Broken Love (Broken #4)

I cleared my throat and glanced over to Reed who smiled and replied, “It just makes sense to make the move now so we can get settled in.”

“And y’all will be living in Helena? Not on the ranch?”

“No, we’ll be at the ranch for a few months. Ryder and I haven’t really decided on where we’ll live. The focus is on the wedding.”

Reed pushed a breath out. “And you’re sure you both want to do this? You don’t think it’s too soon?”

Ava reached for my hand and laced her fingers with mine. “Dad, when you first realized Mom was the one, didn’t you want to start your life right then and there? If I remember correctly, your wedding was kind of last minute.”

“We had our reasons,” Reed said.

“And we have ours.”

“I know, but why not make it for next year?” Reed said with a hopeful expression.

“Ugh, Daddy! Are we really going to argue about this when I’m fixin’ to leave for the airport?”

He pushed off the counter and held his hand out for her. “No. You’re right. This is your wedding and you do it how you want.”

Ava threw her arms around her father and hugged him. “I love you so much.”

Courtney smiled sweetly as she watched the scene play out along with me. “Will the dress be ready in time?”

“Yes! Lucy has a seamstress in Helena who promised she can have the dress done by Valentine’s Day.”

“My baby is getting married!” Courtney cried out as both her and Ava hugged for what seemed like forever.

We spent the entire drive to Austin talking about everything from our wedding to cattle ranching.

Ava and I had decided we wanted the wedding to be simple. It would just be the two of us in a simple ceremony on a beach in the Bahama’s. The only real thing we had planned was her dress and the honeymoon.

“Call me the moment you land,” Courtney said as she kissed Ava goodbye on the cheek.

With tears in her eyes, Ava nodded. “I promise I will.”

Reed reached out and shook my hand. “Tell your parents I said hi. We’re looking forward to coming and visiting when y’all get settled.”

“Will do, sir. And thank you for giving us your blessings.”

He smiled, and for the first time since Reed found out about Ava and I, I saw something in his eyes. Happiness. “The only thing I ask you to do is love her and take care of her, Ryder.”

“That will be easy to do, Reed. She is the only reason my heart beats.”

He rolled his eyes. “Save that shit for her, not me.”

With a laugh, I nodded. “Will do.”

Ava and Courtney hugged one last time at security. Ava started crying, so I wrapped my arm around her waist and led her to the line. Resting her head on my shoulder, she sniffled.

“I’m sad and I’m happy. Please don’t mistake my tears for sadness,” she softly said.

My finger went to her chin as I brought her eyes to mine. “It’s okay to be sad. You’re leaving your family and moving to a new state. I don’t blame you for feeling sad, Ava. I was sad when I moved to Texas.”

She nodded. “Ryder, when we get back to Montana, can we spend tonight in the stone house?”

“Of course, I figured we would.”

She wiped her nose and looked into my eyes. Those baby blues looked lost. “Is everything okay, baby?”

Swallowing hard. “I read something in Kate’s diary that I need to talk to you about.”

My heart leapt to my throat. “O-okay. I promised my parents we’d have dinner with them, but then we can say we’re tired and head to the house right after.”

She chewed on her lip and I couldn’t ignore the sick feeling that was settling into my stomach. I had no idea what it was she wanted to talk to me about. I knew it had something to do with Kate and she was clearly worried about it. It had me wondering if I really wanted to know.

Sometimes it was best to leave things left unknown.

“DINNER WAS AMAZING,” Ava said with a huge smile. I knew she was happy to be back in Montana. I could almost see the change in her when we walked out of the airport. It warmed my heart knowing she loved it here as much as I did.

“I’m glad to have you back and to see you walking without that dreadful cast,” my mother said as she and Ava cleared the table.

“We’ve got this if you two would like to talk business,” my mother said. She motioned to my father and he gave her a knowing look.

Once they were both in the kitchen he stood.

“So, I heard from my lawyer. Once your marriage with Ava is final, the house in Helena gets put into both your names.”

I stood and walked over to him and gave him a light slap on the arm. With a wide grin, I said, “Thanks, Dad, for getting all of that taken care of.”

“You know it’s going to be a pain in the ass if you two decide you want to live there. That forty-minute drive will get old really fast.”

Lifting my eyebrows in agreement, I followed him into his office. He sighed and sat down behind his giant mahogany desk. “But, I know what we will do to make the woman we love happy, so I can’t fault you on if you do move into the house.”

I sat down in the leather chair and chuckled. “I do love her, Dad. It’s crazy.”