Black and Green (The Ghost Bird #11)

I became a doctor because I was supposed to. My mother had a plan for me and I reluctantly did it to please her.

And now I’ll be forever grateful, because you and the others are often at risk and need me. I don’t care about the job, or the money and security like my mother often talks about.

I want you safe. I want everyone healthy and happy.

I know you inside and out, Pookie. I could memorize the feel of your pulse. The way you look at me, those eyes make me want to stay by you.

I need you, Sang. In my life. I’m not so picky as to ask anything of you except to see me when you can.

I want to tell you something about how I feel. I should tell you in person. I’ve been wanting to tell you for a while. How I’ve fallen for you.

I want to wait to tell you when you can hear it. I’ll always tell you anything you want to know.

You’re free from your old house now. I’m sitting on Kota’s bed, listening to you laugh as you’re eating pizza with the guys downstairs. Later, we’ll be sleeping on the floor with the others.

This is how it should be now. Everything was wrong before.

Does it feel right for you, too?

I don’t want to pretend I’m okay with everything as if nothing bothers me. I think I’ll be a little jealous if I see the others kissing you. I’d appreciate if everyone kept it behind closed doors.

I may forget sometimes, but I’ll try.

I’d also love to be able to see you more. I’d love to take you on dates, anywhere you’d love to go.

I’d love to show you some of my own favorite places.

I know I’m busy. But seeing you more is what I need. It doesn’t have to be all the time.

Maybe now I can just call you and say good morning sometimes. Call me often. I love hearing your voice.

There’s a few questions I have for the others. Jealousy might be something we have to work on together. This won’t be easy. I don’t have a problem talking with anyone about this. I’m ready to talk about it.

I won’t pressure anyone, like Sang said, but this won’t work without all of us.

We’ve said we’d support each other no matter the final decision. I don’t know how we will end up.

Honestly, I don’t mind how. I’d camp in a tent all year long, as long as Sang and you guys were nearby.

Also, my parents. If things work out, I don’t think I could explain to them the truth.

I know many of us share this issue. Some of us may be facing this much sooner than later, especially if Sang will be staying at everyone’s houses regularly. Questions will be asked.

We need to be prepared.

But we can’t do any of this without being sure about ourselves.

We’ll also have to convince the Academy this is right for us.

Lily and her team can only help us so much. We have to figure the rest out for ourselves.

Maybe this notebook will help. If you’re in, then I hope you’ll write in this.

That’s all we really need, isn’t it? Just a confirmation that we’re all willing?

I’ll tell everyone, when they’re ready to hear it, how I feel about Sang, and how I want my family, my brothers, to stick together.

And Sang, Pookie, if you feel this is right, I’m in. I’m behind you.

With love,


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Books by C. L. Stone The Academy Ghost Bird Series: Introductions

First Days

Friends vs. Family

Forgiveness and Permission Drop of Doubt

Push and Shove

House of Korba

The Other Side of Envy

The Healing Power of Sugar First Kiss

Black and Green

Love’s Cruel Redemption (Coming Soon!) – Turn the page for a sneak peek!

The Academy Scarab Beetle Series Thief





Tempest (Coming Soon!)


Other C. L. Stone Books: Spice God

Smoking Gun


The Academy The Ghost Bird Series Love’s Cruel Redemption ?

Book Twelve ?

Written by C. L. Stone Published by Arcato Publishing

Into The Night


Nathan Griffin drove Kota’s sedan through the night. Trees lined the road on either side of him, the lane too narrow for another car to pass. Was this a lane or the driveway?

The headlights weren’t the brightest. The gravel road was littered with potholes. Kota’s car didn’t have the best suspension, either.

He should have brought a Jeep. Or anything else, really.

He gripped the steering wheel, trying to stabilize his roaring feelings so he could pay attention to the road. A deer or another animal could hop out of the woods at any moment.

Why did they have to live all the way out here? What was the point?

Eventually the trees parted enough that his high beams finally came to a large white plantation-style house. It reminded him of some homes he’d seen downtown, where Victor lived, but wider. The surrounding grounds were trim, but bare for midwinter.

The grandeur of the place seemed out of place as it was in the middle of the woods. It seemed too fancy to be tucked away and hidden from the world.

As he drove closer, around the loop of the driveway, this opinion faded. The bushes were a little too wild and needed pruning. The grass was filled with weeds. The front porch appeared in disrepair.

Nathan parked the car, closing the door and hitting the key fob’s button to lock it. Did he even have the right house?

Yet it was exactly where Mr. Blackbourne had described it.

He had second thoughts about coming here late at night, and without calling ahead.

He needed to talk to someone. Lily might be the only one who could help him.

The dim windows of the estate made him think they might not be home. Or that they might already be asleep and not welcoming visitors.

He climbed the front porch steps carefully and put his keys into his pocket. He felt for his phone, secure in another pocket.

He stood at the front door, nervous.

He closed his eyes.

He pictured Sang’s face.

Her tears. The pleas.

He looked down at his own hands, the blood that still stained parts of his knuckles.

Blood on top of older bruises.

He tried to wipe away the blood, but it had dried hard to his hands.

He groaned, shaking his head.

He made a fist and pounded at the door, then stabbed a finger at the doorbell.

After a few minutes, the door inched open and a face appeared. He was shorter, with reddish hair, and a glare that held strong. He frowned at Nathan.

“What do you want?”

“My name is Nathan Griffin,” he said. He pressed his palms against his jeans at his sides, hoping to hide the marks and blood. “You’re Liam? You’ve been mentoring my team. Blackbourne. Sang...”

He nodded slowly. “I know them. I don’t remember you.”

C. L. Stone's books