Better Off Undead (Blood and Moonlight #2)

“Because I like Greek letters.”

Aidan tightened his hold on the guy’s wrist. “I could break this with less effort than it would take me to breathe.”

Drew’s eyes widened. He paled a little, then he laughed. “You actually think my sister loves you? You? Mary Jane is a cop! She helps people! There is no way—no flipping way—she’d fall for some psychopath like you. You want to break my wrist? Do it. Go ahead. But I am not going to tell you another damn thing about my family.”

Don’t kick her brother’s ass. Don’t. “I know all about Jane’s burn. A burn that looks just like this scar.”

Drew’s cheeks weren’t just pale any longer. They’d totally bleached of color.

“I know Jane saw her mother and stepfather die right in front of her. I know she called out to you, begging for help.”

“No.” The one word was hoarse as it broke from Drew. “She didn’t. Mary Jane never called out. I was there the whole time and she never said a word.”

What? Anger turned to rage as Aidan stared down at Drew Hart. The beast was close and Aidan used his power.

Let’s see if he really is like Jane. “Tell me everything.”

Drew’s gaze seemed to turn foggy.

“Tell me where you were when Jane was attacked. Tell me what you did.”

“Uh, boss…” Garrison began nervously.

“Tell me…” Aidan shoved all of his power into that order.

Sweat dripped down Drew’s temples. “I hid. In the basement.”

“Now I call bullshit. The vamp would have smelled you.”

“Mom…mom always gave me this special lotion. Said I had to put it on every day. Me and Mary Jane. When we were kids, she told us it would keep the monsters away.”


“She was a fanatic. Always made Mary Jane and I use it. Realized later that it blocked our scents. Figured it was so our father couldn’t find us.”


“I hid in the basement.” No emotion was in Drew’s voice. “I watched. They killed mom. They killed our stepfather. And they…they tied Mary Jane to that table. She was screaming and I-I smelled…smelled them burning her.”

“Oh, fucking hell,” Garrison whispered. He grabbed a bottle of whiskey and just started downing it. “And I thought I had it bad.”

“I watched,” Drew admitted as his head sagged. “I watched them hurt her. I didn’t make a sound.”

“You didn’t try to save her?” But Jane cried out for her brother at night. Dammit. His Jane cried for help.

“The vamp…he left her, just for a moment. Went upstairs.” Drew licked his lips and his unfocused gaze seemed to sharpen. “Wait—what’s happening? Why am I—”

“Tell me the rest. Tell me how Jane got out of that basement.” Drew wasn’t a vamp-in-waiting, but the guy’s mind was strong. So strong that Aidan had to work hard to control him.

“I rushed to Mary Jane.” The words came stiltedly. “Untied her. We ran to the window. There was one small window in that basement. I went through first. I turned around and put my hands back through the opening. I was going to get Mary Jane out. But…but the vamp grabbed her legs.”

Garrison had frozen, the whiskey bottle inches from his mouth.

Aidan could hear the hard drumming of his own heartbeat.

“But…our father appeared. Our real father, the one I’d feared for so long.”


“He…he grabbed the other vamp from behind. Held him back so Mary Jane could get out.” Drew’s voice went ragged. “I don’t think Mary Jane remembers that part. And it’s good because…our father…that vamp attacked him. With fangs and claws and there was so much blood and our dad…despite everything, I swear, he was still good because he screamed for me to take Mary Jane and…to run.”



Drew is under my power. He has to tell me the truth. Aidan tapped Drew’s arm. “Why the fuck do you have this tattoo?”

“To remind me that my sister suffered to protect me. To remind me every single day that there is good in the world. Because even though she won’t let me near her, even though Mary Jane says something about her is too dangerous…Mary Jane is the good in my world. Wearing her mark is the least I can do.”

Aidan let him go.

Drew exhaled on a ragged breath and shook his head. “Where is my sister?”

“Walking into danger. Isn’t that her usual way of operating?” Aidan turned away. “And I’m going with her. Because I have her back.” Just as I know she’d have mine. “You can stay—”

“If Mary Jane’s in trouble, then I’m coming, too.”

Hell. I know I have to be more careful with my words. I let that “can” slip out. I should’ve just said…You stay here.

Drew grabbed his arm and spun Aidan back around. “If my sister needs me, I’m there.”
