Better Off Undead (Blood and Moonlight #2)

The threat was out there. Her nostrils flared and she pulled in the scents of the city. But…

The light changed. She took her time crossing the street. Tension had gathered in her body and it took all of Vivian’s self-control not to let her claws burst out. But instead of using her claws, she reached inside her jacket. Her fingers curled around her gun and she slipped it from her holster.

You’ll find that I’m not easy prey. She knew these streets so very well. Knew how to hide. And how to hunt.

Vivian slipped into a small space between two buildings. Not an alley. Far too small for that. She flattened herself against the nearest wall. Then she waited.

Footsteps rushed toward her. Vivian’s eyes turned to slits. She barely breathed as the unknown assailant rushed into that little space after her…

Vivian attacked. She grabbed her prey, shoved the would-be attacker against the brick wall, and Vivian put her weapon underneath the chin of the—


Vivian froze. She was staring straight into the terrified eyes of news anchor Sarah Steele. She had her gun aimed right between those terrified blue eyes.

“Please,” Sarah barely breathed the word. Her blond hair fluttered over her shoulders. “Don’t shoot me. I just…I just wanted to ask you a few questions.”

Dammit. “You don’t sneak up on someone like that! Got it?” Vivian started to lower her weapon. This was going to be a PR nightmare. “You want an interview, you ask like a normal person. You—”

Sarah’s eyes seemed to bulge from her head. A high, desperate squeak burst from her lips.

“What is it now?” Vivian demanded, disgusted.

Then she realized…Sarah was looking over her shoulder.

But I didn’t hear anyone else coming behind me. I didn’t smell anyone. I didn’t—

She spun around, trying to lift up her gun, but there was no time.

Claws sliced across her wrist and the weapon flew to the ground.


Two bitches for the price of one.

He carried them, one at a time, and dumped them in his ride. The captain had thought she was so smart when she’d taken shelter between the two buildings. He was smarter. He’d let the reporter distract Vivian, then he’d moved in.

And he’d made sure to use his vehicle to block the small space between those two old buildings. With his vehicle positioned there, no one could see what he was doing. No one saw the blood or the unconscious women.

It was his lucky day. To get both of them. Just like this…


Vivian Harris was out cold. He’d carved her up a little too much. But the reporter…

Her eyes were already fluttering open. He leaned over her and smiled. “Hello, Sarah Steele.” He made sure to flash his fangs at her. “Guess what? You just scored yourself an exclusive.”

Chapter Thirteen

Aidan shoved open the door at Hell’s Gate. It flew back, bouncing against the wall, and at the loud crash of sound, the human who’d been sitting at his bar jumped to his feet.

He looks like Jane.

The dark hair was the same. The dark eyes were the same, though Jane’s gaze had more gold flecks. Aidan cocked his head as he closed in on the shorter man.

Her brother was average height, average build. His jaw was a little soft and stubble covered the lower part of his face. His hands were clenched at his sides. “Look, fellow,” Drew Hart blasted. “I don’t know who you think you are or what the hell is happening here, but I was told my sister needed me. And I want to see her. Now.”

Ah…so he had a bit of Jane’s give-‘em-hell attitude. Good. “Jane isn’t available at the moment.” She’s walking into more danger and I’m about to rush after her sweet ass. “So you have to settle for me.”

“She’s not available?” Drew’s voice rose. “Listen, you,” Drew said as his hand lifted and he jabbed his finger into Aidan’s chest. “You don’t tell me she’s not available.”

“Oh, bad move,” Garrison muttered from his position behind the bar. “Shouldn’t touch him, not even if you are her brother.”

“What?” Drew cast a confused glance Garrison’s way, then looked back at Aidan. “You need to—”

Aidan had just noticed the tattoo on the guy’s forearm. Swirling, black…Aidan grabbed that arm and twisted it around for a better view.

Drew screamed—a little in pain and a whole lot in shock. Aidan shoved the guy back against the bar and studied the tattoo. “Omega.” The guy had gotten a tattoo to match Jane’s scar? What. In. The. Hell?

“Who are you?” Drew asked, voice breaking. He tried to shove Aidan back, but Aidan wasn’t in the mood to move.

“I’m the man Jane loves.”

“He’s Aidan Locke.” Garrison offered helpfully.

Aidan snarled at him. He didn’t need Garrison’s help right then.

“Wait—what? My sister loves you? She actually…she let you get close to her?” Then Drew shook his head. “No. Bullshit. Bullshit. Mary Jane doesn’t let anyone close. Not even me.”

“Why do you have that tattoo?”