Beyond the Consequences (Book 5 of the Consequences Series)

Claire nodded as she took a sip of her coffee.

“I especially like how they wear each other out,” Emily said. “I hope they welcome Beth into their world.”

“I like the wearing out part too, and don’t worry, they will,” Claire reassured. “Nichol’s elated that the girls now outnumber the boys.”

“I worry that they’ll think of her as a nuisance, being younger than them.”

“Did you think I was a nuisance?” Claire asked with a smirk.

Emily grinned over the rim of her coffee mug. “Hmmm. Maybe I shouldn’t answer that.”

“Well, maybe Beth needs someone closer to her own age?” Claire hadn’t broached the baby subject with Emily in a few months. Her sister had no idea of the work she and Tony had been doing to get Claire ready to be pregnant.

Emily narrowed her gaze toward Claire. “If you’re talking about me, I think I’m done for a while.”

Claire laughed. “Well, since Beth’s barely a month old, I’d be shocked if you wanted to jump on that again.”

“Then I hope you’re suggesting a play group. Claire, you can’t be thinking of—”

Claire sat straighter. “Em, don’t do that. Don’t make everything an argument. You’re my sister. You’re supposed to be my friend, not my mother.”

Emily rubbed her forehead. “I’m sorry, Claire. I’m tired and my filter is sleeping.”

“No,” Claire replied. “When it comes to me you don’t have a filter. Tony and I are planning to try for another child.”

Though her head moved back and forth, Emily remained silent.

“We’re not jumping into anything,” Claire continued. “We’ve been working with my doctors. I’m off all my medicines.” She noticed Emily’s eyes widen. “I have been for over a month. We’re supposed to wait a little longer, but the doctors are all on board and so is Tony.”

“Does that include Dr. Brown?”

“Yes, she was the first one I discussed it with. I still meet with her twice weekly and Tony’s been to a few of my sessions with her. We’re being careful. I’m doing fine. I feel good, and I mean that in the best of ways. I get happy and sad. It’s the way it’s supposed to be.”

Emily reached out and covered Claire’s hand. “I’m not your mother, but I’m your older sister. I can worry.”

“No, Em, you can’t. You have enough to concern yourself with John, Michael, and Beth. Worrying about me is not a priority. I have a fantastic family and life with Tony and Nichol. We’re ready to try to expand it. Tony even said that if the doctors decide I shouldn’t get pregnant, we could adopt.”

“Really?” Emily’s tired eyes opened wide. “Anthony Rawlings is willing to raise someone else’s child?”

It was Claire’s turn to narrow her gaze. “What does that mean?”

“Hmm, nothing. I’m just surprised; that’s all.”

“Don’t you think it’s possible to love a child even if you weren’t the one to give birth to it?”

“You know I know it’s possible,” Emily replied.

“Then what’s the issue?”

Emily momentarily closed her eyes. “Claire, there’s no issue. If you’re truly doing this with the support of your medical team, I’m happy. I see how excited Nichol is with Beth. She’ll be thrilled to be a big sister.”

Absorbed in their conversation, neither Claire nor Emily saw the children approaching. “I’m gonna be a sister?” Nichol asked, her cheeks pink from sun and exercise and her eyes wide with questioning.

Claire reached out and rubbed Nichol’s back. “You’re all hot. Do you want some water?”

“Shannon’s getting some. Can we have a baby too?”

“Maybe someday, sweetie,” Claire answered. “Maybe someday. Right now you’re a big cousin. How do you like that?”

“I like it, a lot!”

Michael ran towards the table as the light on the small monitor flashed and the springtime air filled with the sounds of baby whimpers. “Mommy, baby Bef’s cry’n again!” Turning toward Claire he said, “Baby Bef cries a lot.”

Aleatha Romig's books