to sit here looking for reviews until my head explodes.”

“Well, come on, then. Get a move on. It’s across the river.”

Reid eyed her skeptically. “Do you know where you’re going?”

Chloe waved her phone in front of his face. “I don’t have to. I called a cab.”

“Touché,” Reid said, grabbing his jacket and following Chloe out of the hotel. A few fans who had camped out jumped to their feet when he stepped outside. He autographed a couple of CDs and posed for a few pictures before waving good-bye and following Chloe into the waiting cab.

Olivia Evans's books