Bounty (Colorado Mountain #7)

But regardless, according to Jussy, most of Bianca’s parenting came from Johnny, Joss and Lacey’s parents, when they were around, which, with their careers, was not much.

“Dad and Terrence, they could be dads,” she kept going. “And they pulled those dad cards anytime we fucked up. But they were never assholes about it. That said, Terrence was an asshole about this. Making threats to Lacey that he was going to cut off her money, shit like that. Shit he never did. He wanted Tony gone and he made that so.”

Now she had his complete attention.

“You reckon he knew something about this guy you didn’t?”

She nodded, indicating her phone on the bed with her hand. “Or at least that’s what Lacey thinks she figured out.”

Her voice got even more serious when she carried on.

“Deke, honey, I haven’t seen Tony in over a decade but I have spoken to him.”

“Shit,” he bit out. “When?”

“After Dad died. Not right after, a month or two, before I moved here. He called to give me his condolences. And he asked after Lacey. He also asked after Bianca.”

“And you told him,” Deke guessed.

“I didn’t go into full details or speculate but I was worried about her and getting more worried. I knew he still lived in LA. Bianca was, and obviously is still back there. He had money back then, worked hard, nice clothes, nice cars, and we always got into clubs and places not only because we were who we were, but whenever we were with him it was because Tony had connections. Even better connections than us. So I told him and I think I even asked him to keep an eye out for her and let me know if he sees her or hears anything about her.”

“So you think, he was into her back then so much he stayed into her, he heard she was in trouble, went in search of her, found her, cleaned her shit up and now they’re together.”

“That’s Lacey’s theory but I think it’s a good one.”

“Gotta tell Deck this, Jussy.”

“Yeah, you do,” she said softly.

“Lacey good to talk to her dad about what he knew about this guy to make her call it off with him back in the day?”

“That’s what we’re texting about now. She’s not feeling a lot of love for pointing a finger at Tony if he has nothing to do with this. They ended but it wasn’t ugly. And Terrence has been talking with Perry and Nova, that’s how Lacey heard about Bianca. Cops have talked with both Bianca’s folks. If Lace brings Tony into it, shit might get said that shouldn’t.”

“Maybe smart. We’ll see what Deck finds,” Deke muttered.

He pulled out his phone, called Deck and relayed the information.

“Right, got a name, can get a lot further with that lead but I won’t share with the cops. Not yet. Thanks, brother. Your girl thinks of anything else, I’m a phone call away.”

“Right, later, Deck.”

He disconnected and saw Jussy done with her sandwich but she was looking at him with an unsettled expression on her face.

“I know you’re not okay, baby,” he started. “This happening with your friend. But through that call, something make you less okay?”

“Dad took us on the road.”

He nodded. “Yeah, you told me that.”

“A lot of the time, we had tutors. He was home for a spell, we were in school, but that never lasted long. Except once, when he was on a huge tour, lasted a year, went over to Europe, Asia, Australia, he left us home and put me in school for what I think was the longest stretch I did. Bianca was in that school. Lacey at a private Catholic school. We were without a musketeer, I was the new girl with a famous last name and some girls fucked with me.”

“Right,” he prompted, seeing her focus on his shoulder, her mind was somewhere else.

Her gaze came to him.

“Bianca got suspended because she jumped them.”

Deke knew nothing about girl world and how they dealt with their issues so he asked, “You were tight. Would you do the same?”

“Actually jump them?” She shook her head. “Maybe, though I can’t say I would. I’m not about that kind of physicality. Doesn’t matter, they got the better of her. There were three of them, one of her. And she was the one who started it so she was the one who got in the most trouble. I wasn’t there but I told her between classes what happened and at the next break, she went for it.”

“Jussy, why’s this got you tweaked?”

“In the next month, those three girls had veritable shit storms consume their lives.”

Deke was silent.

“I thought it was karma,” she whispered. “But anything that could happen to them did. Boyfriends breaking up with them. One got her hair done at a salon and the bleach went wonky, most of her hair fell out during the rinse. Another got caught in the parking lot at a mall, mugged and roughed up. It doesn’t end there, Deke.”

“How old were you?”

“Fifteen, maybe sixteen.”

He shook his head, uncertain she was going in the right direction.