Billionaire's Lies: A Novel

My heart was pounding for him, even though we'd done this several times before. The way his eyes burned into mine, the way he was looking at me like I was the most desirable woman in the world, and the way every inch of me felt loved by him was making me incredibly shy and incredibly sexy at the same time. Blake's large hand cupped the back of my head and he pulled my face to his before kissing me deeply and passionately. Our tongues danced with each other and I closed my eyes, giving into this alluring, gorgeous man.

His other hand tickled its way down my neck, down my chest, leaving a trail of goosebumps all the way to my already throbbing clit. Blake's kisses became harder and more desperate, and I could tell he was losing control and giving away to his lust and emotions. I spread my legs for him, my own hand reaching down to find his lengthening cock that was already dripping for me.

Blake's fingers taunted my clit before stroking the length of me, fingering expertly placed circles on my wet *. I moaned and thrust my hip towards his fingers, willing him to finger me harder, but it was just then that he withdrew his hands. Wordlessly, he circled my hips with his arms and tucked his hands under my ass cheeks.

He only took a moment massaging them before he pulled my body on top of his, tossing me on top of him like I weighed a feather. I stared at this wonderful man, totally mesmerized and captivated by his aristocratic handsomeness. While I was distracted by his high cheekbones and chiseled jaw, he guided his cock to my entrance and teased my opening. Blake had this sleepy look to him, his lips were fuller. He looked like pure sex and I wanted him right then and there. I tried to ease him into me, but I could tell from the burning emerald of his eyes that he was the one in control tonight. He took me roughly then, and he took my breath along with his hard thrust. A gasp escaped me and I hugged his body close to mine, digging my red-painted nails into his back and kissing his neck to muffle my moans.

"Spread your legs wider for me," he coaxed me, his voice low and husky.

Immediately, I spread my legs as wide as they'd go and he drove deeper within me, forcing me to cry out in pleasure. Blake wasn't pulling any punches: he was slamming his body hard against mine and the sound of my wetness filled the room, competing with the roar of the blaze. I was relishing in the ecstasy he was providing me. His hands were gently around my neck as he pumped in and out of me. He held a tight grip around my face and our eyes remained locked. With every unforgiving thrust, he looked right into my soul. He wanted to see how his actions were giving me pleasure. And by the slick smirk on his face, I could tell he wasn't disappointed.

My climax caused my body to jerk around and he pushed me onto my back. One of Blake's arms propped him up beside me while the other smoothly reached down for my clit. His strokes were slow and luxurious, in direct contrast with his merciless pounding of my *. He pressed his weight down on me more, his speed slowed and he closed his eyes. I started biting his ear and squirmed underneath him, my body not knowing how to react to all of the pleasure he was giving me. The combination of his teasing fingering with his aggressive thrusts was driving me closer and closer to the edge. Blake grunted and collapsed on top of me. The look on his face was slick and wicked.

He withdrew from me and lowered his face between my legs. Blake didn't hesitate before he began licking me with slow, steady, sure strokes, and I was creaming over and over again. He didn't slow down despite the fact that that I was almost closing my legs on him. He just pinned my legs back, opened up my lips, and sucked hard. I couldn't even speak full sentences. I just kept gasping for air while my heart was beating ten times faster than normal. It felt like it was going to stop any minute.

"Please..." I wiggled more, craving his cock and his tongue at the same time.

"Take it," he instructed. "Take a deep breath," he said in between tongue laps. I breathed in deeply. "Now hold your breath." Two seconds later, I exploded again, crying out Blake's name repeatedly.

He picked me up and kissed me passionately. Moments later I was flipped onto my stomach, and my * was being spread by Blake's fingers.

"Look at how wet you are for me," he whispered in my ear, breathing hot air on my neck that covered me in goosebumps.

Another finger was added, stretching me even further and making room to accommodate his thick member. His other hand wrapped around my hair and he pulled my head back. The smack against my butt was sudden because after he did it, his fingers were right inside of me again. My juices were sliding down my lips and covering his fingers. "I know you want to explode again."

"Mmm" was all I could manage.

He spanked me again and pulled my hair back harder, sending a delicious shiver through me.

"You going to have to hold onto that thought."

He thrust inside of me again, filling me up in a way that his fingers never could. Blake teased and toyed with me, pulling out a little bit and hovering at my entrance before he pounded me hard again with deep strokes. Every time he pulled out of me a little bit, he yanked on my hair.

Kendra King's books