Billionaire's Lies: A Novel

"I can't hold it in any longer," I breathed, willing him to keep his rhythm so I could have my release. He spanked my ass again and then grabbed me by the hips.

"Yes, you can. And you will," he told me. He pulled himself completely out and tasted me again. He was moaning and lightly spanking me every few licks. "Get on top of me."

The fire was starting to go out but we were still ablaze. His green eyes could light up the whole room. I slowly slid down and held on to his chest. He grabbed my ass and moved my lower body up and down on his shaft. It was fast and wild and becoming harder and harder to not reach my peak. I closed my eyes and our bodies continued to collide without my help. His grip was firm and his face showed me that he was in the zone. We locked eyes and not only was the rhythm the same, but we even breathed in unison.

"I'm almost there." I moaned, reaching out for him. He took his hand and grabbed my chin. Then he sped the rhythm of his hips up and down faster than any of the times he's ever been inside of me. "I'm about to--"

"No. Hold on," he said firmly. His eyes were getting brighter. I rolled my hips as much as I could. In all honesty, my knees were getting incredibly weak and I was only propped up because of the effect Blake had on me. If he wasn't here, I would have collapsed ages ago. "Kiss me," Blake ordered. Our lips met, and we finished at the same time, our bodies colliding into each other as we writhed passionately.

The room was dark. The fire had went out a long time ago. I used my hands and propped up against his body. I could feel him. His body was wet with perspiration as was mine. I traced my fingers from his hard chest to his rippling abs. I was shocked to feel a part of me wanting more out of him again. I was tired, but I couldn't get enough. It was like an electric spark that shot straight through my center with every touch.

"Christina?" His voice was groggy. "Are you okay? I can't see you." I could feel his body shifting around.

"But can you feel me?" I asked. I allowed my fingers to trace their way down his muscular chest, abs, and then finally to his cock.

"What are you doing?"

"Just touching you." I licked the sweat off my fingers. "And tasting you." He started becoming erect beneath my fingers.

"So taste me, then."

My hands led me to it and I wrapped my lips around his head. With every lick and kiss, it started to become more erect in my mouth.

"Go deeper and don't stop until you can't breathe." I kept taking more of him in and I was gagging. I tried to pull back but his hand was behind my head. I relaxed, but I knew I needed to breathe. Like he read my mind, he pulled my head up and I wheezed. He swung my body over and tasted me again. I sat up straight and rode his tongue.

It's official. I am addicted to his tongue, I thought to myself giddily.

His hand pushed my back down and I put him back in my mouth again. Although I was getting immense pleasure from him, I had to stay focused. I wanted to pay him back for all that he was giving me. I had a goal in mind.

Bobbing my head up and down in the dark, while relaxing my throat, I knew exactly how he liked it. When I forced my head lower, I heard him moan. He smacked my cheeks and groaned. I went faster and he followed my speed. It was almost like our tongues were competing for speed. When my tongue worked faster, his matched my speed and then exceeded it. When I slowed down, he did as well. I went faster and rough. He copied me, but I could tell he was close to his end. I picked up the pace and moments later, he finished.

Chapter 11

The sun's rays woke me up again. They chased away the darkness and I saw that Blake was slowly walking out. He was still nude and half-way through the door before I startled him.

"Sneaking out?" I teased as I made it onto my feet.

He smiled, his eyes bright, and shook his head. "Not at all. I was simply going to get started on a breakfast order to go." Keyword: to go, I thought disappointedly, the trip felt so short.

"Are we in a rush?"

"I have those meetings to attend."

"With the gorgeous blonde?" I smiled weakly. I meant it as a joke, but a small part of it felt true and it hurt.

"Come here." He held his hand out. I put my hand within his. He brought me to a mirror that was in his bedroom. "You're gorgeous. You have this whole look to you."

"Is it the blonde highlights? You know you have a thing for blondes."

"Stop it." He looked at me though the mirror. "Beautiful blondes are a dime a dozen, but you are one of a kind. This black hair, your fair skin, your body," he spanked my round ass when he said that. "And on top of that, those eyes."

"My eyes?"

Kendra King's books