Beyond the Consequences (Book 5 of the Consequences Series)

Taylor’s voice returned him to present. “Do either of you plan on telling me what happened?”

Eric shrugged. “I don’t know what you want to hear. It sounds like she’s moved on. I guess we just keep an eye out for her or new mailings. At least we now know for sure who we’re looking for.”

Taylor crossed her arms over her chest and wrinkled her brow. “I went to Olivia. I haven’t said a word to Mr. or Mrs. Rawlings and this is the way I’m treated. If you think I’m naive enough to believe this report at face value, you’ve seriously underestimated me.”

Eric stood and handed her the pages. “Read it, and see if you find something we missed.”

As she reached for the report, Eric’s gaze met hers and he whispered something Phil couldn’t hear. A cold chill filled the room as Taylor turned and met Phil’s frigid stare. A moment later the door to the security office closed and Phil and Taylor were alone. Taking the pages, Taylor silently went to the sofa and settled against the soft leather. Her blue eyes scanned each page. Occasionally she’d stop and reread a sentence or a paragraph. Phil wasn’t sure. He hadn’t heard exactly what Eric had said, but by the way she looked at them, he knew it was about Patricia.

What would she say or think if she knew what went on in Olivia? It wasn’t like her record was without blemish. The more Phil got to know Taylor, the more he knew that they were in many ways cut from the same cloth. Maybe that’s what bothered him the most. Eric accepted everything as part of his job, part of his responsibility. He rarely questioned. Phil knew that Taylor would want to know more. If the roles were reversed, he’d want more. After three weeks of wondering if he’d made the right decision, Phil still didn’t know. That contrary was something new. Never in the past had he second-guessed himself.

Phil turned his chair away from Taylor and watched the monitors. They were on a random feed from all around the estate. Since he’d taken over security, the cameras were more advanced than they had been. The new house also had fewer cameras within the rooms. The first floor was fully accessible to surveillance, even the Rawlingses’ office. That had been a point of contention with Rawlings when Phil first took over security, but Phil reminded him that the recorded conversation in his old office was the key to his innocence. They compromised. The office feed was only accessible with the proper dual code. Only Claire and Rawlings had access-to-one half of the code. Therefore, the office would only be reviewed if one of the Rawlingses and a member of the security team were both in agreement. The lawns, gardens, pool, playground, and all of the outside grounds were constantly monitored. The capability was present for the front gate to be either physically or remotely manned. No one could access the estate without being admitted and recorded.

Phil closed his eyes and remembered.

Patricia’s eyes filled with tears. “What does that mean?”

“It means we’re leaving here. Say goodbye to Melissa Garrison.”

Phil pulled the gun from his pocket. Pointing it toward Patricia, he said, “You have two minutes.” In her left hand, she held tightly to her cell phone. He nodded toward it. “Place that on the table. Go. Get whatever you’d grab to leave. If you have cash hidden, I recommend you take it now. You’re not coming back.”

“I-I don’t have—”

“You do,” he said, “in the cupboard in the bathroom. Go now.”

She moved slowly, deliberating each word he’d said. Placing the phone down, she turned. “How do you know about the money?”

Aleatha Romig's books