Bone Deep

No one took what was theirs.

Vadim was one of two linchpins holding the Russian arm of Joseph’s Collective conglomerate together. Lose Vadim and Joseph could possibly lose control of the billions in oil in Crimea and the billions in human slave trade Vadim ran without conscience. The other entity that headed Joseph’s interest in Russia was a woman who had dealt more betrayal than any one person should be allowed in a hundred lifetimes.

Bone would save Dmitry from that reality as well, though she had a nasty feeling there was no way to do it. It was another insidious truth that would likely tear Dmitry’s world apart at the seams. She was to be Bone’s denouement in this Russian saga and Bone was looking very forward to killing that particular woman.

She had much work left to do.

One foot in the front of the other, she tracked through the small park toward the road ahead. Her soft footfalls marked the light snow, crushing the delicate crystals of ice and leaving a trace, a reminder she was alive. How much longer would that last? When would she have relief from this gnawing hunger to kill?

There were no clues to be found in the Russian night. They would remain questions without answers.

Her creator was here in St. Petersburg. She could feel Joseph’s presence like razor blades on her soul. He’d been visiting the most influential Collective members—the ones who left the last meeting in Arequipa less than assured Joseph had control of the First Team situation. Of course, he was also trying to guess where she and her sisters would strike next. It amused First Team to take the most obvious targets first. Bullet, Arrow, and Bone were responsible for a systematic decimation of the top brass of The Collective. But if their plays set The Collective into disarray, Blade’s upcoming moves would shock the world.

Bone knew Bullet had given Rand a list of their targets—there was one was missing though and it had been by design. No one could anticipate what was coming and Joseph was scurrying as he attempted damage control.

He was also looking for the boy. It was truth that with Minton’s loss, Joseph was now spread very thin. It was beautiful to witness.

A vehicle pulled up and stopped in front of her. “How long’s it gonna take you to get your ass in the car?”

She rolled her eyes at the long, slow Texas drawl. Grant Fielding had his place in her world but he got on her nerves like no other. Not that he wasn’t useful. For all his CIA contacts, the man was a wealth of information most of the time. And he had a secret that would either be his downfall or his saving grace.

It would be up to the woman dogging First Team as to which category he eventually fell in. Of course that was only if Bone let her close enough to explain what the hell she was doing and why.

“I can stand out here a little while longer if it pisses you off,” she answered in a clipped tone.

He barked out a laugh. “Sometimes I hate you, Bone. Get in the goddamn car and let’s get to Yesipov’s before your boyfriend beats us to the punch.”

Bone ignored the comment about Dmitry and got in the passenger’s seat. She then proceeded to peel the wet Gortex unitard off, pulling yet another from her backpack. She dressed in silence, never glancing at Grant, knowing the man cared nothing about seeing her nude.

She settled back. It was at least thirty miles from their destination, and she let the silence grow until it stretched taut.

Then she questioned him. “Who is she?”

He glanced at her, blond eyebrow raised. She compared him automatically to Dmitry. Their coloring was similar, their heights close, their build the same but that was where the comparisons ended. Dmitry was classically handsome—broad forehead, sculpted cheekbones, and patrician nose. Grant was a bruiser. His face, while not ugly, was the farthest thing from handsome Bone could imagine. He looked like he’d been in more bar fights than his face could handle and his nose had two bumps in it from several breaks.

“Who you talkin’ about, sugar?” he asked slowly.

“The dumb hick cowboy act doesn’t work with me, Grant. I’ve known you too long now. You know who I speak of and trust me when I say that if you don’t tell me who she is, and soon, I’ll stalk her and take her life. Don’t make me cut her short.”

The car skidded to a stop. He turned to her, aggressive intent in every line of his body. “You won’t hurt her. I’ll kill you first.”

Bone threw back her head and laughed. “Oh, Grant, that’s funny. But if you’re worried, simply tell me who she is. She’s been tracking us since Bullet was in Arequipa, maybe longer. Then she showed up in China with Arrow. If she’s one of Joseph’s gone rogue, perhaps we can work together.”

Lea Griffith's books