Bounty (Colorado Mountain #7)

Christ, was he in for that in his future?

“I got why when we met him,” Jussy continued through his thought. “Like I said, he was a good guy, her type. Handsome. Smooth. A gentleman. Really good with Lacey who can be a handful. The weird thing was that, although he was with Lacey, the longer he was with her, the deeper she got, but as an outside observer, it seemed to me what was happening was that he was getting in deeper and deeper too. Just not with Lace. With Anca.”

“Shit,” Deke muttered.

“Yeah,” she said, nodding, tossing a Frito in her mouth, chewing, swallowing and again talking. “Anc would in no way go there. Girl code. Not gonna happen. Especially with how into him Lacey was. But Tony, he wouldn’t do that either. I got the impression he stayed with Lace for as long as he did just because he didn’t know how to let her down easy. He knew he’d break her heart and he didn’t want to do that. But I also got the impression he wasn’t going to go there with Anca after he let Lacey down. They were just…well, both of them were that kind of people.”

Another text beeped and Deke focused on eating while she read it and returned it.

Then she came back to him.

“How’s this got anything to do with this shit now?” Deke asked. “This guy stick around?”

She shook her head. “No. It’s been at least a decade since I’ve seen him.”


“Far’s I know, same thing with her. She started inching away from us well before Dad died but she was still in contact. And that’s totally something she’d share. At least with me.”

“She give you the heads up she was into this guy too while he was with your other girl?”

She was chewing sandwich and nodding.

When she could, she told him, “She confessed all. It was sad, honey. Because, honestly, love my Lacey girl, but Tony and Bianca suited each other. She has this…” she paused, “fragility. Lace and me, we could take on the world. Bianca was ballsy and she had attitude but under that, well, obviously since she sunk into the life she did, there was a disconnect. There was something missing. Something she needed. I was young and I obviously didn’t know much about the world, I still sensed that something she needed was a man in her life like Tony. He was sweet but he was strong. And when it came to a woman in his life, it was all about her. I mean, he managed to do that being with Lacey at the same time falling in love with Anc.”

She shrugged and finished.

“It’s weird but true.”

“Okay, babe, not gettin’ why you two are on this bent about this guy,” Deke told her.

She got another text. He clenched his jaw, ate more chips, waited for her to get through it, something she did nodding like she was agreeing with whatever her girl was saying, then she looked to him.

“Lacey knew,” she declared. “She’s not dumb. She felt it, saw it, what was happening with them. I think after it was all over, she kinda felt shit about it, not stepping aside for them. We never broached it. All of us or Lacey with just me. But things didn’t end for her with Tony because of that. Things ended with Tony because Terrence put his foot down that Lacey needed shot of him.”


“Terrence Town. Lacey’s dad,” she explained, ate another chip and told him through chewing it, “He was not a hardass. He was a lot like my dad. He and Dad and Perry, Bianca’s dad, they were tight all the way to the end, that end being the end of Dad.”

“Got that, baby,” he said gently.

She nodded and wisely moved past that part quickly.

“Terrence is still tight with Perry and Nova, Nova being Anc’s mom. Dad, Terrence and Perry, they came up in the business together. Out on the road, would run into each other. Worked on music together. At one point, bought houses in LA close to each other. That’s how us three girls became such good friends. In the father stakes, Terrence was like Dad, Perry, as I told you, wasn’t.”

What he knew of Perry Constantine, lead guitar of the metal band Let, and his three-time wife Nova, was that the two of them were a mess, Perry being the bigger one. Their marriages, and the end of them, played out in such a way even Deke, who didn’t give a shit about that type of thing, couldn’t get away from it.

Perry had been in and out of rehab several times, all of them big splashes that included run-ins with police, photographers, fans…and his wife.

Nova, something he didn’t know but learned through Jussy when she’d given him further details about Bianca last week, did one stint in rehab. She waited too long to do it but at least it took and that was the end of the on and off with Perry.

Nova was now married to some television actor and kept hold on her minimizing fame through him and doing guest starring stints on various programs or straight-to-video movies.