Borrowing Trouble

Clint gave a toothy, sarcastic grin. “Pretty much.”

“You can use the truck if you won’t all fit in yours.” That Clint’s old Toyota pickup was too small was a given.

“Thanks, dad. Oh, hey, did you talk to Landon? Millie and her big mouth. We saw him at the store. She told him mom was moving home and I couldn’t really say anything in front of her. But I’m assuming with your big gay coming out you, uh, might wanna let him know … whatever.” Clint’s words fell out, but Jay caught them. Horror flashed through him as he remembered Landon had called last night while he and Bethany fought. It was awkward acting like a teenager in front of, well, his teenager, but he freaked out right there.


“Yeah,” Clint said, at least a little sympathetically. “Um, before you… He’s not going to be like coming for dinners and shit yet, is he? I’m thinking that’s... too soon.”

“First, language, second, no. I wouldn’t even do that if I’d only been dating a woman for a couple months.” That’s the party line, anyway. But he did understand. Jay wasn’t sure he was ready for the kids to know Landon was there as his date yet.

Clint eyed his dad skeptically and sipped his coffee.

Jay checked his phone again, noting Landon hadn’t left a voicemail. But while they’d been talking, a call had come in from the office phone. He wanted to pull his hair out, knowing he needed to talk to Landon and tell him the new developments, even that he realized Landon had fit into his life while Jay hadn’t been paying attention.

He wanted to sit in the comfort of Landon’s company and make better promises than he’d been able to make before. Because truth be told, he’d known it had become more real than he’d expected, probably when they’d made love—er, with penetration—the first time; but it’d definitely become real when they’d sat quietly with Landon running his fingers through Jay’s hair, Jay humming in the quiet night. He’d never felt peace like that, not since he held his children in his arms the first time, and something close to it at fifteen when a pretty girl named Beth sat down and asked him why he was so quiet.

He dialed the office first, hoping this would be quick. “Jay, son, good mornin’ to ya. Sorry to call so early.”

“It’s okay, Ricky. What’s going on?”

“I honestly didn’t realize it was s’early. It wasn’t that urgent. Just was a little surprised, so I wanted to make sure you were filled in.”

“No time like the present.” I suppose. It was definitely still early, there was time to go to Landon’s.

“It’s about Landon.”

Jay’s heart dropped. “What’s that?”

“Landon put in his notice. He’s leaving, so we’re going to have to look for someone new.” The old man didn’t sound pleased at all, grudging at best.

“I’ll be damned.”

“Yeah. Boy said he wants to use his degree. Guess I can’t be too mad at him. But, I hate to see him go.”

Jay sat silent, stunned. Landon was leaving? How was it possible? Surely… not after this. He hadn’t even let Jay explain.

“Son, you still there?”

“Um. Yessir. Sorry. Still tired. And it’s a bit of a shock.”

“I’ll say. We’ll talk more about it later. Like I said, it wasn’t important enough for me to have called so early. Wasn’t paying any attention. I’ll let you get back to your family. Unless, maybe you need to know… he’s at home.” Jay balked, but at this point, he wondered who didn’t know. Ms. Lynne and her fucking mouth.


“Have a good day.”

Jay shouted up the stairs that he would be taking Clint’s truck, which was met with silence. He opened the door and realized everyone had gone already. That didn’t give him pause. He ran to the truck and flew down the road. He almost laughed hysterically realizing he was chasing after someone, and that someone was a man… and he didn’t care. New Jay was going to be happy, and New Jay was going to get through this with his family. He just hoped Landon was up for it.

Kade Boehme's books