Beautiful Distraction

Only a dream.

“Ava, I love you,” Kellan says into the mic, his deep voice steady, beautiful, penetrating every layer of my soul. “That day you damaged my car, that’s the night I first wanted you. When I asked you to stay, I thought that would be all I’d ever want. I thought what I felt for you would pass. But I was wrong. I want you more than ever. I want you with me, by my side. I want to wake up next to you every morning for the rest of my life. I asked our families to be here so they can witness the most important day of my life. It’s the day I want to tell you that I belong to you, and you would make me the happiest man alive if you became mine.”

Pausing, he reaches inside his pocket to retrieve a black velvet box and opens it.

My heart throbs. Metaphorically drops. If I looked down, I’m sure I would find it at my feet. The ring is so beautiful it takes my breath away. I look up from the sparkling diamond to his eyes. They’re shimmering with emotion. Fear. Happiness. Anticipation.

This is his moment, our moment.

“Ava.” His voice is slightly choked now. “Will you marry me?”

I’m happy and overwhelmed. I clasp my hand in front of my mouth. My heart screams yes, but I’m having trouble pushing that sound out of my lungs. I just nod before I finally croak out, “God, yes. Yes. Yes.”

I keep repeating it. He’s all that matters in my life.

He is my life.

Kellan rises to his feet and slides the ring on my finger. His arms wrap around my waist, and then he kisses me. His lips are sweet and warm, and feel like home. I don’t know what to say.

I’m touched.

I’m emotional.

People are cheering. Congratulations are raining down on us, but I’m too lost in Kellan’s eyes to hear them. I want to stay in his arms forever.

I won’t ever let him go.

Before I know it, he steps back and flashes me a grin. The music starts again.

City girl,

I’m only a cowboy

I know this will drive you insane

But when I say I want you to stay

I mean it for real and for life

City girl,

I’m only a cowboy

I know this will drive you insane

But when I say I want to marry you

I mean it for real and for life

When I say I’ll marry you

I mean it for real and for life

When the song finishes, he receives a loud ovation, and the hugging begins—first Mandy, then my parents, then Kellan’s brothers, who are huge and strong like Kellan, and from up close scare the crap out of me.

Seriously, I hope they won’t smother me.

The party begins. Food and drinks are being served. We chat. We tell stories. We laugh. But Kellan’s eyes never let me go.

It’s only later, when the engagement party’s over, and everyone is gone, and there’s only us in the barn, that I sit on Kellan’s lap.

I cannot help but keep staring at my ring.

It’s such a big rock.

“Are you sure?” he asks, catching me staring at my ring again. “And you’re not saying yes just because everyone was here, and there was a lot of pressure on you?”

“I think that’s why you called everyone for emotional support. Your ego couldn’t take another ‘no.’” I kiss his lips, my mouth lingering on his, breathing him in, indulging in his taste and scent. “I’ve been waiting for this moment for the past eighteen months. You sure took your time.”

His brows shoot up. “Well, I had to make sure you wouldn’t refuse me. I worked hard to change your mind.”

“I never had to change my mind, Kellan,” I whisper. “I already knew I wanted to be with you the moment I saw you. I just thought you were too good to be true. That you couldn’t possibly be serious about us.”

He frowns. “Why would you think that?”

I shrug. “You’re still famous, Kellan. You have the looks and the talent, and could go back to the rock star life any time. You could have any woman in this world, and yet you chose me.”

“I did, probably because I only like one type, and that’s you.” His voice is soft, his tone meaningful. “I love you, Ava.”

“I love you, too.” I smile at him, then look into his eyes, and think of how our future will soon change. My voice is slightly choked. “Kellan, will you still marry me if I tell you that I’m pregnant?”

His eyes widen, though I can’t tell whether it’s with shock or horror. “You’re pregnant?”

I nod. I’m so happy, and yet I don’t know whether I should feel this way.

What if he breaks up with me? He said he’d never commit to someone with kids.

Instead of anger or confusion, I find his lips breaking into a smile. His eyes shimmer with joy.

“All the more reason to get married then.” His smile turns into a grin. He’s about to say something to try and annoy me. “Except…”


“How far are you along?”