Breakaway: A friends to lovers romance.

“I have my moments...Don’t tell anyone.”

Colt brought me up to a staircase on the third floor that led to a rooftop terrace that he’d neglected to show me earlier. “Holy shit.” My eyes about bugged out of my head. It was...everything. I was having a hard time absorbing it all. Next to the pool. Yes, pool, was a table with fancy covered dishes. On the other end was a cabana with a bed, draped in layers of sheer white curtains. It was picturesque. “Can we, uh, skip dinner and do that?” I asked, gawking and pointing.

Colton choked on a laugh. “No worries, Allie. We’ll get there...eventually.” My heart sped up at the gravel in his voice. His warm hand cupped my cheek as Colton lowered his lips to mine. The kiss that followed was soft and slow. All lips and breath and toe-curling wonderful.

“Let’s eat before our food gets cold.” I started to tell him that I couldn’t care less about the damn food, but Colton had worked so hard to make this day perfect. I at least owed it to him to see it play out the way he’d imagined it in his head.

“Oh, thank God,” I said when he began removing the silver dome lids.

Colt gave me a hefty dose of side eye. “Two minutes ago, you wanted to skip dinner altogether, and now you’re thanking the man upstairs?” He laughed. “Clearly I’m missing something here.”

“I’m just relieved that it’s normal food.” I waved my hand over the spread of filet, potatoes, and green beans.

“Mmhmm,” he agreed with a nod of his head. “Did you expect play food?”

I spat out a laugh. “No. I did half expect caviar and octopus,” I teased.

What I didn’t expect was his face to fall. “Is this too much?” Doubt furrowed his brow.

Shit. “No. I was just teasing, Colt. Everything is perfect...This has been the best day of my life.” I felt awful. Colt was always so upbeat and playful that I hadn’t even considered that I may have hurt his feelings with my remark.

He perked up a little at that. “Seriously?” he asked, looking all boyish once again. I nodded my head, and I knew that he could see it in my eyes that I meant it. Colton blew out a sigh of relief. “Mine too.”

The food was delicious and we both stuffed ourselves.

“Wanna go try out that cabana now?” Colton teased, waggling his brows as I moaned in discomfort.

“Sure, I could use a nap,” I fired back, frowning.

We ended up in the pool. The sun was just beginning to set, casting an orange glow over the horizon, and I was in the arms of the sexiest man alive. Life was feeling pretty damn good. So were his hands, which were cupping my breasts, and his lips that were kissing my neck.

Reaching between us, I slipped my hand into his trunks, palming the erection that had been poking my belly. An audible gasp slipped from between my lips when I felt how hard he was.

His hips jerked back at my touch. “Allie, you don’t have to—”

“Colton Fowler,” I growled, “if you deny me one more time, I will go straight up Lorena Bobbitt on your ass and feed this thing to the sharks.”

His hands shot up, palms out. “Well then, by all means, have your way with me.”

My heart raced as I slipped my thumbs into the band of his shorts, pushing them down until his hard cock jutted out into the water. Colton sucked in a sharp breath as I resumed stroking him in a slow and steady motion.

His eyes grew bedroom heavy as his cock began to throb in my palm. “Allie,” he rasped, pulling my hand away and placing it on his chest. “Not like this,” he growled, covering my mouth with his. Colton’s hand dove into my bikini bottom, cupping my sex. With the butt of his palm, he applied pressure to my throbbing clit while sliding a finger along my opening. Then he pushed two fingers inside, pumping in and out while circling my nub with his thumb.

“Colton,” I mewled into his mouth, my body already coming undone at his touch. “Stop...I’m gonna—Oh God,” I moaned, digging my nails into his shoulders as I rode out my climax.

Colton’s voice was gravel when he spoke. “So fucking beautiful, Allie.” His hands moved to the ties on the side of my bikini bottom, tugging until they both came loose and the scrap of fabric floated on the water’s surface. “I wanna feel you explode like that on my cock, baby.”

Holy shit. That was so fucking hot. “Yes,” I whispered as he pulled the string at my back, leaving me completely naked. “God, yes.”

Colt’s hands cupped my bottom and lifted. Tangling my legs around his waist, I devoured his neck as he walked us out of the pool and over to the cabana, positioning me in the center of the bed. “Don’t move.”

Propped on my elbows, I watched the muscles of Colton’s shoulders flex with his movement as he worked at the ties on the bedposts. One by one, the curtains came down, cocooning us in our own little slice of heaven. It felt like we were the only two people on earth. Like we’d been transported to an alternate universe.

Colton’s hungry eyes locked with mine as he joined me, his body perfectly aligned with mine. We were all hands and tongues and teeth. Skin to skin. Heartbeat to heartbeat. With my fingers twisted in his hair, I began rocking myself onto his erection. Colton’s hands gripped my hips, halting my movement. The head of his cock moved, sliding along my opening, causing me to let out a loud moan. My body tensed, pulsing with need as he held me still, sucking one of my nipples into his mouth.

It was the most exquisite form of torture. “Colt,” I cried out. “Please...”

“I’ve got you, baby,” he rasped. Positioning himself, he thrust forward, breaching my entrance in one fluid motion. “Are you okay?” he asked, stilling his movements. “I don’t—” He groaned, his brow furrowed with concentration. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“It’s okay,” I cried. “Hurt me, Colton...Just—just move,” I begged. “Please move,” I panted, rolling my hips into him, desperate for friction.

I felt a tear sneak down my cheek as Colton gripped my ass, thrusting forward again with a loud groan. Holy shit. Colt captured my cry with his mouth, kissing me long and hard. Stretching me. Filling me. Owning me.

With every thrust of his hips, we destroyed that invisible wall. There was no way we could ever go back now. The thought both thrilled and frightened me.


WAKING UP IN THE morning to Alex hogging the covers was nothing new. Waking up to Alex sprawled naked across the bed, however, was, and I’d just decided it was the single most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. Her long, dark hair draped over her breasts like a curtain, pert, pink nipples peeking through, begging to be lavished with attention. And, I mean, who was I to deny them?

Heather M. Orgeron's books